Sheriff's Deputies Search For The Body Of Gerald Gainsley In Portage Lake, January 1956

Published In
Ann Arbor News, January 2, 1956
GRIM SEARCH AT PORTAGE LAKE: Two sheriff's deputies work from a boat with grappling hooks in search of the body of a 13-year-old Dexter area boy who drowned yesterday afternoon while ice skating at Portage Lake. The body of the victim, Gerald P. Gainsley, jr., was recovered by the deputies around 5 p.m. The deputies are Arthur Devoe (seated) and Nolan Lee. Two other Dexter boys were rescued by Robert Bolton of Portage Lake. They were David Kolander, 13, and Don (Toby) Roberts, 12.
Ann Arbor News, January 2, 1956
GRIM SEARCH AT PORTAGE LAKE: Two sheriff's deputies work from a boat with grappling hooks in search of the body of a 13-year-old Dexter area boy who drowned yesterday afternoon while ice skating at Portage Lake. The body of the victim, Gerald P. Gainsley, jr., was recovered by the deputies around 5 p.m. The deputies are Arthur Devoe (seated) and Nolan Lee. Two other Dexter boys were rescued by Robert Bolton of Portage Lake. They were David Kolander, 13, and Don (Toby) Roberts, 12.
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