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To Ladies Visiting The State Fair

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-Maura. Geo. Peck & Co., of Detroit, desir to eitend a mort cordial invitation to the ladies to TÍíit their ttor doring Stat Fair week. TUey will hare on exhihition t that. tima il the latest and leading noTeltics in iiks and nao drea good iuitabl for autumn and winter wear, togelher with the newest design in hawls and cloaks. Thie will afford our lady frienda an eioellent opportunity to poet themselTe on tho rery important qiHMtion, " What U to le worn tbis eaon f' The house ij on of the oldeit and moet reliable in the State. Any recommendations they mar make can ba accepted without question. Ptck & Co. reile th fct that much of thoi .ucces in tho past is owinj to the liberal patronK tunj liar receirea lrom iacueg throiighout the State; and wishing to ahow tUeir approciation of it, they tak Ihi ntthod of inyiting them to make tljeir tor headquartera during their itay in the city, wheiher intending purchasing o not, aiwurinj; thtm that eTerything wiil b done to mak thir yisit pleuaut aud agreeable, Ak Ixtitatiok.- Walter Euhl A Co., the hatterg, 10 Woodword ayenae, Detroit, make use of our columna to extend aa inviution to all ir readen to riiit their rtore during the Sta Fair. The li-kown enterprUe and tate f thi ■ew are guarxatee tLat risitori wiU tkr find much te admire and to profii tj. Th leadiog stylm in head coreringi for enüeme and Touth ar alwai to U found at Bnhl'i, together with a well aswrti ttook of all other goodg in their Jine. They ar alm extensir Dianu facturera and ïmnoriem of Military, Knights Templar, aod Society good genera) ly, oíd andilT lace, cordi, fringi, tñaseU, ete. Detroit, whioh it aotd for taait and faehion, as no more nobby a hous tlian thü On, and ur readera sliould not neglect to viiit u Oiir merchante ifioul not lall, when in Detroit next week during th 8tat Fair, to visit the wliolcale dry goods houneof J. K. Burnham A Co., 170 mi 172 Jeífernon avenue, eorner oí Woodward. The firra have recently taken poejessicm of their new building, the Carpnter Block, the fintat piece of architecture in the citv, and deeir u to invite all our reader to eall m them in their new quarters, No doubt many of our merchanta will accept theii kind inTitation and loot iuto tha working of this establishment. Visitor to tuk Stat Fair.- One of Detroit' attractions during the State Fair will b the mamraoth establishment of Abbot & Kktchum, No. 107 Woodwaxd Avenue. This concern ia the largert of ita kind in the Stat, and the stock of Carpets Ou, Cloths, Curtaiws, Lambrkquih, etc., etc., in iranicnn. They occnpy the entire fire storicg nd basement and yerr availa'jle inch of pace is corered with their rioh -.Tares. All yisiton U Detroit, are eordiaJly inrittd to cali. A magnifioent eievator, run bj hydraulie power, is alwsys in waitintr to carrj rUitoif ts oy part of the building. Ah ATTnAcmTB Visit.- "Vf are eommissioned to invite our readers who p?opoe attending the 6tate Fair at Detroit to visit tho plcndid factory of Gray, Toynton & Fox, manufacturing confectioner, corner of Bate and Woodbridge x:rrtfat. Tui is the largest eonfsetionerr honse in Uie Ww!, and the proprieton and their eentlemanly clerki will take pleasnr in ihowing rmitors through the faclorv. and every courtesy will be extended to'tiiem, whether tliey purchae or not Gentlemkw : Stat Fair will noon benpon us. hvery known invention and deïgn will be eihibitcd there. People will flock from all part of the State, but they will not eo any Bample garment frora the well nnown Iiouko of John Lynch A Bon 117 üriswold street. Thii house thinka H wie nol to exhibit clolhe, but extend an invitation to al! gentlemen while in Detroit to cali on them, where they will find the most cxtennive stock of woolena lor fine Tailoring. ifer. Lynch & Son wiü be pleaned to have all stranger cali on (hem whether they wisjj to piircha or not aad they wüJ be received with maiked oourteay. SPECIALI.T Invtted.