Roman Ladies
The Rome correspondent öL the Philadelphia Bulletin writes as follows in regard to the fair sex in the eternal city : For the first time since rny arrival in Kome, I saw some really very pretty dresses, made quite fashionably in Paris style, if not in Paris taste; for lloman ladies aré too partial to loud colors to be in perfect Paris taste. Pink, red, and pompadour were the favorite dresses worn! The new poke bonnets are in great favor, ugly though they be, and unbecoming. Lace mittens are preferred to gloves here, on account of the heat. When gloves are worn here, cotton gloves of the same color as the dress are worn. This niay appear strange to American ladies, who are so dainty with their hands, but in Kome it is the correct thing, quite. The Roman ladies are very handsome, and have beautiful creamwhite complexión, but they are just a a little too fat.and the ladies in society "make up" just a little too much - especially their eyes, which they cannot make too long nor too 'velvety looking! The Traste verian woman is the handsomest style of woman in Rome. She does not make up her face, but she wears false hair. The traditional long Roman hair is begmning to be a tradition and nothing more. Still the Trasteverian is a magniflcent creature and has not her superior in any part of the world, not even in the Land of Fair Women, America! I suppose you know, by the by, that blondes are going out of f ashion ; black, chestnut and auburn are the only colors which take, now, and of these, black is the favorite. Italiim ladies are rejoicing. It is said that more dark beauties marry than fair ones, and thus all ladies now want to be dark ! The Chinese keep grapes fresh a long while by cutting a hole in a pumpkin, cleaning out the interior, putting in the ripe grapes and replacing the cover.
Old News
Michigan Argus