Legacies Project Oral History: June Bennett
When: 2020
Mary June Bennett was born in 1922 in Evanston, Illinois. She grew up in Ann Arbor and Birmingham, Michigan during the Prohibition Era. After attending the University of Michigan, she joined the Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES) and graduated from midshipman’s school at Smith College in 1944. She was photo editor of the U.S. Navy’s All Hands Magazine. She had three children with her first husband, Maxwell Matthews, and after their divorce she married Clyde “Buck” Bennett in 1967. She was a family therapist for 25 years. She passed away in 2016.
June Bennett was interviewed as part of an internship at Applied Safety and Ergonomics in Ann Arbor in 2008 as part of the Legacies Project.
- [00:00:09] LYNETTE SCORE: You got it?
- [00:00:09] JUNE BENNETT: Yeah.
- [00:00:10] LYNETTE SCORE: Okay.
- [00:00:10] JUNE BENNETT: Okay.
- [00:00:11] LYNETTE SCORE: All right, so first of all, my name is Lynette Score. I'm interviewing June Bennett and it's July 17th, 2008. To start off we just need a few demographic questions so we can sort the information that we get from you. Please say and spell your name.
- [00:00:29] JUNE BENNETT: June Bennett. J-U-N-E B-E-N-N-E-T-T
- [00:00:38] LYNETTE SCORE: What is your birth date, including the year?
- [00:00:40] JUNE BENNETT: 6/29/22.
- [00:00:45] LYNETTE SCORE: How would you describe your race or ethnicity?
- [00:00:50] JUNE BENNETT: Caucasian.
- [00:00:52] LYNETTE SCORE: Do you have a religious affiliation?
- [00:00:54] JUNE BENNETT: Yes, I do. I'm an Episcopalian.
- [00:00:58] LYNETTE SCORE: What is the highest level of formal education that you've completed?
- [00:01:02] JUNE BENNETT: Graduate school. I have a master's degree.
- [00:01:06] LYNETTE SCORE: Did you attend any additional school beyond that?
- [00:01:10] JUNE BENNETT: Not officially.
- [00:01:13] LYNETTE SCORE: What is your marital status?
- [00:01:15] JUNE BENNETT: I'm married.
- [00:01:17] LYNETTE SCORE: How many children do you have?
- [00:01:19] JUNE BENNETT: We have a second marriage so we have five children. I have three of my own and two that I inherited with my husband.
- [00:01:28] LYNETTE SCORE: Do you have any siblings?
- [00:01:30] JUNE BENNETT: I have a sister.
- [00:01:33] LYNETTE SCORE: What would you consider your primary occupation to have been?
- [00:01:39] JUNE BENNETT: Family therapist.
- [00:01:43] LYNETTE SCORE: At what age did you retire?
- [00:01:44] JUNE BENNETT: Seventy three maybe.
- [00:01:52] LYNETTE SCORE: To begin our interview, we're going to start off talking about your childhood and school years. From the point, you were born up until when you finished high school. To start off, where did you grow up and what are your strongest memories of that place?
- [00:02:06] JUNE BENNETT: Well, I grew up in several places. I grew up in Ann Arbor, from about four years old to nine years old. I went to Angel school here. I have very happy memories of my years here as a child, good friends. It was a quiet way of life. My most exciting moment was when I was about eight, getting my first two-wheeler bike. That was exciting. My mother and dad and I lived with my grandfather in this big house over on Olivia Avenue here and he had a Buick car. This was by 1927 maybe. There was a substantial glove compartment in the back corner of the back seat. I could sit on top of that and then see out the window and the big entertainment on a Sunday was to go for a ride in the car. To go maybe as far as Dexter or perhaps as far as Saline because these were quite distances to go in those days on dirt roads. But life was wonderful. It was great. There were no radios. We had one telephone in the house and it was like a dumb waiter. If you were upstairs and the phone was downstairs, you could go to the receptacle there and pull the ropes and the phone would come up or vice versa if you were downstairs, you could just pull a rope and pull the phone down. It was a big phone. I think our number was something like 2727 and the operator knew us all. It was a very informal kind of a time. Then we moved over to Birmingham. My sister was born in that year and we moved to Birmingham and we had a large house there that had not been lived in. It was during the Depression. That was a wonderful place too. We had fields all around our house. There are no fields left in Birmingham. We walked to school. We being the neighborhood children, it was about a nine-block walk and we walked fall, winter, and spring. We walked to school and then we walked home at lunch, and then went back to school, and walked home in the afternoon. We played games out in the street after dinner in the warm weather. Kick the can, and baseball, and things like that. We had just a friendly neighborhood group of kids. Life was good. We had a radio at our house and that was the center of entertainment, to listen to some of the programs that were like Amos 'n' Andy, Jack Benny. They were a series of programs that went on. It was during Prohibition when we first moved there but my parents both drank. My father got his liquor from a bootlegger who came to the house with a little black bag. He looked like a doctor may be in a black coat and hat and a little black bag, and he would have the liquor. I grew up in a home where my parents were party people and their friends