Adjourned Railroad Meeting
As per adjournment the friends of the extensión oí the T. and A. A. Railroad met at the court house on Friday evening; James B. Gott, Esq., was oalled to the chair ; upon assuming which he restated to the large audience present the conditions demanded by Mr. Alley, before completing the road to Pontiao. - These are the raising of $1000 per tuilo and seouring right of way. Parties said the speaker, f mm Ypsilanti in the interest of the Detroit and Hillsdalo road opposed our project and endeavored to secure the location via Ypsilanti. But a letter from that gentleman stated that if we complied with the conditions, viz: Raising the required amount and obtaining right of way by Sept. 1, he would build the road to Pontiao via Ann Arbor. Mr. Gott called upon Col. Dean, as chairman for liin report of the committee appointed at the original meeting, as to what its meuibershad accomplished. It was as follows: Ann Ahbor, Aug. 15, 1879. Mr. Chairman and Fellow-CUizens: Your coinimttee appointed last Friday evening for the purpose of soliciting subscriptions to raise the additional $6000 required froin Ann Arbor to secure the construction of a R. R. froin tbis place to Pontiac have directed tne to report the result of their weeks work. Your comniittee have worked faithfully and have to report that they have 8ecured subscriptions including those mudo at your last meeting froin the people of Ann Arbor and i til medíate vicinity amountiug to $3,988 which is $2,112 less than the su in required of Ann Arbor. In addition to the tibove amuunt your committee have secured subscriptions trom farmers residing along the line of the way, outside of Aun Arbor, amonnting to $840, making a total of $4,828 as the result of your committees work, all of which is re8pectfully submitted. Mr. Hamilton was happy to observe so large a gathering present. This enterpri8e said he, is your enterprise. Our interest are ideu ticul. We have advantages of beino; the county seat, the focus of learning, as well as in other tbings. If wb had not put in some hard work these advantages would not be ours at this time. All know with what labor the court house was finally securcd. - This spirit of entorprise must not be permitted to suffer for the want of it. - Eaoh can do a little. The committee are worn out. We must raise more money this evening. Col. Dean wanted two minutes to say Homething. He wanted to address each person present individually. He had nsked every man in the city to subscribe. If the road is secured, it ean be credited to six uien, all of whom had given more time and money than they could afford. Let this road go to the east of us, our property will in coiumon suffer. We aan not, must not, lose it. Gen. Clark, poor aa he is, by a procesa of oral addition and subtraction proved how the road had already saved him f33 in two years, by reduction of price of coal. He put his autograph toa $5 note and, in a short speech counseled others to do likewise, though amounts were small. Called upon by the chairman, Dr. Knapp of South Lyon said he hadn't much enthusinsm this eveniug for it had been spent along the line. What he and others wanted to aid them in his section were a few of the best solicitors of this city. Rev. Mr. Sunderland asserted he didn't have much money now, nor did he ever expect to have. Visiting the east lately he learned how a city made a niistake in not securing a railroad within its grasp, and, at this date with towns rivaling it, her citizens are now mourning over what it might have been. Our case is precisely similar. He had $25 in his pockets that was burning for this project. Several hundreds of dollars were subscribed at this moment when alderman Hutzel arose and proposed to be one of fifteen who would guaranty to raise $100 each, and Bettle this job here and now. One and another volunteered until the number secured. Ina very happy frame of mind the meeting adjourued to Fiday evening one week henee.
Old News
Michigan Argus