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What Happened to the Monsters?

What happened to the monsters?
The creeping, crawling animals.
Creatures of the night.
Creatures of the shadow.
What happened, what happened, what happened…

What happened to the mythicals?
The stately, god-like beings.
Beings of the sun.
Being of the light.
What happened, what happened, what happened…

What happened to all the legends?
The creatures in the stories, the beings of the songs.
Where have they gone, I wonder now,
Where have they gone…

What happened to all the folklore?
Stories of the supernatural,
Passed through the hands of time.
Tales of the mysterious,
Woven together by word of mouth.

How did they leave?
When did they leave?
Or did they really leave at all?

What happened to the monsters?
The Kelpies, Merrows, and Mermaids.
The Hippocampai, Krakens, and Kappas.
The embodiments of water,
Leviathans of the sea.
Have they gone or are they hiding?
This I do not know.

What happened to the mythicals?
The Kings, Zeus, Osiris, and Odin.
The Queens, Hera, Isis, and Frigg.
Pulling heros into the light,
And throwing evil into the dark.
Able to create and destroy with the smallest word.
With these words I wonder,
Where have they gone?

What happened to the legends and the folklore?
Ghosts, Wraiths, and Poltergeists.
Boggarts, Banshees, and Will-o-the-wisps.
Blurs of motion,
Hiding in the corner of your eye.
Paranormal beings.
Supernatural entities.
Are they too hiding,
Waiting, lurking,
Or have they all but left for good.

What happened to the Monsters?
How did they leave?
When did they leave?
Or did they really leave at all?
This I do not know...