were and everybody smoked, and I started smoking at an early age. Probably around 12, I had my first cigarette and maybe before that, I don't know. Everyone smoked. You went to a movie and everyone in the movies smoked. It was just the thing to do. I did it along with my parents for many, many years. I went to the same school in Birmingham from third grade through the ninth grade. It was an elementary and junior high school at that point in time. As a big family, we all knew each other and it was good. It was very very good. Then I received a scholarship to Kingswood school, which was a private school out of Cranbrook for the tenth grade. I went out there and I just felt like a fish out of water. It wasn't a good fit for me. But I begged my parents to let me go to Bolden High School, which was the high school, only in Birmingham. I wanted to go with my friends but they said no. They didn't think that that was a good idea because the kids stood out on the sidewalk after school and drank cokes and smoked cigarettes, and they didn't want me doing that. I finished at Kingswood but then they agreed. I went away to boarding school for the last two years of my high school years. That was wonderful. It was down in Virginia, a small Episcopalian school, girls. I think altogether there maybe were a 120 or 30 of us, old school. It was funded by Mrs. Jeb Stuart. Southerners are great traditionalists. It didn't matter at all if you had any money but you had to have family down there. You had to be able to say, "Well, my family was from here or there, or whatever." But they accepted me and I made good friends and we had a wonderful time. Those were the years of the wonderful late 30s and early 40s. Well, actually, I graduated from high school in 1940. But those years were good years, even though we knew there was a lot of trouble going on over in Europe. There were men that were called Hitler and Mussolini and Stalin and there was trouble. But it was so far away from us that we still were living our idyllic life and enjoying our music, enjoying dancing. We danced a lot. We had a wonderful time as kids. It was different than it is now. I don't remember there were ever any drugs. The high school kids, a lot of them fellows and girls, we'd have a beer or something to drink because it was so prevalent where we were. I remember older fellows that were older than we that would be drunk, but I don't remember any of my group being people that drank a lot. But we had good times. We went to a lot of movies. I'm trying to think what we did do. We sat around and played records and danced a lot and taught, summers went swimming and picnics. They had the big bands down in Detroit at two different places at Eastward, which was an outdoor dance floor with some recreational stuff around in that same area where they had a merry-go-round and Ferris wheel. But we first saw Tommy Dorsey and people like Glenn Miller. The other dance place was Westwood, which is on the West side of Detroit. They had a marvelous marble dance floor, big, and it was all outdoors. Those bands would come regularly, Artie Shaw, they're names that maybe aren't familiar to you and I'm not remembering them all right now. But that was a big part of our lives during the summers, going to Eastwood or Westwood for the evening and dancing and having wonderful music. There when I got to college, those bands still came. Not maybe as many of the very good ones to Ann Arbor for the proms and dances and things. Bands traveled in those days because there was no television and that was the way they got to know people. I don't remember as a child, young child, doing any social service work except with my grandmother in New Orleans when I was very little. She was a Catholic and a very devoted person trying to help people and she visited the local hospital, people that didn't have other family. She would take me with her as a young child. I had a fairly good little soprano singing voice. She would take me and introduce me to some of her people that she called and I was there visiting from Michigan. Then she would say, "Well now, Mary June, would you please sing a little song?" I would sing a little song and I wonder how awful it must have been. But I guess they enjoyed having someone come into their room and to do somebody different. I don't remember doing anything much. In Birmingham, I helped with the Sunday school. I taught Sunday school over at our church. But when I went to Stuart Hall, I went not every Saturday, but it was maybe once or twice a month to the Virginia School for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind, which was out on the outskirts of Staunton. We would be assigned to one person and I was assigned to a young girl who probably was maybe 10 or 11 or 12. It was very difficult because she couldn't see and she couldn't speak, she couldn't hear. But we would go walking and sit under a tree and I would play games with her hands. I'm sure it wasn't for a very long time because there wouldn't have been anything to do. But it gave me a sense of there are people in this world that have a really tough time of it. It was an interesting experience to know that I could be a volunteer and do something for somebody else and that stayed with me. I would think, sums it up for those years unless you have something specific you wanted to ask me.
