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Adjourned railroad meeting this evening. . Hen havo been at work this week precting telograph poles for tho new coiupany, tbrough the city. - Ilook and Ladder Company are preparing to attend the state' ffremens' tournament at Battle Creek. -The first load of native melons appeared on the strcet on Tuesday, reared ten miles the "othor side ot' Ypsilanti." - Rov. Mr. Allen and others of the Delhi Club will address tho meeting at tbe Opera House on Sunday evoning tiext. - The Gregory House was elosed on Taesday and awaits a tenant. The late landlord, on account of arreara in rent wasnotified to leave or pay up. - For the coming four Sabbaths the Congregational and Preabyterian union ohurch services will be held at Presbyterïan church, Dr. Brown officiating. - Judge Morris adjourned oourt on Saturday to Sept. 2. His Honor is giving litigious parties all the time necessary to presont their grievances in extenso. - A peculiar method of taising money vas that of the colored camp meeting. Attendance was light, until its terinination, Sunday, when a considerable nuniber were present. There wasn't inuuh money in the enterprise. - Mr. David Gcdfrey of this oity offers a Tare chance tt persons wishing to buy a firm located atKlba Station, Lapeer county. It is well Wjoded, watered and has buildings in goud repair. It is offered for f 50 per acre. ■ - Messrs. Gates & Little have contracts for building two dwellings on South TTniversity Avenue, to cost each about ?l,400. One for Judge JloCfcllan of Waterloo, Ind., the other for Mr. H. T. Morton. They are to be coinpleted Nov. 1. The Washtenaw Pioneer Society wïU tneet at the court house on Wednesday, September 3. This will bq the annual meeting of the society and its first meeting held here since the new court liouse was completed. A large attendance is cppcted. C. Donovan of Ann Arbor, who for the past three years haR been employed as first United States assistant engineer on thejetty works, at South Pass of the Mississippi river, has been ordered to JSÍe w York city, where he will be stationed during; the sickly season south. - Tho time for receiving bids for constructní the museum and other UniTersity buildings has been extended for one week, from Thursday, August 21, at noon. Builders in Chicago, Ann Arbor and elsewhere are figuriug on the contract, and it was found necessary togive thern more time. - At the state teachers' instituto to be held in the law leeture room, commencing on the 21st andcontinuing until the 29th, the following persons will take part in the conduot of the proceedings: Profs. Eastabrook and Pease of Ypsilanti. Prof. I. M. Wellington of Detroit, Profs. Perry and B. F. Niehols, and Mrs. Prof. Perry of this city. On his way to Lansing with Fred Foley and awaiting train at Jackson, Fred, who had acted so well as to gain the confidence of Sheriff Case that official eyes were removed from hiui half a minute, ran for the wocds. The next day he was found at the residence of his mother, and taken to the capítol where he sojourns for four years. On Thursday of last week about tbree hundred children, scholars of Zion Lutheran Sunday school, met at the church and marched to Relief Park where they were addressed by Prof. E. Schmid of Colutnbus, Ohio, Christian Spring of New Hamburg, Ontario, and Rev. Mr. Stacy of Northfield. A picnic and yarious plays were afterward indulged in until 6 r. M. At the railroad meeting Friday evening the following corumittee was appointed tosolicit subscriptions : W. B. Sraith, Philip Bach, William Wagoner, Henry Krause, Jas. O. James, John G. Lawrence, H. S. Dean, A. W. Hamilton, A. L. Noble, H. C. Waldron, Leonard Vaughn, James B. Gott, Charles Fanlle, Edward Treadwell. Thecommittoe will make their report this evening, to which time an adjournment was had. - Some weeks ago David Godfrey, of Elba Station, Lapeer county, a nephew of Mr. David Godfrey of ihiscity, while returning from Lapeer city, was thrown from a wagon, the horses frightened by the raising of an umbrella, receiving injuries from which he died a few days thereafter. Mr. G. was m&naging a large farm for his uncle at the time of his death. Deceased was 42 years of age and leaves a wife aod two children. - It has been many a day since the opera house was crowded as on Friday evening, when over 1,200 persons assembied on the occasion of Charles Davisou's social. While previous sociala were good, and drew large audienoes, this one in particular was a littleaheariof anythiug yet given, and reflected great credit on Mr. Davison, who had the management and arrangement of the programme," which consisted of recitations, duots, solos, comic songs, Prof. Amsden's great barrel mystery, a whistliug solo by Burt Keith of Detroit, oornet solo by Miss Adda Bennett of Jackson, etc, etc. The receipts amounted to f110 25, which ■will leave a handsomeprofit to the club. Mrs. Dr. Tyler and Mrs. Henry Dodsley will have supervisión of the next social. - Mrs. Jennie Badger Reade of this city, formerlyof Manchester alleges that Thomas P. Murray of Terre Haute, Indiana, failed to marry her as agreed, and stae therefore wants a good many thousandsof dollars tosootheher wounded feelings. From a purusal of the cornplaint and the defendunt's roplication as appear in Terre Haute papers it is averred that the plaiutiff is an unchaste woraan, who travels about the country alighting upon victims, and henee is not the sort of woman a virtuous man wants for a wife. To establishthe truth of these charges of impurity and prevent the recovery of a verdict against him a commission, V. E. Shaw, a student in attorney Sawyer's office has been taking testimony tuis week of persons possessing knowledge of her alleged sinful deeds whilo in this city. Plaintiff retains E. D. Kinne, counsel; Messrs. A. J. Bawyer and A. E. Huwitt for dofense. - An effort is uiaking for tho abolition of houses of ill-fame. - L. Colby and fainily of this city have removed to Flint. i - A straw stack belonging to George Keal, whose land adjoins the fair grouud, burned on Wednesday evening. - On Monday next occurs the anuual election of Relief Park Association offioers. - Mr. J. D. Buldvvin, residing in tho oastern part of the city, expects to realize 8,000 baskets of peachos from his orchard this year. - Iu casting about for a distinguished gentleman to address the people at the county fair, the managers should not overlook Presideut Hayos. -Miss Mary T. Muehlig of this city was united in marriage last evening at Zion Lutberan Churoli by Rev. H. P Beleer, to Will H. Adatns of Minnesota - The amount needed to insure the building of the railroad to Pontiao has by the great exertioa of the soliciting committee, been reduced to about $3,000 - Z. P. King, Treasurer of tho Alumni Assooiation of the University, gives the information that the paymente of subscriptions to the Williams fund, both principal and interest, aro aiuek larger than last year. - John Allman west of the city in the township, arrested for assault and battery on tho person d Gotthilf Ebersbecker was arraigned before Justice Frueauff on Wednesday and case adjourned to Aug. 29. - The faculty of the University has resolved that drinking, gaming, and f requentiug houses of ill-fame do not coustitute portions of a univörsifcy course, and have notified several students who last year devoted much time to tbose branches, that they need not return to their alma mater. - The St. Lawrence benevolent society have passed a saries of resolations to be i'ound elswhere in these columns expressive of their deep sense of bereavement over the death of the Rev. F. J. Van Erp, the president of the society and the personal frieud of all its members. Their assenibly room was ordered draped in mourniiig for 30 days.


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Michigan Argus