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Joseph Newall, an old man, while in a fit feil from his buat into the Kalaniazou river at Saugatuck Wednesday and was drowned. He leaves a wife. Alvin 1. Gordon is under arrest at Grand lïapids under a charge of poisoning hia wife. The butter tub fartory at Holland was burned Wednesday molding. Owned by J. H. Purdy & Co. Loss $5,OÜO; insured in the Firemen's Fund for $2,000. The twenty-fourth session of the Detroit annual conference began in the First Methodist Episcopal church. Ann Arbor, at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. Bishop Thomas Bowman of St. Louis presidedPeter St. George, a very old ad alinost blind man, residing in Erin, Macomb countv, claims that he was bom at Montreal, Jauu. ry 18, 1773, and carne to Detroit in 1804 and commenced the business of peddhng. He i a pensioner of the war of 18 1.2 The twentieth Michigan ifantry will hold its annual reunión at Marshall Octobir 8. Kiiward D, Molson, treasure of the township of Chippewa. Mecosta county, has been arrested on a chir.'ie of embezzling $800 of public money. He gave bail to appear for trial. The forty-fourth annual session f the Michigan conference of the Methodist Episcopal church convened in the M. E. church o f Ionia at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning with Bishop Foster presidingj The ttorkmen in the saw-mills at Ludington are on a strike. The crew of Ward's north mili marched to Ward's south mili, Boby's, Danaher & Melendys and the Pere Marquette lumber company's mili on Thursday, and were joined by the crews of these milis as they went. Three hundred men are out of work. They want 10 hours work instead of 11JL hours. The boiler of Robert Philips's saw-mill, near Bad Axe, Huron county, exploded Thursday while the workmen were at dioner, The mili was totally destroyed but no one was hurt. The farmers of Hillsdalc County held a picnic at Baw Beese Lake, Wednesday. It was decided to form a Hillsdale Oonnty Farmers' Picnic Association, and to hold a picnic and festivsl at Baw Beese Lake every year. The dweiling and store of Paul Camine, of Stronachtown, Mamstee county, was burned Wednesday eveniug. Loss, three thousand dollars. East Saginaw is aftlieted with a malignant horse dieease, the cause of which is, as yet, unknown. lt is estimated that the loss by forest fires in TuBcola County this season will not fall short of $25,000. Rey. J. D. Pierce, the well-known "father" of the Michigan school system, lies dangerously ïll at his residence in Ypsilanti. He is far adyanced in years and his recovery ia improbable. John Roher, who was employed as a watchman in Smith & Adams' camp at Summit Station, Ogemaw county, was found dead at the camp Thursday. lt is supposed that he was killed by the accidental discharge of a gun. The depot at Hastings was broken open Friday noon, the money drawer pried open and between $70 and f 80 taken. At the recent term of the Shiawassee circuit "ight divorces were granted. The Rev. Mr. Bayliss, who has been preaching to a church at Maple River, three miles south of Owosso, disappeared recently,leaving his own wife and taking that of another man along with him. Dentworth Vanderpool. a Lake Shore brakeman resident in Adrián, was thrown from the top of his train Friday night near Coldwater, and three cars passed over him, severing one arm, crushing the other and inflicting fatal injuries about the head and body. A young man named Rabior was shot and fatally wounded at Frankfort Saturday by a man named Strauble. The planing mili of Linton & Frost, at Eist Saginaw, burned Saturday. A Great Eastern line car, loaded with lumber and other freight valued at $2,000, was also destroyed. The mili and machinery was worth $8,000; insured for $4,C00. Leonard Phillips, a highly respected farmer and one of the oldest residents of the township of Milford, was instantly killed Saturday mui ding by his team running away. Up to Saturday there had been 66 applications for admission to the present term of the Agricultural College, of whom 60 come from Michigan. The board of trustees of Grand Traverse college at Benzonia have determined to suspend the term of study for the present college year to enable them to thoroughly rent the building and gronnds, with the intention of opening anew in September, 1880. F. F. Baggerly, of Grand Rapids, has recently come into possession of an estáte in England valued at 1,000,090 or more. It appears that Col. O. F. Lochhead, bookkeeper of the Citizens' National