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The University

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- Ihelaw dupurtineut 13 filling up rapidly. Especially in the junior elass. - Judge Campbell commonced his course of lectures on Criminal Law yesterday. -Judge Cooley opened tho Law Department Wedneóday by an introductory lectuve on Law. - Tho Sophmores and Preshmon will have a match game of foot ball to-morrow should the weather not prove unfavorablo. -The Webster (law) Literary Society meet to-night to arrange for the year's business of the society and a, social evening generally. - The Senior Law Class had their first meeting to attend to the regular business of the class and arrange for a game of foot bal! with the júniora. - The new buildings claim the attention of the old students. Work is progressing rapidly on them and they will probably bo ooiuploted in about thirty days. - Jumes K. Appli.'bey, of Chicago, who was so favorably received here last year, will open the Students Lecture and Concert Course of '79-80 on the evening of October 24. - The Jefftjrsonian (law) Lïterary Society held their níet meeting last night, and amon other exercises discussed whetïier Zich. Chandler shouid be elected President of the Unittd Statos or not. - It is oxpected that Dr. Steers, who has reoently returned from Brazil, will entertain the niembers of the Scientifio Assooiatiou at their rooms to-morrow evening with an account of some of his explorations in that country. I I- . Petit JuROKS.-List of petit juror i drawn on Tuesday, to serve at the üc tübor term of courfc, to be held in thi city on the 28th of thia inonth : York. - Alfrod Davenport, Porter Hinckley. Ypsilauti ïown. - Buik Spencer, Wui H. Lay. Ypbilanti City First District. - Justin E. Post, Robart Laiubie. Secoud District.- Wm. Kline, Nicholas Max. Aun Arbor Tcwn.- Bichard O. WilIetts, John ü'Harra. Ann Arbor City First District. - Nelson Schoft'. Second District. - Wm. Huiuhhrev. Third District. - Patrick Donovan. Augusta. - Henry Harris. Bridgewater. - Win. Gadd. Dexter. - Charle9 F. Conrad. Freedom.- Christian Triukle. Lima. - John F. Waltros. Lodi.- O. C. Sweatland. Lyndoc. - Edward Gorman. Mancbesttr. - Bsnjauiin G. Lovejoy. Northtield. - Michael Herey. Pittbtield. - V.thnore C. Nichols. SsIskl - David Farley. Saline. - Loren Cule. Sharon. - Anson K. Gage. Scio. - Cornelius J. ïuomey. fcjuperiür. - Veder Shankland. Sylvan. - Geo. W. Bacbiuan. Webster. - Silas Thrasher. Tha rush stil] continúes and crowds come from all directious to scxïure the Kreat bargains that are offered at Mack & Scbuiids and wbich have created an exoitement unparaleled in the anuals of the dry goods trade in this city.


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