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In Memoriam

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The subject of this sketch Mis. Eliza A. Johnson who suddenly passed away 01. the 18tb inst. waa in 10 sense an ordinary woman. She was born in Jerseyville Ont. Oct. 3d, 1848 the daughter of Wm. Lymburner one of the oldest aml most respccled [tiasni af tbiit put of the Province, Here slie rassed hor frcsh, bright girlhood ; she reccived her Imition p&rtially in the schools of her native vilage but flnished her studies at the Normal school f Toronto Ont. where she was distinguished for her are personal beauty and scholarly attalnments, vliilst her tenderly iclnd disposltion endeared her o teachers and class-mates. She was married m 865 ii Mr. Geo. Johnson wl'osc home wau at Saline. Uere she oame a bride and has lived up to the time )f her deccase and has sutfered much frora iU-heath duling all these last years, being never f ree from anguor, and wearinepa if not in actual pain. Mrs. Johnson's relii,'ious sympathieswere not narrow or iaiited to one form of worship ; she saw the good md true in any orgimization,holdinga sincere coiltempt for all mere preteuse or sham. The soul of sincerity hersolf, the earnest and sincere ever found n herasisterly Byir.pathy. In hor immediate i'amiy she lcaves a husband and one daughter an ODly child, and the ec'ipse of this dark sorrow overshadows tho homes of a father, brothcr and four sisters. The loss of our loved ones alwaya brings a pang, but of this wife, mother, daughter, sister, 'riend, the character was so marked and of such oroiuinent traits as to niake her death feit aa no conimon loss. From the last sad services of the departcd one, her friends shall return to the duties of life to lind in them ever an added shade of sadness, to the joys and companionship of remaining friends, to realiza that henceforth they mustbe less becautíe she has lelt them. Over their whole future lives shall be the shadow of the loss of one so tender, good and true. But though ehe passed away in the bloom of her young womauhood and leaves a shadow here, she stands radiant there. The sun goes down and the vesteni horizon ismanüed with a palé of darkness but there shall be over the enstern horizon a rising amidst auroral splendurs. The deeeased was a sinter of Mrs. Bev. B. M. Rogers oí Chatham, Ont , of Mrs. E. A. Frasur of Detroit, also of Mrs. II. McLean of Ana Arbor, and of Mrs. (i. "V. Caswell of Blrmlngham.