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TTILL'S OPE11A HOUSE. TWO NIGHTS ONLY. Frlday and Saturday Oct 3 and 4. Return of the beuutiful American Actrea LOUISE POMEROY, Supported by the popular Trngpdian, W. H. LEAKE, And her own strong New York Company. Friduy Eveuing, Octobcr 8, the Gieat Five Act Ih'ania, 0 11 VER TWIST, Louise I'omeroy as ífaney Sykes. Saturday Kvening1 Octobor 4, Shakespeare's Exquisite Comedy, ASYOU IIZvlC IT. Louise loiucroy as Kosaliml. (Wilh Cuckoo Song.) Adminsion 25c, 60c., and 75c. No exda chnrere for reservcd seata uow on sale at Watt's JewehyStore. IJILL'S OPERA HOUSE. Four Nights, commoncing Monday OctoTjer (ith. Professor E. Warren Clark Lato ot the Imperial IJnívcrsity, Tokio, Tapan, will give four of his Illustratra Lecturea, Oriental nnd Art Entertainnienta. Monday. - Around the World in 80 minutes. Tuesdfiy. - Joumeyinga through Japan. Wednesdoy. - A Tour tiirouph India. Thursday. - Egypt aud the lloly Lund. The lectures have been ondorsed wannly by Itev. Theo. L. Cuyler, Prof. Cuydt, of Princeton Coliche ;nnl others. They are given with tho most magniücent Stereoptican eiFects ever produced. Adinisaion finchidiu reserved seat), 50 cents. Gallery 25 cents. Ko extra charge for lïcsorved soats now ou aale at Watt'a .ïewelry Store. (Succcssorto J.N. Gotland) ONLY PRACTICAR [OST ÜMER MgÊ IN MICHIGAN. Sö;i lr Manufacturcr and QBnB Dealer in Theatrical Goods and VTardrotes. Personal attention given to the production of AMATEUR FLAYS AND MASQUEKADES. Orders by mail or teltgraph will receivc prompt ttention. 120 Griswold Street, DETROIT, Mioh. Estáte of Sell'ii Marvin. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Wat-htenaw, f,s. At t scsion of Mhj i'i - bïiti ourt for the Couniy of Waabtemtw, holden nt Uu. Probate Oiiico, in the city of Anii Arbor, on Tuesdity, tbe thirtieih day ol September, in ihe vuur une fchoiifand eiirht hundied and. seventy-nino l1! eson t, VVilliam I). Hamman, Judge of Probate. In the muiter ol the estáte oí Belden Marvin, deaeased. On readiug and filíngthe petitíon, duiy verified. of Coinsiock F, Uil], prayiüg tbat hfi rr Bome otnei stiitable pertoo my Ite uppomted administra tor oí the entate of eiiid ileceasfedThereuponii isordt;red,that Monday,the twontyseventli d;y of October next, ut ten O'cieci in the tbrtnoun, be ftsslgned lor Ihe hearing f saül petiti-m, and that tlie beira at ïaw of said deceased, mid all other persons iuterested in said estáte, are required to tijppear at a seaelon of said couri , then lo be holden atthcProbnte Oilice in the city oí Aun Arbor, and show cause, if itny there be, why the prayer of the petitfoner should uot be gmnted : And it is luithci' ordered ilmt suid petitioner give Dotice to the persona interested m taid estáte oí the pcndency of said petiiion and the hearing Ihereof, by CiiusiTiii u copy of this order to be published iu the Michigan Aii', a nevrepapor print etl and circnl;ited in said connty, three succtsivo weeks previouts to suid day of hearing. VIL.LIAM U. HAKHIMAN, (Atrae copy.) Judge ol Pxobute. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Kearister. Kstate f Etlward lacey. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ÍO of Wasbtenaw, ss. Notlce i.s hereby given,that by an order of the Probate (Jourt for the Couuty of Waahteoaw, made ou the ftrat day of üetober, A. I). 1871), six months froin that date were alloved for creditors to present their chiinis against the cstate of Edwara ï'aoey, late of said county, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present tbeir claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the City of Ami Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the first day of April next, and that grsth claims will be heard before said Court. on Priday, the second day of January, and oi Tluirsday, the fii'at day oí April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon oí each of said days. Dated. Ana Arbor, October 1, A. D. 1879. WILLIAM