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- Monroe city has 1816 school children. - Calhoun Oounty dookot contains eleven divoroo case!. - The mayor proposos to onforce the new liqnor law in Fhnt. - B ittlo Créele íireiucn are $250 ahead on account of the tournament. - Clinton M. E. church has 197 inembera, au increase of 27 the past year. - Nut a single member ot' the Jonesville hose company ever takes a " drink." - Almost evory vicinity exciiangonotioaa the arrival of Captain Jack some day last week. - So happy is the Pontiac Qazetleover saving Maine and California that it brings out a gun. - Mouroe'a September docket shows 10 criminal, 4G civil, 5 imparlanees, and 21 chancery casos. - Zach Chandler has bought a team of horses of Col. Stockbridge of Kalamazoo ; price, SI, 000. - Monroe County fair commonces on Tuesday, the .'iOth instant, and holds until untU Priday followingv - The Pontiae Quzelte, believing that the tax saléis more profitable crowds out its temperanco column. Singular! - The editor of the Ovid Register is so good, or so bad, or so totally indifferent, that the ministers preach about him. - W. G. Puddefoot, a Teoumseh shoemaker, has dropped his last and goue to St. Cloud, Mich., where he is to preach. - John Clark, of Clinton, Lecawee eounty, lost his barns, hay, wheat, etc., by the on the 14th. He is out about $2, 500. - Imlay City will hold a meeting soon to seo what she can do to aid the extensión of the Toledo and Anu Arbor railroad. - Heury Wood of Deerfield, whose pardon froin Jacksou prisoa was noticed in these columns last wetk, died three day8 at'ter release. - The methodist churehes of Michigan are all to be asked to help the Port Huron society rebuild its tornado-stricken house of worship. - A southern Michigan editor who went on a tour around the lakes got "strapped" whilo at Muskegon, aud had to go to work on the river tallying lumber. He eventually ïeached home, however. - Joseph Koch, a Detroit brewer, had his feet cut ofl' by a passenger train froiu which he tumbled Saturday night vvhile traveling from Pontiac to Detroit. Uf course every one can guess why he lost his balance. - The postmaster at Niles, having in view a recent tight between a minister's sou and a pillar of the chureh, says anybody who thereafter makes a disturbance in that postoüiue is going to the lock-up to cool off. - Den Vauderpool of Adrián, aged 32 and a brakeman, feil bet ween the moving cars of a freight train at the depot iu Coldwater Bundiy morning. Botb anus were crushed, requiring amputation, and his head was bruised. - Pending the result of the charge made against Rev. JE. Barry of Bellevillü, by a former servan t girl, he is uot to be given an appoiutuiout this vaar. anu tiiu . . ,n v ■ uia l' rii) UiatiioL will have to decide Opon bis oharacter. - It has been decided to have a grand re-uniou of the prisouers of war duiing the late rebellion in Toledo on the lst and 21 of October, and already about 2,000 of the old sufferers have notitied the committee of thuir inteution to be present. - " Mother Curtís," a Detroit celebrity, has been taken intocusto'ly on sus picion of having murdered one Ella Lasoder, who died in a drunken debauch in February, 1878. The detectives havo been on the scent ever scince and have strong evidence. - Facts drawn out sinco the arrest of the Adrián boy gambler and the keeper of the garuing den where he practiced, have shown whei'e some of the güded youth of Adrián spent their daddies1 wealth and acquired a keeu insight into that purely American game, draw poker. - While RosaCannon, a young lady of Deerfield, was trading iu Eurnliam's store, she suddenly threw her hands to her head, uttered a piercing seie-uu aud fainted. She had an attack of spinal fever, and was removed to her uncle's residGuce, where she lies in a critical condition. - The farmer girl under 15 years of age who can make the best loaf of hop rising bread will receive 2,50 premium at Hillsdale's fair. Also she of same age who makes the bost roll of butter weighing two pounds will receive the same premium, provided both be residents of that eounty. - Despite the lesson of suspension of the Detroit soft money Daily Mail, the removal of the Michigau Hun from Detroit to Jackson, which will 6oon juin the departed newspaper host, and absorption by the latter of tho Jackson Legal Tendfr, some ambitious person threatens to start a Greenbaek paper at Lansing. - Harrington, a Detroiter, has a water velocipode. Buoyancy, 290 pouud.s ; speed, threo to four miles au hour. A light frame work for the seat, in front a hollow drivo-wheel with "buckets," aud in the rear a couplo of hollow woodenfish serving as rudders, and corresponding to the hiud whoelsof a trieycle. The machine goeth. - Mrs. Maun of Albion, who began suit against a rum seller or beer-dis penser for selling liquor to her husband, and thus, as she alleges, causing his death, bas been required to give securi ty for costs. She is poor and can not do it, and it seems that the worthy Albion tempereuzlers are disposed to let her severoly alone in her attempt to practice what they preach. -About November 1, 1878, Mr. C. Grohl's two daughters left his houso in the night-time while the rest of the family were asleep. which consisted of the father and threo smaller children, the mother having died a few mouths previ ous. Nothing has been heard of thmn since. Their ñames and ages are as follows: Caroline Grohl, aged 15, dark hair and eyes ; Florence Grohl, aged Ki, with light hair and blue eyes. Any knowledge of thom will be gratefully roceived, addressing lïawsonvillo, Wayne county, Michigan.


Old News
Michigan Argus