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News Of The Week

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The Lake Hnron and SouthweBtern railroad, toeetber with a!l its rolling stock and equipment was sold Weanesday by the aasignee, C. M.Averill. lt was bougbt by 0. fl. Prescott for $17,000. This road was built laat year, and extends trom Tawas abunt 12 or 15 miles westward. It is now usei for lumbering purposes, bat the design has beeu to extend it to the Mackinao división of the Michigan Central. The coat ot constructing the road was about $100,000. It was finished in AuguBt, 1878, and earned in that year $31,000. A reunión of the survivors of the Mexican war was held at Lansmg Wednesday. The roll cali showed 68 members present. An address wuh delivered by Isaac Gibson of Ludington, secretary, describinu the canses and history of the Mexican war. A banquet was teudered the veterans at the Lansing HouBe in the evening, which was numerously attended by the old soldiers and citizens and their wiT9. Toast and responses were given. A body was found on the beach at Rockwood Tuesday, having on low shoes, light-colored stockings, blu overalls aud blue overstort. An inquest was held by D. Larabell. A son of Geo. Winterhalter, of Sebewaing, was drowned Monday in the river at that place. . . The Jackson Patriot says the opinión is expressed by ome partí s that the recent death of the Germán brewer Hauser in that city may haye resulted from Borne oth#r cause than snicide, and that it is possible that he was jnnrdered. Wm. Jones, while intoricated, attempted to crawl under a train of cars at the depot of the Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad at Grand Bapids Thursday night. The train started and Jones' legs were i adly mangled. Physicians pronounce his injuries fatal. He has a famiiy near Fisher Station, where he resides. There were reoeived in the State Prison in September 21; 14 were discharged, 2 died, 1 was pardoned and 1 eseaped, leaving 778 in priaon. The Rev. E. E, Bayliss, the evangelist missing from BhiawaBsee ootmty, has turned up in Canada. He amd the woman Phcenix crossed the river at 8t. Clair. The oil product of St. Joseph county is not over ene-fourth the usual amount on acoount of diminished acreage. Prices are conseqnently going np, 2 per pound now, or from $50 to $60 per acre of product. Wedneday 27 vessels cleared from Bay City loaded with ten millionfeet of lumber, .which would bring in thirty-five thousand dollars in freight money. Several million feet more were probably shipped at Saginaw, making the largest day's Bhipment of lumber ever known on the river. Mrs. Stearn. inother of Mathew Stearn, of Campbell, Ionia county, is 104 years old, and has made a praotice of working in the harvestneld ea-h year for the past tifty years, and this yrar raked and bouud four dozen bundies. Her son, with whom she lives, is over eventy years old. The cxpeiiae of the Agricultural College for tne year ending Beptember 30, 1878,were $58,526, and their receipts $881 more. The inrentory of buildings, farm, stock, etc, foots $267,617. The Btudents' labor during the year amounted to $5,C99. The college has received from the congrestional land grant 235,673.37 acres. Tommy Kidd.a life man at the State Prison, has gone quite extensively into the bird-raiaing business. He has a number of very fine cananes, all of which, except the younger ones, are good singers. Frorn the fact of his being a Ufe man, the State in&kes no provisión for means to enable him to procure read ng matter and other luxuries, and ho sells his birds at one dollar each to accomplish this end. The Tascóla County fair gronnds at Watrousville were visited by a tornado Friday evening which did great damage to the buildings and articles on exhi bition. A boiler f uil of hot water was blown from a stove in the eating tent and seriomly scalded a number of women standing near it. Harvey Park, a well-known and highly esteemed pioneer of Oakland county, died Friday uii;ht at the residence of hïé daughter, Mrs. Willard W. McConnell, of Pontiac, aged 90 years. The Catholio church at Marquette was burned Saturday. Lobs $12,000, insured for $4,000. The Detroit, Mackinac and Marquette railroad company have decidod to commence work at the Marquette end of the route as well as at the Mackinac end. The profiles and pecifications are being prepared, and the company will soon be in a situation to invite proposalB from would-be contractors. The present expectation is that 40 miles at each end of the road will be in operation by tha lat of June next. John Postman, a Hollander, was crushed to death about noon Monday by a pile of lumber at the Bigelows mili at Muskegon falhng on him. He was unmarried and aged about 22 The fait production tor Beptember was 264,304 barrels, the largest amount ever reached. There were received at the Ionia prison during September 43 prisoners and discharged 28, leaving on hand October 1, 282. Goldie's stave mili at Kawkawlin, with 80.000 heading, 30.000 staves and 5,000 feet of tubing, together vü ;-"■ other property.was barned on the 2d. Loss, $930. Gen. Dan. Sickles, who has 400 acres of land in Hamilton, G-rati'jt couutv, has built thereon a fine mansion, finished in the most elegant style. under the directions of an accomplishéd daughter. Mr. Perry Hovey carne into the township of Golden, Oceana county, 12 years ago, having at that time a capital of just 75 cents. To-day he has a good farm of 80 acres, 40 acres being nnder the plow, a good frame house aud barn, a fine orchard of 150 aple trees, 100 plums and cherries and 50 peaches, nearly all in bearing, and $15 will pay every cent of indebtedneaa he owes in the world. Mrs. Nettie Frederick. living in Matteson Township, Branch c unty, aged about 23 ard only married four days, took stiyehnine last Saturday morning, aud died from its effects at 1 1 o'clock. The cause is said to be jealousy, her husbanï hvmg gone to a party the night pr 'vioas with aaocher woman. ib-. examinaiion of Col. O. F. Lochhead on t e charge of embezzlement and making false in the buoks of the Oitizens' National bank of FHnt was continued Tuesday until the 2;stinst., on m-tion of the defendant. Col. Lochhead is held upon two complaintB. Superintendent Calloway of the Detroit and Bay City road reports business on that line more brisk than it has ever been before. Lumber ÏB coming out with a rush. Vessels freights have advanced considerably, and still the vessels cannot be got to do the business. The railroads are appealed to, but they cannot furnish enough cara to meet the demand.


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