bank of Flint, is implicated in the recent defalcation by Wm. L. Gibson, thecashier. The latter claimed that some $4,300 of the amount charged to him he had never received and knew nothing about. The bank management then Gommenced a second investigación, which they say provea conclusively that Col. Lochhead íb regponsible for this portion of the defalcation. The latter has necured the bank against loss by conveying his property. Ole Johnson Elmwood, Leelanaw county, was killed by a falling tree on Friday. He leayes a family in Norway. There was a strike of workmen in the milis, shipyards and wharyes at Grand Haven Monday, about 500 workmen leayingtheir stations on a demand for an advance of 25 cents a day. At 12 Sunday night the large barn of John S. Clark near the village of Clinton, Lenawee county, was totally destroyed by fire, involving a loss of $2,500 in building and contents with no insurance. A couple of tramps - horse dealers- are suspected to be the incendiaries. Edward Dobson, a homesteader, 30 years old, living six miles south of Mackinac City, was drowned Saturday by the capsizing of n skiff while crossing Carp Lake. John Van Buren, a fisherman, was drowned at the mouth of Muskegon Lake Monday evening. He went out in a row boat to haul in bis lines and his boat drifted in without him. A Paw Paw dispatch says Mrs. Allerton and Mrs. Wbitford, of Keiler, Van Buren county, each aged about 40 years, farmers1 wives, ran away with handsomer men Monday. The Allerton woman had $500 of her husband's money. James Galbraith, a single man 28 years of age, was killed and his body horribly mangled by accidentally falling on a bolting saw in Hill's mili near Edmore, Montcalm county, on Monday last. His home was in Pennsylvania. Detroit in Brief. The tenth annual meeting of the master car painters' association of the United States commenced at the Michigan Exchange Wednesday morning. Twenty-eight members were prenent In aocordance with the resolution of the Common Council, City Counselor Baker has commenced suit agaigst the Detroit & Windsor Ferry Company and thevexed question as to whether the ferry corapany has forfeited its lease, and whether it has any right to maintain a fence across the doek at the foot of Woodward avenue wiU now go to the courts f or settlement. The Detroit dry doek company are about to commence the building ot a new compoBite iron side-wheel steamer for the Cleveland line. Hhe will be built at Wyandotte and wiU be two hundred f eet long. The Common Council has passed an ordinance to prohibit the introduction of Texas cattle into the city. Mrs. Schultz, better known as "Mother Ambrust," a notorious woman, has been arrested on a charge of murdering a girl named Ella Lasoder in February, 1878. The mixed wrestling match between Col. J. H. McLaughlin and Theobaud Bauer at Whitney's Opera House Saturdny night was won by McLaughlin Theodore Romeyn is geriously ill. The State Fair opened Monday with a fair day and very large attendance. Oflicers of tne metroplitan pólice forcé patrolled Belle lsle for the first time. The blue coatsfoud several saloons in f uil blast and they were promptly closcd. John Koch, proprietor of the Ulmer brewery, 244 Kusseil str -t, who was run over by a train on the Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwaukee railroad at Koyal Oak Saturday evening, died of his injuries on Hunday. The ninth annual convention of the Catholic total abstinence union of America began it seRBions in this city Wednesday. MISCELLATíEOUS. Speaking of the debts of Archbishop Purcell, Bishop Chatard of Indiana declares that they amount to over $4,000,000, and he has become convinced, from conversations with practical business men, that the collcction and payment of such a vast sum is altogether an impossibility, asit is twu-thirds as rautli os the t(tal contributions received in any one year by the church for religious purposes. His opinión ia that the utmost the Catholic people can be expected to do is to contribute a sufficient sum to buy up the church property ot the diocese, which has beCome involved, and wiü otherwise be lost to the efanrob. Tn do thll abimt, tlOTO will be needed, and lie nuggestB that therc shonld be a distinct understanding that all the money contributed by the diocese outside of Cincinnati shoald be placed in the hand of trustees and devoted to that object alone, and that the legal obligation to pay all the remainder of the debt incurred by Edward Pnrcell, brother of the archbishop, should be wiped ont by bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings. The achooner Ounalaska, which arrived at San Francisco Thursday from Sanak, reportB that the Arctic exploring steam yacht Jeannette sailed from Ounalaska for St. Michael's August 6. At St. Michaal'R the Jeannette was to take on board Esquimaux dogs, sleighs, and other articles to complete hei outfit for a cruise to the north pole. The steamship Belgenland, from Antwerp, reports sinking the bark Lama, from Porto Rico for Queenstown, with sugar, and the loss of the second mate, carpenter, steward and three seam"n of the bark. Spring wheat in Ontario has been a signal failure, injured by the midge, weeyil and rust. Secretary Shernian's attention haring been called to a public statement that he had directed that the silver dollar should not be received by the treasury in certain cases, says that the statement was absolutely false and without a shadow of foundation. The law makcj the silver dollar a legal tender for all purpos' ", and it has always been received by the treasury on payment of demands of every kind, and as fully and freely as gold coin. The Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis waB discovered FrHay morning to be the victim of a heavy embezzlerfent. Tue shortage w:ts ascertaineü by the b;mk examiner, who was enaged in exnmining tlie affairs of the bank. He at om-e called the attention of the assitant cashier, W. W. Keene, to the fact and he promptly nafessed tbat he was a defaulter to the extent of 135,000, and that the f unds were used in unfortunate speculations. Abmit 48,000 were recovered in the shape of nnexpended marginp. At Hallettsville, Texas, a Sioux ludían named Pockett was executed Friday In the presence of 3,000 spectators, for the murder of Frank Edwards, negro, in February, 1878. Pockett spoke from the gallown, waruinggaming men againnt drink. Hanlan and Courtney met at Hochester on Friday and agreed to row on Chautanqua lake October 8, between 8 and 6 p. m., live miles with a turn, for a purse of #6,000. William Blaikie, New York, referee. It has been decided to have a grand reunión of the prisoners of war during the late rebellion in Toledo on the lst and 2d of October, and already about 2,000 of the old sufferers have notified the committee of their intention to be present. A number of old ofh'cers will make addresses, and a grand banquet and parade are being prepared for. The court of DeKalb, Miss., in which was tried the case of the the state aginst Henry J. Gully, for the murder of Cornelia Chisholm, having adjourned at tí p. in. Thursday, after the argument for the defense was closed, that the sick juryman might not become too much fatigued, convened Friday morning at 9. The jury man who was unwell being unable to sit np was provided with a bed, where he lay during the concluding argument of Judge Morris on the part of the prosecution. He closed his argument foi tbe prosecution at 10:30. The case was given to the jury, and in less than half an hour they retnrned with a verdict of not guilty. Twenty-three new cases of yellow fever, 10 white and 13 colored, were reported to the board of health at Memphis on Saturday. The total number of new cases reported for the week was 132,whites 62, colored 70. Total number to Saturday, 1,136. Total number of deaths offioially reported for the week, 48 - whites :!, colnred IC. A second check for $5,000 was received from Jay Gould, but contribntions from other sonrces come in slowly. A rich vem of silver has been discovered at Mfc.edith, N. H. At four feet it assays silver f62 per ton, lead $59. Prescott Pillsbury, the Lawrence, Mass., bark cashier convicted of the embezzlement of $64,0C0, has been sentenced to five years in Lawrence jail. Greenville, Miss., specials report the prevalence of a maliqnant fever at Concordia. Several deaths occurred the past week, including S. Frank, öeo. Tobin and Attorney Key. The surrounding neighborhood has qv .rantined against Concordia. The steamship Lorain, Capt. McCuJIy,which sailed from New York August 16 for Tyne, England, with 84,979 bushels of wheat and 120 head of live beef cattle, has not been heard from since. The cargo was valued at one hundred thousard dollars. The Lorain was insured in a New York office. The nail card was further advanced at the meeting of the manufacturera held at Wbeeling on Monday to $3. The milis have been declining orders at last week's card, on account of the advancing tendency of pig iron and the number of orders already on their books. Monday, the