- [00:13:37] LYNETTE SCORE: Let's see, we have a lot of other questions, but I think you've pretty much answered most of them. Let's see. How many people lived in your house with you and what was their relationship to you? Was it just you and your sister and your parents?
- [00:13:58] JUNE BENNETT: My sister, when I was a teenager, she was nine years younger than I was, so when I was 16 she was seven. She was a terrible nuisance. She got into my doors or if I had a boyfriend over, she'd be behind the couch in the living room watching us hold hands. We were never close until later and now we're very close. My dad was an alcoholic and life was not good in that direction at all, and my mother was a very vibrant person. There were my dad and mother, and my sister, and myself. Most of those years in Birmingham, we had a maid who lived in, That's what you did in those days. During the real Depression, the maid would say to us, whoever was working with us then, ''Do you mind if I just stay? I'll work for free to have my room and board.'' Mother and dad would give her a little bit of money each week, but that's how it would be. But I always had a friend in that bedroom to talk to because mother and dad went out a lot and then the maid was always there. She was part of the family.
- [00:15:16] LYNETTE SCORE: What sort of work did your parents do?
- [00:15:18] JUNE BENNETT: My father was in the advertising business. He sold advertising for newspapers and magazines. My mother was a stay-at-home mom until later. Then when they were divorced, she started working retail.
- [00:15:37] LYNETTE SCORE: Can you describe any chores or duties you had around the house?
- [00:15:41] JUNE BENNETT: Very few. Very, very few. I don't really remember any chores or duties because we had the maid who did things and I was expected to keep my room clean, the bathroom cleaned up. But I don't ever remember having to do anything.
- [00:16:02] LYNETTE SCORE: I see. Do you remember any interest in fads or slang in the time?
- [00:16:12] JUNE BENNETT: Fads? Saddle shoes. The year I was at Kingswood, everyone was wearing Spalding saddle shoes and they were, relatively at that time, very expensive, and I suppose they probably cost about $20. But in those days that was a huge amount of money for school shoes. But my mother took me to Chicago and there were very few places you could buy Spalding saddle shoes. But we went over to Chicago and for whatever reason, that's where I was born. I guess mother went back there once in a while. There was a Spalding shoe store there and mother bought me my first pair of Spalding saddle shoes. I was so excited and we got outside and I was getting them a little dirtied up, the front of them with the other toe. Mother said ''What are you doing?'' I said, ''But they can't look new.'' Saddle shoes were big. What else was big? We wore skirts and sweaters to school and blouses. We wore dresses a lot for other things. Hats. We always wore hats if we went to church or if we went to something special, we would have a hat and gloves. Those who were not fads, those were what you did. I remember smoking a corn cob pipe for a while. That was the fed because we weren't supposed to smoke cigarettes, and they were small corn cob pipes and you put some kind of corn in them. There were a bunch of us that did that for a while. We all drove. When I was 14, my father took me over in Birmingham to the police station. "Hi, Dro." "Hi, Danny. How are you? Where's Mary June? What's she doing here?" "Well, she's 14 today." "Okay. Here, and let's write out the license."
- [00:18:24] LYNETTE SCORE: That was it?
- [00:18:25] JUNE BENNETT: That was it. Have you taught her to drive? Yes, I have. Okay. He and I, he had. I would drive and we had all gravel roads in front of our houses then, and after-dinner that spring before my birthday in June, they would say, "Okay, you can take the current go around the block." Well, first they would do it with me and then I could do it by myself. I would go around the block and I would back up and I would practice. I'd go into the driveway and out again, and there were very few cars. There were 9,000 people that lived in Birmingham at that time. There were very few cars, and so you learned how to drive, and you've got your license at 14. We all did. All of our friends were driving all through high school. There were once in a while there was a bad accident. People were killed, but no more than today, no more at all. Considering that we were a much smaller population then. We listened to the radio that was a big fed in singing. I don't remember who was popular with the singing, but Bing Crosby, I think would have been one. Lots of movies.
