Sebastian Kresge, Donor Of U-M Research Institute, Honored At The Michigan Union, October 1949

Published In
Ann Arbor News, October 11, 1949
Announcement of a $3,000,000 gift by the Kresge Foundation of Detroit to the University, for erection of a Medical Research Institute, was made last night at a dinner meeting of University officials, foundation trustees, and press representatives at the Michigan Union, honoring the donor, Sebastian S. Kresge. Left to right, above, are Amos F. Gregory, secretary of the foundation; Paul W. Voorhies, foundation president; Dr. Albert C. Furstenberg, dean of the University Medical School; Mr. Kresge, creator of the foundation; University President Alexander G. Ruthven; and H. C. Baldwin, foundation vice-president.
Ann Arbor News, October 11, 1949
Announcement of a $3,000,000 gift by the Kresge Foundation of Detroit to the University, for erection of a Medical Research Institute, was made last night at a dinner meeting of University officials, foundation trustees, and press representatives at the Michigan Union, honoring the donor, Sebastian S. Kresge. Left to right, above, are Amos F. Gregory, secretary of the foundation; Paul W. Voorhies, foundation president; Dr. Albert C. Furstenberg, dean of the University Medical School; Mr. Kresge, creator of the foundation; University President Alexander G. Ruthven; and H. C. Baldwin, foundation vice-president.
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