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Eaton Mills, Sop. 9. -Michael Dawson is improving tho appearauce of his houso with a now addition. - At Monclay ovcning's school mooting Mr. "W. F. King was clectod to lili the Dircctorship. - Augusta farmers aro taking advantage of this fine weathor in cutting corn and sowing whoat. Tho niajority havo threshod, with vcry satisfaotory rosults as far a8 hoard from. - Saturday aftornoon, Sept. 6, Bollovillo was shooked by one of tho most painful accidonts known to that vicinity. Wm. E. Warner w tearing down an old sawmill with tho intention of o- 1 _ i "in,ri.:i rooting a tiow ono in lts placo, wnno preparing to lowerabont a gust of wind struok and turned it iu an opposito dircction from which Mr. W. intendod it should go, whcn it feil striking hini across tlio body, sraashing hini fcarfully, death resulting instantly. IIo Bpoko once and brcathod but twicc aftor tho tirnber was removed from his body. Mr. Warner waa born in Monroo County, N. Y., in 1821, and moved to Michigan wlien quito young. What is singular bis fathor was killed by a similar accident. Mr. W. began to toaoh school at the age of 17 ; was elected constablo at 21 ; and at 26 electod Justice of the Peaco which office he held nearly over sinco ; served two terms in tho Senato and one in tho House ; Eegister of Doeds four years ; Supervisor 18 ; he will bo sadly missed. He was a zealoua worker in the temperanco cause, boing at tho time of bis deceaso President of tho Belleville Reform Club. A wifo, three children and a large cirelo of frionds mourn his loas. Funeral services held on Monday at tho M. E. church woro conducted by E. Barry of Belleville and H. O. Parker of Wayne, under the Masonic order. The church was crowded and many could not gain admittanco, and was the largest funeral ever held in the village. Eaton Mills, Sept. 15. - Win. Webster has sold his stand at Paint Creek to Manassah Ebersole. Elraor Simmons has just roturned frorn tho Toledo fair. He spends a day or two at home and then gocs to Chelsea. Dr. J. Bolo Las niovod his office to the " Corners." Iïe has had quite a sorious timo lately with his hand, which was bitten by a woodchuck. - Last Thursday evening the peoplo of Eaton Mills met at the school houso and organized a Library Association. The meuibership fee is ten cents. They intend giving a festival or supper Sept. 20, for its benefit.


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Michigan Argus