first day of the quarter-centennial celebration of the settlement ot Kansas passed off at Lawrence very successf ully. The day was beautiful, the city was handsomely decorated, and a crowd of people were present. The event of the day was the address f Col . Jdo. W. Forney of Philadelphia. At the time of its delivery the great tabernacle was crowded with people and hundreds were outside. Tnesday there was a a grand barbecue, and addresses were delivered by Edward Everett Hale of Boston, Geo. W. Julián, of Indiana, and others. It was estimated that nearly 100,000 people were present Tuesday morning a fire broke out in the ceiKng of the upper dormitory, just nnder the centrpl dome of the main building of the deaf and dumb institute, Delevan, Wis. It progr' 38' d so rapid'y tbat in less than an hour the whole eotern part of the building had fallen in, and at 11 o'clock nothing remainr d but the blackened walls and smouldering debris. The school had ast commenced and 147 pupils were in attendance. All the pupils ercaped with their baggage. The origin of the fire is not known Loss $100,0' ); no insurance. The body of a man suppused to be Harry Merritt, traveler for a soap manufactory of Buualo, or Dayton, O., was round dead, terribly mangled, on the Missouri Pacific railroad track, near Connor station, Wyandotte counby, Kansas, Sunday morning. An examination sbowed that the man had been mnrdered. tie having a pistol baJl in the head and a terrible stab in the lef t breast. He had also been cobbed, run over by the freight train and nearLy torn to pieces. The national riñe association opened its f all meeting Tuesday at Creedmoor by a grand cannonade and fusilad?. The fifth annual convention af the United States mail Bervice mutual henefit sssociation met in Cleveland Tuesday. A fire at Hastings, Neb., Taesday, destroyd two hotels, ene bank, two printing oiïices and one elevator. The loss is estimated at f 100,0C0. On account of the accumulation of gold coin in t'ieU. 8. treasury, arrangeaientB ill Boon be made to exchange gold and silver coin for United States notes at seyeral sub-treasuries where converieut. An incoming train on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy road, Quincy, 111., Monday night was wrecked while under ordinary speed, by a tie which some malicious person had bound across the track. A. N. Pearce, fireman, was infitantly killed. Jas. McMillen, engineer, badly hurt, and postal clerks Pierce and Gillan Reriously injured. POLITICAL. The f ullowing are announced as the State officers elected in California: Governor, Geo. C. Perkins ; lieutenant governor, John Mansfield; secretary of state, Daniel M. Rurns; comptroller, D. M. Kenfield; treasurer, John Well;atto. ey general, A. L. Mart; surveyor general, J.W. Shanken ; clerk of the supreme court. Frank W. Gross; superintendent of public instruction, F. M. Campbell, all Republicana; chief justice, Bobert F. Morrison. Democrat and Workingman. The New York State Democratie convention met at Syracuse on Wednesday afternoon. After effocting a temporary or_auization and listening to speeches by Senator Kernan, the Hon. S. 8. Cox and others, the convention adjourn'd till Thursday morning. The Democratie State Convention of Nebraska met at Lincoln Wednesday. Hon. John Carrigan was elected chairman. Klger WakeV", of Douglas, was nominated for supreme judge, Dr. A. Bear, of Madison, and A. J Saw yer, regents of the university. The judicial district nominations are as follows: First district, W. P. Connor; third distric, J. W. Savage, re-nominated ; f ourth district, W. H. Munger, nominated judge by acclamation. The Hon. Alex. Mitchell, Democratie nominee for Governor of Wisconsin, has declined the nomination. A dispatch from Maine Thursday evening said Davis, Bepublican, lacked 321 of a raajority of the popular vote, with 56 towns to be heard from. The New York State Democratie convention reassembled Thursday forenoon and Hon. John C. Jacobs was made permanent chairman. The Hon. Krastus B-ooks presen teil a series of resolutions, indoreing the course of Congress, denouncing the Administrution and fovoring cxvil service reform, which were adopted. The Hon. Lucius liobinson was nominated for Governor and the ticket was conipleted as follows . Lieutenant Governor - Clarkson N. Potter. Hecretary of State - Allen C. Beach. Comptroller- Fred. P. Olcott. State Treasurer - Jas. Mackin. State Engineer - Horatio Seymour, Jr. Attorney General - A. Schoonmaker, Jr. The Tammany delegation bolted the