D. HAURIMAN, 40w4 Judge oí' Probate. SHEBtET SALE. A BRAM 3VIILLAGE and JANETTE XA.MiÜoge va. Milton M. Billón, ss: By vlrtue oí' a writ of execution issued out of and under theseal of the Circuit Court for theCounty of WashteBaw, in chaocery, in the above entitled cause, to me directed and delivered. I did on the twenty-sixth day of September, A. D. 1879, Ievy upon all Gtie right, tille and interest of Abram Millage and Janette Mill&ge in and to the f ollowing described Beal Éstate,' to-wtt : The vat half of the northvst ((uarter of sectiou nnmber tweiity-three, iu hjp otir South, Bange six Eagj bfjnjt Vl ï.-ïl ifcbtive described real estáte I shall Bell at ,,,,1-ííí vendue to the highest bidder at the Nurth door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said eonnty, on thé fiptbbkth day of novicmbjcb, A. D. 1879, at 2 o'clock iu the afternoon of said day. Dated Octobcr 3, 1879. JOSIAH S. CASE, Sheriff. E. D. KlNNE, Solicitor i'or Defendant. Sheriff's Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN', CüTJNTY kj of Washtenaw, ss. Bidney W. CHirkson vs. Josepb Seckinger, By virtueof awrit offlerifociaa isöut'd out of and uiuler the seal of the circuit court fol the eounty of Waatenaw, in the above entitled cause, to me directed and delivered, I did on the iwriity-nintli day of Mart'h, A. D. 1879, Ievy upou all the right, üile ind inten-st of Joseph Seckinger in and to the following described real estáte, to wit ; All those certain pieces or pareéis of land in the city of Ann Arbor, eounty of Washtenaw and state of iliehian, sitiüitu in Brown and Fuller's additiou tothe viïlage Cnow cityj of Ann Arbor, described as rolows, viz.: Being a part of lot one (1) in bloek nioe (9J, described as l'ollows: Cornmeucing at the easterly corner of the Vail House on Broadway, thenceat rigbt angles with liroadway ilont? the easterly line of &whl Vail's lot slxty-Blx feet, thenoe Dbrallel with Wall street until it intersecta the aortherly line of land heretofore decded to lïonj.imin Sherman, thence along said line to Maideu Lane, thence northefiy along Malden Lane eighi H) toet, thence at rtebt anglea with Maiden Lane to thesouth corner of land heretofore dteded to David (trove, thence along the westerly line of sad l I lot to Broatrway; thence along Broadway twentyüveC25) feet tothe place of beginning, lncluding whatcver laad there inay bebctween the Vail and Grove lots. Also that piece or parcel of land situated iu Brown and Fuller's addition to the said yillaye (now city) of Ann Arbor, aocdaliúg to tho recoided plat thereof, known, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Connncncitig on tlie easterly side of Wall street one hundred (100) ieet from Broadway, thenoe northetisterly at right ingles to Wall street thirty-iour and one-half fol1) feet, thence easterly parallel with W;ill street twenty-six feet, thence at rif?h anglea with Wall street, to'vVall st , thence northwesterly oa Wull streel iwcnty-six feel totheplficeof bezinning. Which above described properl y 1 sball sell ut public vendue to tin? highest bidder, at the nurth door of the Court House, in thecity of Ann Arbor, in said eounty of Washteiuuv Michigan, on the Fikst ha Y of November, A.D. 1S7D, at two o'clock in the afternoon of that day, Dated, September 17, 1879. JOSIAH 8. CARE, Sheriff. A. 15. Hkwhtt, Plnintitfa Attorney. Ustate of AVilliam John Iviihu. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY of Washtonaw, ss. At a sessionof the Probate Cuurt for the Cuunty of "Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Otüec, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the twentieth day oí September, in Uu 3 eai one thöusand eight huudrod aml seventy-nine Present, William D. Harrimnn, JiuU;pof Pr ate Iii the maticr of the estáte of William Joba Ktihn, dceased. On rcading and filing ths petition, duly veriflpd ofFrederick C. Kulin, praying that a certaln instrument now oo lile in tliis court, purporÜBg to bo the last wili and testament of said deceased muy be admittcd to Probate, and that ho inay be appointed exeeutor thereof, Tl)ercupou it is ordered, that Mond;iy,tht twentieth day ot October next, at ten o'clock in the forenoonbeasaigcsdfor the bearinguf said petition and that the devi joet), legatees, and heirs at luw ol said deceased, and all othei persons iuterested ir said efltatt,are required to appi ar al a serfion olaaic Oourt, then to be Ijoldon at the l'robate oüice in the city ot Ann Arbor, and shov cause, ïf any there be, why the prayer of tho petition er ahould not be grantecl : And it is furthei ordercd thnt said petitlonergive notice to the persons tnterested ia said estáte, of the porulency oí said petiiion, an? tho hearing thereof, by causing a oopy of this ordei to be publieíied in the Michigan Arous, a newspapurprinted and ciroulated in said county.thrce suceeasivo weuka previoua to said day ol hearing. WILLIAM I). 11AIÏIUMAX, (Atruecopy.j Judae of rrobute. Wm. J. 1)otï, Probate Register. lístate of Eliza Ford. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY !O of Washtenaw. u. At a aession of the Probate Court for the Cnunty of Washlenaw, liolden at tlie Probate Office in tlie city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the titteenth day of September, in the year one thöusand eilit hundred and scventy-mne. Present, Willium D. Ifarriinan, Judff of Probate. In the matter ot tho estáte of Eliza Ford, deceased On refuUn? and filing the petition, duly vi'rifí(vl,of Ch:irles il. lïichmond, prayin that he or some other Buitable peraoD may be apppiAted aduiiniatrator of the estáte of said deoessea. ThPreupon it is oidered, that Monday, the thirteeathday of Oftober next, at ten o'clock in the foreunori, bc assigned for the hearins oí said pptition.and that Uie hetra at luw ot salddcceased, and all oth-r porsons interested in s-tid sstete, are required to appear at a session of said oourt then to be liolden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, audahow cause, if any thero be, why the prayer of the petittoner should not be granted : And itis further ordered that Baid pel it inner ffive ootloe fcu the percona tnterested iu anid evtate, ot the peudency of said petition and tbs heftrini; thereof, by causiiif? copy öf thls order tobe publislicd in the Michigan Aiígus, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, thrceauccessive weeks previous to aoid day of hearing. WILLIAM 1). JIAUItlMAN, (A true copy.) Jndge of Probate. Wm. G. Iüty, Probate Begister. It is wonderful how the ladicsrush to Bach éz Abel's for new goods. LEGAL NOTICES. líwíate of Charles K. Rurllngivme OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY kj ot W'ashleiKiw, f-s. At n session oí' tbe Probate Court tor the County oí Washtenuw, holden at the Probate Oííicc m the city oi Ann Arbor, on VVedne3ay, tht: tenth day of September, in the j oar on e thousand eight hnndred and seveiity-uim:. Praten t, WilliamD. ÏLirrunan, JmlirL'oi Probate. In the matter of the estáte ot Charles Ë. BurlinOn reading and flling the petítion, duly varifled, oí Lena Burlingame, praymg that ndministration of the estáte oí -iá deceased muy be giantod to hcrself or some other suitable pejoti. Thereupon ít is oriured,thut Monday, tlie tixtli díiy of October next, at ten o'cíock in the forenoon be ossigxied for the henrinií oi sjiid petítion, and that thehcirsat lawoí siitl deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are reqaired to appeat ut a session oí' naid Court, then to be hol den at the Probate Otüce in the city of Ann Arbor, and show o;iuse, if any there be, why the prayer of tlie petitioners sbould Tiot begranted: And it ia furtner ordered th;it said petitioners give notice to the persona interested in eaid estáte, of the pendency oí Bftíd pctition, and the hearing thereof, by oauaíng a copy of thia order to ba published in the Michigan AuGu-i, a newspaper printed and ciroulated in said county, three sucecssire weeks jjrevious to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D.HARRtSÍAN, (A true copy ) Jude of Probate. Wm, G. Dotï. Probate RegisKT. Estato of Adam Oberiniller. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY IO of Vashtenaw, sa. Ata session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden ut the Probate Oüiee in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesdivy, tbe se ven teen th day of September, in the year oue tbousand eight bundred and seventy-ïiinc. Present, Witliam D. Harriman, Judgeof Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Adani Obermiller, deceased. Frederick Pistor! as, administrator of said esta le, comes into court and represent tbat he is dow prepared to reader his final account as such aüministrator. Thöreupon itisordered,that Tuesday, the aerenth dav of October next, at teil o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for exaxnining and allowing such account, and tliat the heirs at law of said deoeased, and all other persons inierested Ín said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Anu Arbor, in said county, and show cause if any thüre be, wliy the Bftid account should not be allowed : And it is further ordercd, that sail admiüietrator give pot ice to the persone Enterfested in"safd estáte, of ihe pendency of said account and the hearing tboreof, by causing a copy ofthli order to be published in the Micüigan An ei s, b newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three successive weeks urevious to si ip WILLIAM D.H ARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Piobate. Wm. G.Doty, Probate Register. Notioe of Bfortgaye Sale. T Y A MOUTGAGE BEARING DATE _I3 Ootober ISth, A. D. 1872, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds lor the county of Waehtenaw, state of Michigan, on tbe2ifrt day of October, A. li. 1872, at nine o'eloek and thirty niiuutes a. vM iu liber 49 of mortgages, on page SOS, SylvanuB Whipple duly moitgaged to John A. Wafcling 'A11 those certain pieces or pareéis oí land lyíngand beíng in the county of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, known and described as folio ws, namely ; The north half ot tiie northeast quarter of aection thlrty-tour, and the south half of the northeast quarter of aald section thirty-four, in township four south of range se ven eftst, together witb the tenemènta, heredïtments and appurteaanoea tlrereonto belonging.' Defaulthaa occurred in the conditions of Baid mortgage,bywhiol] defattlt tbñ power of sale con tained in said mortgage has tiGcome operativo. The amount clalmed to be due on said mortffage at the date ot thia noticc is two thousnnd two hundred and fort y-th ree dollars, belidea tlu! allorney fee of thirty-ilvedoliars provided tor in said mort gage. And nosuit orproeeediughavng been instifuted at law torecover bbedebt uo"w itmainin.secured by said mortgag-e ortny part ihoreof. Not ice is hereby giveu that said mortgage will he 'oreclosed by a sale of said mortgaged lands and jremlses, "whicb sale will betnade at public vendue o the highest biddertm the FlFTSKNTB day of Dei.mi;f,i:,A. I). 1S79, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Art-or in said county. Dated, September 18, 1S70. JOHN A. WATLING, Morígagee. T. Ninde, AttorneyEstáte of Francés Eliza Faulkaer. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Washtenaw, es. At a session of the Proiate Court for the County of Wauhtenaw, holden at he i'robate Otïico In the city of Ann Arbor, on L'uesday, the twenty-third day of Septctnber in he year one thousaud eight huudred amlsevcntyïine. l'resent, Williain O.TIarrinmn, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Francos -Eliza rauikner, deceased. Frankiin D. Cummings, administrator of said es■ate comes into court and represento that he is now prepared to reudcr bis ünal account aa such ministrator. Thereupou it ia ordered, that Tuesday, the tweny-flrat day of October next, at ten o'clock in the íoreuoon, be assigned for