Contralto Blanche Thebom watches a May Festival Rehearsal, May 1950

Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 5, 1950
OPERA STAR BLANCHE THEBOM WATCHES REHEARSAL: Contralto Blanche Thebom, who will be one of the soloists in tonight's performance of Bach's "Magnificat," watched the rehearsal intently. After Miss Welitch and Ormandy completed their hour of work, Thor Johnson directed part of the orchestra, the Choral Union, and soloists in a rehearsal for tonight's concert. Both Miss Thebom and Miss Welitch are members of the Metropolitan Opera Co.
Ann Arbor News, May 5, 1950
OPERA STAR BLANCHE THEBOM WATCHES REHEARSAL: Contralto Blanche Thebom, who will be one of the soloists in tonight's performance of Bach's "Magnificat," watched the rehearsal intently. After Miss Welitch and Ormandy completed their hour of work, Thor Johnson directed part of the orchestra, the Choral Union, and soloists in a rehearsal for tonight's concert. Both Miss Thebom and Miss Welitch are members of the Metropolitan Opera Co.
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