- The reade of this paper who may visit Detroit during the State Fair are tpccislly invited by F. 8tearn to viait his drug itore, 83 Woodwani avenue, corner of Larnrd strett. Mr. Stram 1 a Hrugpist of long experience, anl i familiar with etery detail of his trade. It i worth mentioning that if ny rare drug is eought for it íh aura to be obtainable at his establishment. He buvs nona but firat-claiw goods, and ha a weílrned riputation for the asortmcnt which h alwav keeps. PhyRicians are eepwially invited to look through Mr Stearns stock of turgicai instrument truwe, etc., etc., which íh much the largest in the city. His prices will be found to be the Irrwent, as hiï rerr laioe trade ind'cates. -, ' The Df.:i!ocrtJ of Wiseongin irct ou Pui sday aud placad a very trongtioket lieaded l'j Hou. Alxnd ÏCitohIl, iu tlia field. It is in the po wei ff oui frienda with so etroiijj caodidafc fci govarnclr to win tliia state, considmug thut Kayes had only 6141 injorit), wid that the dectnt portion of the Reub)ican prtj have been inswlted Oy the election df tfif. nctonously imiaoitil MuU Caiptnttr to ths spnie. Eleotion in California;: San Francisco electa Kallccl;, cuiiyor, th WorkiitBip winning t.'io sheriff, auditor and mooi ui the city oficiáis, the firfiabliini tb baUnoB. Fuur Iiiyablion i:oiifs5uiiji probably eiwi.', in th U%. iu th proiont cupigrtis.! thrii-ij tvt two BfB., tv,ü Dbitj., ons of iba Jattoy beiüg senttid I y coviti. Tb pohtics of Cliforui U wHys cuixad, r mors 90 tbeu vr thU yrar, and ia no criterion by rhich to judga tho iatur. Hcre is a cus of buil dozing colored man in Ypsilanti damanding the itnme(iinto attention of Ir. Chnndler'a Detroit oigan. Kobwr Edwsrd Thompeon ruarried once oo ofte nd was coiupelied thcTKÍ'or to to exodus hitusfrlf. No mtter if the bull-dozing wa done by wife numbvr one, it is biil)-dozing just the same. Edrd ha been deprired of Uring where he watited ud witfi tho wife bo luv,d must. Last ycav Bn Butler trieii t wW race tu the execulivo niaiigion oi Massachusetts by a very noisy catnpaign. Tbis year fje chnngea táctica and adopta tho Btitl htuit yolicy. The Miohxoah State Fair -Ererybody nnd " liin sisters md his oousins nu, hid nuiita" will Kfttüid or at WütendeiTor toatiwnd tbe Stnte Fuii beid at Dt-troit next wuf'S. "While thcre we advino them to liH)k hout the city, acknowleilged by üTiiry une to be Ü;e prettiest city in th'e Wcat. The dwalrs thre are prejmring forgranddispUys. Especïnlly inthistbc case with D. P. VTorV, tbe booksclier una stfttionei, looated at 148 VVoodwnrd ave., (four doors abovo tho Cüinpns Murtiun.) He extendí special invitation to ai! tu oall and tee his large display of books, statiooery, antojjruph albutna in cloth, RuBsiit and TelTot binding; algo crap books, embracing man; new and defirable patterne ; eauvas folios (new designa), leathertriiutued and hand-ernbroidered iu silk. We gnnranteu that mnny iftti carry away with them a bock or othcr article tft a memento of their risit. This gentleman bas upon his shelves all the latestpublicatiuuitand anybookpnbiished eau bo ototuiucd of hiui, and at thti very loweet prices. Ba sure and cali at thia book store, so well and widely known, and you will be repaid.


Old News
Michigan Argus