examining and allowing such account, and that the heirs at law of Siiid deceaaed, and all other persons interest ed in said estáte, are required to appear at & session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, iu said county, and sli ow cause, if any tliere be, why the said nceount should not be allowed. And it is further ordered, that aaid ;nl ministrator give uotice to the peisons interested in snid t-state, of tlie peadeney of said account, and the heaxuL thereof by causinffa copy oí thia order to be published in the TtïiamiajL augus, a newspaper printed amï cireulatinf in said county, th ree sucee&sive weeks previous to siid day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HAK1Í1MAN, (A tme copy.) Judge oi Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. lüstiito of Charles Warner. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw sa. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Wnshtenaw, holden at the Probate Otiice in tlie city ot Ann Arbor, en Wednesiliiy, the t weoty-fourth day of September, in the yearone thousand eilit Inindjvd and seventy-nine. PreBent, Wüliam IJ. Hariiinin, Judtreof Probate, In the matter of the tstateoi Charles Araruer,deceaflcd . On reaiHinf?andflling thopetition, duly veiified, of WilKum Warner, pryiny that a certam instrument now on iile iu this court, pui porting to be the lut wil] and testament ot' said deoeasec, ra&y be admitted to probate, and iliat Wüliam Warner and Fr il i 'Hek V'arner may bo appointed cxecutora thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twentieth dty ot October next, at ten o'elock in the torenoon, be fissigned lor the hearing of said petition, ' and that the devisees, lcgatees and heirs at law Of I Hiiirt doefased, and all other persons intereated m said estáte, are requirod to appear at a wession of Bold Court, tli en to be holden at the Probate Oiüce in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cuuse, if any there be, wliy the prayer of the petitioner should not be (rranted : And it is further ordered that Baid petitioner give notico to the persons interested in said estáte ot the pendeucy of said putition and the hearing thereof, by cansing a copy ot tliis order to be published in the Mkmiican A ïu.i s, a newepuper printed and circulated in waid county, fchree succeasive weeks previou to aaidday of hearing. WILLIAM D. HAKRIMAN, ( A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. (i. Doty, Probate Register, :stati.of larinda M. Colman. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Wastitenaw, ms, Notlce i hereby given that y as order oï the Probate Court for the County í' Waáhtenaw, made on the ninetwoth day of Sepember, A. v. l7ft, six months froro thal date were Jlowed for ctfditora to present tbeir claims againsi he estáte oí Barinda M. Colman, Inte of Raid couny.deoeaseá, dad that all e redi tors of said deceased ire required fco premnl their elaima to said Probate íourt, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Aror, for examination and allowance, on or before be nlnetentfa day ofMaxoh next, and that such laiuua uill be heard before aaid Court, on Friday, bfl nineteentb day of December, and on Friday, the tiaeteenth day oí March npxt,atteu o'elock in the orenooD of each of said days. tated, Auu Arhor, September 10, A. P. 1879. WILLIAM J. ETARRIM N, tSÜwi Judge oi Probate. LEGAL NOTICES. Keal Estáte for Sale. