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In Memoriam

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WnEREAS, lt aas pleased the all-wise Creator ia his inscrutible wisdom to remove trom our luidst and froin the farnily circle of our worthy brother and sister, P.H. Murray, their dear and aged mother. And whereas, We as mombers of one ireat brotherhood sy mpathize most deep ly with our brother and sister in their loss of one so dear to them. Therefore, Resolved, Xhat our most heartfelt sympathins and condolence be extended to our bereaved brother and sister in this sad hour of afüiction, and may they tind consolation in the belief that though lost to sight her spirit has only departed from this world of pain and trouble to a higher elimo, thero to dweil in that house uot made with hands eternal in the heavens. Resolved, That the above preainble and resolution be enterad upon the records of our Lodge, and a copy of the same be presentad toour biotherand sister. Salem, May 23, 1879. It is a sad sight to seo an intoxioated person on the street. How ruuch so is it to see a dull and sickly Baby rendered so by the use of dangerous opiates 'i Dr. Buli's Baby Syrup contains nothiug irj'irious and may be given to tho most delicate Baby.


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