nomination of Hobinson and, after organizing a separate convention, they numiimtcd John Ktlly instead. The Repubiican state convention ui Maryland was held at Baltimore, Friday and wu called to order by R. Stockett Matthews, chairman oï the state central committee There was an umisually full attendance. Milton G. Urner was made president of the convention. The Hon. James A Gray of Howard county was nominated for Governor, Samuel Mollaber for comptroller, Francis M. Darly for attorney general, and J. L. MoCullough for clerk of the court of appeals. The state convention of the National-Greenback- Labor party of Massachusetts assembled at Faneuil hall, Boston, on Friday. The following ticket was placed in nomination. For Governor - Benjamin F. Butler. Lieutenant Governor - Wendell Phillips. Secretary of State - Jonathan Arnold. Treasurer- Wilber F. Whitney. Auditor - Davis 8. King. ittorney General - Horase B. Sergent. The resolutions ik mand the substitution ol greenbacks for national bank notes, the iniposition of fln income tax, denounce resumption as a shaui, demand the shortening of the hours of labor, declare that convict labor should be abolished, etc. The official returns from the entire State of Maine, with the exception of 20 small towns and plantations, give the following result: Davis, Kepublican, 68,012, Smith, Greenback, 47,088; GarceloE, Democrat, 21,181. The Republican plurality over the Greenback tieket is 20,924, over the Democratie ticket 46,831. As far as heard from, the remaining towns will not essentially change the result. The Massachusetts Repubiican state convention met at Worcester, Tuesday, Eben F.Stone was temporary chairman. Af ter the appointment of the customary committces Alexander B. Bullock was chocen permanent chairman. The following ticket was put in nominatinn : For Governor - John D. Long. For Lieut Governor - Byron Watson. Attorney General - George Marston. Auditor- ChaR. R. Ladd. Secrtary of State - Henrv B. Piere. Treasurer and Receiver - Chas. Endicott. PERSONAL. The Rev. Wm. Patton, D. D., who arrived from Europe Saturday. 1 at New Haven, Conn., suddenly Tuesday night of congestión of the lungs, aged 81. He wan an anthor of considerable repute. President Hayes was present and took part in the opening exercises of the Cincinnati Exposition on Wednesday. Col. Thomas A. Scott arrived home from Europe Wedneaday. Ex-Minister Welsh waB given a public reception Wednesday in Independence Hall, Philadelphia. Nathan Appleton has resigned the presidency of the United States Board of Trade, as he is devoting all his time to the interoceanic canal. Lord Napier is reported ill at Kissingen, Germany. The famous book publisher Westermann, of Brunswick, is dead. The cabinets of Russia and Germany are arrarging a meeting at Berlin between Bismarck and Gortschakoff. Bismarck's visit to Count Andraasy at Vienna is doubtless a political one. Gov. George B. McClellan of New Jersey was taken suddenly ill Thursday at his residence at West Orange. He was no better Friday morning. Secretary of war McCrary and Judge Advocate General Dunn visited the Schuylkill regions Thursday, with the officers of the Philadelphia and Read'ng company. Friday the party went to Reading, Bethlehem and Harrisburg, and returned to Washington in the evening. A telegram Saturday cvening announced that Gov. McClellan was out of daHger. It is reported that Sulieman Pasha, a prominent Turkish general of the Russo-Turkish war, died Saturday at Bagdad. Theodore Valeiro, the French painter and engraver, is dead. Right Rev. F. X. Leroy, hitherto bishop of Nachitoches, has been made administrator of the arch diocese of New Orleans,with the right of succession as archbishop. John Carlyle, younger Irother of Thomas Carlyle, is dead. Bernhard Cotton the geological writer is dead, aged 71. The Right Rev. Chnrli Barring, D. D. late bishop of Durbam, is dead. Gen. Sherman having been invited to attend a reunión of Conf lerate and Union Boldiers at Kaleigh, N. C. ha written a sbarp letter declining to have anything to do with it. Tree toads are good barometers, they say, and economical pets. for the.y eat nothing. A Connecticut lady has kept one in a fruit jar (which she leaves open) for over a year. A small wooden ladder placed in the jar enables the creature to ascend to the top whenever he chooses, and of this privilege he avails himself, whenever damp or rainy weather is coming, climbing to the top round and singing his loudest.


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