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Vashtenaw,ss. In the matter of the estáte of Natnan Buzzard, deceased. Notice is hereby given, thnt in pursuance of an order pranted to tlie undersigned adniinistrator of the eslate of said deceased. by the Hon. .f udge ol Protate for the county of Washtenaw, on the ninth day of July V D 1879, there will lie sold at public Tendue, to thc niíthest bidder, atthelate residcnceof said doceased iu the townsliip of Pittsfield in thecountyof Washtenawinsaid Mate, on Satoiiday, timo Tmtxtyfiith day of Octobkr. A. D. 1S7!, at teu o'elock in Ihe torenoonof that day (subject to all encumbrancea by mortgage or existing at tbe time of the death of said dwreased) the following desciiued real estáte, la wit : Beginning at a point in the west side of section number funr in the town8hip of PittsBeld, In the county of Washteni.w in Michigan, nlueteen ehams and seventy-niiie links froni the noitLwest córner of eaid section, running thence north eig-bty-aeven dogrees and flfty minutes east three chains and Ilmty-íix inka tu a stake ouc chaiu aud twentyseven links Irtira a clierry tree ten iuches in dianieter wbich bears eouth eightj-seven degreet ivrst, thenee siuitli tira negrees east lifty-fuur links, tiience south eiahtynine degreet and ten minutes east ais obsins and eighty-eight links (o a Btakfi Uilrty-six and a half links trom an :■;■'■-■ feree B f teen inchea in diameter which bears south twenty-elght degrees west, thence south sixty-cight degrees east onechain and eigbty-seven links, thence south gigbty-fonr degrees east fout chains and Híty-four huks" to the interscclion of tiro duches thence south six de"rees east eleven clains and twonty-two links to" the reeofrnized easL and west cjuarter Ijne, theace weBt on tbe quarter Une seventeen cbaina and twenty links to thc recog-nteed qnnrter st.-ike, thence north on the section line tbirteen chains and flfty links to the place of beginning, and containing tweuty-one acres of land moreor lees, Dated, Sept. (i, ls'9. BENJ AlvIIX B. NICUOLS, Admiuistrator. lístate ol' EUaha Freer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtennw, ss. Notice is hereby gires, that by an order of the Probate Court f or the County of washtenaw, made on the flf teenth day of September, A l. 1879, si. months irora tliat date were a]luweil for creditora to ptesent their claims againat the estáte of Elisha Freer, late of said county, deoeased, and that all creditors of said dei arerequirod to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate olMce in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination ancl ïlhnvanee, on or before the flfteentli day of March next, and that such claims will be heard befan said Court, on Mondfty, the flfteentb day of December, and on Monday, the fifteenth day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of eacli of said davs. Datod, Ann Arbor, September 15, A. I). 1879. W1LLIAMD HARRIMAN, 38w4 Judge of róbate. Estáte of John SI. ScIiaiWe. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Waahtextaw, ss. At a sesión of the Probate Court for the County of Süfihtenaw, holden at the Probate Oftice in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tliursday, the oloveuth day of September, in the year mie thousand eierht hundred and seventy-ninc. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of John M. Schaible, deceased. Miehiiel Ai'ior, administrator of said estáte, comes into court and represeuts that he is now prepared to render his final account as such administralor. Tbereupon it is ordered, that Saturday, the fourthday of Oetober next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be aislgned for rsjniinio and allowing such account, and that the heirs al law of said deI, and all other perssns interested in said estate, are required to appcar at a sossion of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor in said county, and efaow cause it' any there be, why the said account should I allowed: And it is further ordered that said administrator give notico to the persons in teres ted n said estáte, of the peodenoy of said account and tlif hearing tbereof, by eausin? a copy of tiiis order to be publtsbed in the Michigan Aeous, a m-wspaper printed and circulatingin said county. threo succeselTe week previou to said day of boaring WILtlAM II. nARRIMAN . truecopy.) JuSgs of Probate. HK G. Doty, Probate p, LEGAL NOTICES. Real Estáte for Sale. , CtTATK OP MICHIGAN, COUNTT kJ of Waahtenaw, ss. In.the matter of the estáte ofC.eorse Fischer Annie