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-Public schools open Monday, Sep. 1 . After aH,debts are paid the Reform Club has $500 in its treasury. -Teachers' Instituto begina on Mondny next in the low lectura room. A trot on the Faiï Grounds is announced for Saturday, Aug. 30. Also a fooi race. -Last Friday was the holiday known {n the Catholic and Eastern churchea as the Feaat of the Asaumption. - From 90 to $100 proflt from the Bed Ribbon excursión to Grosse Isle gwelled the esohequer of the Keform club. - In the case of People va. John Allman, charged witb. assault and battery npon Gotthilf Eberapeoker, adjourned to Wednesday next, -At the First National Bank Canadian bilis are received at one per cent discount. Mexican dollars are taken at 85. Trade at 90 centa. - Miss Kitty, daughter of Walter Hicks, residing on Cemotery Street, died suddenly oc Tuesday niorning of inflammation of the bowels aged 22 yearn. - By reference to real estáte sales elsewhere appearing in these columns, it will be observed that ex-sheriff Fleming has purchased a $4,500 residence on Huron Street. - The old bridge over the Hurón rirer on the McMaster road, so called, has been torn down and a new one, at a coat of f 1,000 will take its place. Ex-Ald. rko3.i has charge. - A ehe8tnut cane with curved top, feruled at bottom, and on top the initials E. K. 1849 cut in, belonging to Justice Frueauff has been lost or mislaid. A return of tliis article, preeented by a friend, is desired. - The ooinmission, for the taking of testimony in the fainous Jennie Badger Beade vs. Murray oase, wherein plaintiff saes defendant to recover $25,000 for allegod breach of promise, has reached the second week of existence. - The following speakers are announced to address the Whitmore lake massmeeting to be held on Saturday ; Rev. E. B. Pope, Michael J. Fanning, K. E. Frazer, Rev. I. C. Higgins of Detroit, Cspt. E. P. Allen of Ypsilanti, and State Senator Childs of Augusta. - William Noble is building a residence for Mr. Aretus Dunn next to M. E. parsonage. Also an office for Dr. Frothinghatn on División street. On Tuesday evening he oontracted to build residence to eost about $1,700 for E. J. Kaowlton on Sast Huron street. - Another lot of trampa were sent to lonis Monday. They gave tbeir names m Philip Eogers, Wm. MoNeal, William Bichards and George Andrews. Tbey were found sleeping in a Michigan Central freight car. The two first mentioned get 90 each and the others 95 dys. - At a guardián sale on Wednesday by Leonhard Gruner, Esq., guardián one-fifth of the real estáte left by Geo. Fiselier, lately deceased, and located in w&rds one, two and town of Northfield, subject to a Ufe lease in favor of Mra. lfry Fischer, the propnrty was purhMed by Mrs. Fischer for f 1,700. - A new olothing store will be opened Sept. 1, by W. W. Douglas and W. R. Henderson at the present location of Douglas & Co., under firm name of Douglas, Henderson & Co. Mr. Henderson is late of the clothiug house of Joe T. Jacobs. The new firm will continue ia the wall paper trade of Douglas & Co. - The street committee and the Ann Arboragricultural company have reached an understanding relative to a bridge over the race in the Fifth ward. The company has consented to build either stone bridge or brick sewer 100 feet in length, and the expense of grading and filling ii to be borne by the city and wrd, and will necessitate an outlay of over $100. - The annual meeting for election of offieerg of Belief Park Association rewlted thus : President, C. Eberbach ; vioe-president, Fred. Schmid ; secretary, J. Wm. Hangaterfer; treasurer, John WsIe; tmstees, John Haarer, G. Luick, J. Berolzheimer. The association will hold its next meeting on Monday evening, Sept. 1, in Turners' Hall. - Sainy as was the day of Friday the day set apart for the excursión of Compny A to Put-in-Bay, there went into its treasury as net profit the sura of $95, 85. The water portion of the trip frora Detroit to the Island was made in three hours and thirteen minutes in the rnidst of one of the storms for which lake Erie i f&mous. About 250 were sea sick. -Mr. and Mrs. Shepard Tibbitts returned Saturday from Ann Arbor. Mr. T. speaks in the highest praise of the Cook House, best hotel at Ann Arbor. He says the people of that enterprising towo ara a genial, sociable, accommo Utingclass, and that hia visit was pleasnt throughout. He advises all visiting Ana Arbor from this vicinity to stop at the Cook House, where they will be kindly received and the inner-man well provided for. - Fremont Indicator. -Col. C. N. Goulding of Toledo, the well known temperance orator, will, at the close of the Reform Club social this erening, present the beautiful and effectire Biblieal tableaux entitled "The Eefuge," ot "Simply to the Cross I Cling," illuminated by a powerful calcium light. This tableau is pronounced by the press, public and clergy to be the most effeotive ever presentad to an audience, and is offered in addition to the ery unusually attractive programme for the evening. The first public appeaiance of the Ann Arbor City Band will be made at thia entertainment. Prioe of admÍ88Íon 10 cents. -The following bridesmaids assisted tthe marriage of Miss Mary Muehlig ouThursday evening of last week: Miss Nullie Seywert of Cleveland, O., Miss Jennie Jolly of this oity and Miss Rose Raoff of Detroit; grootnsmen, Mr. Ralph Phelps of Dotroit, Mr. D. F. Schairer nd Mr. Andrew Muehlig of this city.- The jam at the ohurch was immense, everal hundred being unable to gain dmittance. The reoeption at the residence of the bride" mother on Main 'treet was attended by 100 of the intite friends of the bride. The house M beautifully trimmed with evergfeens, and the frout yard was illuminte4 with Chinese lantorus. - Courad Sohneidorhas purohaaed the house on the corner of Main and Packard streets for $1,000. - The speaker for Sunday evening's meeting at the Opera House is S. W. Sample of Grand Haven.


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