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Michigan Hall of Fame awaits U-M scientist

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Michigan Hall of Fame awaits U-M scientist


Elizabeth C. Crosby, scientific pioneer and first woman full professor at the University of Michigan Medical School, has been selected for induction into the Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame, located in the Cooley-Haze House in Lansing, is being renovated and will be open to the public in mid-1987. Induction ceremonies will take place at the Hall of Fame annual dinner in October in Southfield.  Crosby won international acclaim for her basic research into the anatomy of the brain and its evolution. Besides being the first woman to receive a full professorship in the U-M Medical School in 1936, she was the first to receive the U-M’s Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award. In 1980, she received the National Medal of Science, the nation’s highest scientific award, from President Jimmy Carter.