Fischer, John Fischer, Lewislischer and Mary Fischer, minor. Notieei liereby givcn, tliut in pursuance of un order granted tojtne undersigned, guardián of the estateofsaid minore, by the Hon. .lu.dro of Probate iVir the cm.nty oí Waahtenaw, on the 2dduyofJu)y, A. D. 1879 ther will be sold ;it pnflic vendue, to the liithest bidder ut the south frunt door of the Court House in the oity of Ann .irhor, in the eounty of shtenaw in saidstate.on Mokday, the Thibtexnth day oor Oen. bek, A. D. 1S79, at ten o'clock ín the forenoon ot that day (subject to all encumhrunces by mortgage or otherwise at the time of the sale), all the right, tille, and interest of said minor m and to the lollowing described real estáte, to wit: Lot nuiuber three in bïock mimber thrce south rangesixeast. The northeast purt of lot number three m bloeit nuiubcr one south range number jour east, being Bixteen and a half feet front nd fifty feet deep. Also sixteen feet otf of the west Bide of lot number two in block number one pouth of range four eost ; all i.i the city of Ann Arbor, in theStivteof .Michigan. Also a piece of land 011 aection nnuiber thirty-twoin town two sonth ranc six east, in II.h State of Michigan, beginning on tL nortli and soulh quarter Jine eleven chaina nortbof the center of said section, thence iiorth alons tba qiiarter line thirteen chains and twenty-six linke, thence east alontt the south line ol Brown & Bacli1 addition to the city of Ann Arbor fourleen chains and thirteen links to a stake. thence smith four chams and six links to the half nu.irter lire, thenc cast along the half quarter line five obain nnd eiKhly-. ight links to thenorth and south half quarter Une, thence south nine chains and seveuteen links to a stake, which is eleven chains north of the east and west quarter line of said section, thence west twenty chains tothe r)ace of biginning, beine twenty-fourand nineone-hundredtrS neres of land moreorless. Also a piece of land on the northwest quarter of the northivest quarter of sectioo number tlurty-two in the towBship of Ann Arbor, eounty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan exccptm the west seven chains and Hfty links wid8 aero said quarter of said section, containiiig twenty-flve nnd forty-four one-lmndn dtbs acres. Mbo the norlh half of Ihe Southwest quarter of section Dumbei flve and the southeask quarter of section number üvc, town one south ransesix east, exeeptïng the west forty aerea, in Michigan. Also lots number flve, six, seven, eight, mm, ten, eleven, twrlve, tlurtpen, and fonrteeh in Bron-u's second addltioo to Uie city of Ann Arhor in snid state. Also lots ilfteen and sixteen in Btown'a second addition to the eilyof Ann Arbor in the state of Alfo lots one. two, three, four live nd thp nnrth twenty-two links wide of lot number six in blocli four, eonth of range number two east ia the city of Ann Arbor m the state of Michigan. Dated, August 27, 1S79. LEONHAHD GEUNEK, Guaidia. rpo THE TAEMEES OF WASHTENAWI It is a well-known fact and has not been denied that the Toledo and Ann Arbor railroad thu past year bas put in the pookets ui' the farmers of th county, il least three cents on all of their wheat. Now thrce cents on 1,60,000 bushels is 45,000 dollars; quite a Bavrag, Jfow we &ay, brinf your ivheat and pfttronin the road where you will findf your old 11, TbkadwBLL & OsBOltNE, ready ta ]i;iy tle hfsrbwt pofiBible price that can be paid. - ■ we trust, by fair dealing, c will receive a fair proportion ot" patrunaffe. Youra truly, TRI5ADWELL & OSBOKNE. Ann Arbor, July 23, 1S79. rAHJI FOK SAL.I3. 60 acres, well improved, oü' the west Bide of the west half of the soatheast anarter of section eltven in the township of Fittftfield, Waahtonaw Couuty. Will be BOld cbeap. Teruis easy. Enquire of Ii. C. RI8DON, 27-3m Ann Arbor, Mieli E IV. t'OOFKH, Ut M., Accoiicheiir nd Gynacrolnpist. (Ulicc corner Maia and Huron ílreet.-, Ann Arbor,


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Michigan Argus