Manchester, Aug. 19. - Probate Register Doty and wife were in town over Sunday. - Mrs. E. M. Spafard has gone to Toledo to attend the iSnengerfust. - Tbo Miases uriñes and Shipman of Jackson aro visiting frienda and relativcs here this week. - Burkhardt, the furniture man, is going to put up a fine brick block in the plaoo formerly ocoupied by the marble worka. He will use it himself for a furniture store. -The M. E. society will hold their next social at the residence of E. B. Norris, Wednesday afternoon, also a lawn party ia the evening at which refreshments will be served. - The old sidewalks are being torn up and replaced by new ones throughout the length and breadth of our city, and the average pedestrian will aoon bave nothing to swear at. - Saturday afternoon a team owned by a man named Dean became frightened by the breaking ol a neck-yoke J "u ■' ry. Upposlte the Baptist church they overtook and ran intoThos. Clark's team, badly breaking both wagons and bruising Clark quite severely .
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