- [00:19:44] LYNETTE SCORE: What about if something was cool? You know we use the word cool now, was there a different word that you would use?
- [00:19:51] JUNE BENNETT: Yeah, there was. My memory fails me. Keen. That's keen. There was something else that I should be able to remember to say. How neat, how keen. There were others but I can't think of it, but they are.
- [00:20:21] LYNETTE SCORE: Were there any special days, or events, or family traditions that you had growing up?
- [00:20:27] JUNE BENNETT: Well, in Birmingham, days like Memorial Day were big, parade in town and we marched, I think I was a girl scout, from the center of town out to the cemetery, but that was a very big occasion. We had a pet parade in Birmingham that our church sponsored that was big. Everybody in town came with their pets, and they had prizes for the best, and the least and the most and the whole bit. That was always a very big thing, the pet parade day. Of course, we had big Christmas celebrations and caroling and all that business. Our family didn't have any traditions. We had no family. My father was an only child, my mother's family were all in New Orleans. There was me and my little sister, baby sister. On holidays we'd have it with friends who also had little family, but I don't remember any people that would be there always. Christmas was always fun, lots great and when I went away to school it was especially great when I would come home and have Christmas with the family and a lot of friends.
- [00:21:51] LYNETTE SCORE: When you think back on your childhood in the school years, what important social or historical events were taking place then? How did those impact you and your family?
- [00:22:02] JUNE BENNETT: Well, I think Roosevelt would be the first important event that came along. He came along in my grade school years, and he entered it, and my father was a staunch Republican. Very conservative Republican who grew up here in Ann Arbor, and he had a Republican father and mother. In school, we would get a little weekly newspaper that was published somewhere. It was national, and I don't remember what it was called, but it gave the news of the day. Sort of like a Time magazine without ads and it was much smaller, of course, maybe it was eight pages. But then in it, it had some pictures and Roosevelt became president in a terrible time when the country was in deep depression and he started a lot of programs. One of them was the NRA, which was the National.
- [00:23:07] LYNETTE SCORE: Rifle Man.
- [00:23:08] JUNE BENNETT: No, reconstruction or something. It was to hire people for jobs to build things for the country like some of the dams out wherever they are. They had roads, constructions, they had buildings. It was good because the country needed those things and somehow they were able to pay the people, so they had jobs, and that circulated money. I guess it was fifth grade and I was a writer and I used to write poetry and all, this and there. I wrote this little program to give to our class on the NRA, and the song was something like, "Oh, NRA. Oh, NRA, you've put us on our way. Oh, NRA, we hope you are here to stay." It went on for quite a while. Then there was a lot that went on with this little play and the teacher liked it so much that they had us give it to the whole school in an auditorium for them. It was a big deal, and my father was very unhappy with the whole thing. He didn't care for Roosevelt. Roosevelt went right on through. He had four terms, well he didn't complete that last one, but he was elected four times. He was through my early childhood and I thought he was wonderful. He had polio and during that time he got polio. But he was a Democrat, but he was, I think a conservative Democrat. Maybe people would say, "No, he wasn't, in financially, he wasn't," but whatever. That was a very interesting thing that went through my childhood. Prohibitions stopped, and alcohol came back into the country and for a while, we did not have in our town. Any liquor sold uptown in the restaurants or places, then gradually that one of them could have beer, and then one could have wine. But that was a pretty important thing in my life because of my father being an alcoholic and a lot of drinking and partying around our house. That was the social climate that I lived in. I used to like to go to other people's houses, where they didn't drink. They had an ordinary mother and father. I always felt that our house was quite different from most people's houses. Well, it wasn't different from everyone's, but it was different. I was always involved with my church. That was very important to me. It was a rock kind of a thing where at home, things would get sometimes pretty. There were no counselors, there were no people that you could go to and say, "I live in a crazy household." I did a lot with the church, Sunday School stuff and helping out where I could.
- [00:26:37] LYNETTE SCORE: All right. This next part of the interview, we're going to go from when you graduated from high school up until when you got married?
- [00:26:47] JUNE BENNETT: Okay.
- [00:26:49] LYNETTE SCORE: After you finished high school, where did you live?
- [00:26:53] JUNE BENNETT: We lived in Birmingham and I came out to Ann Arbor to be a freshman. Stockwell Hall had just been built. I was a brand new resident on the fifth-floor corner room at Stockwell Hall, which is over here. I don't know if you're familiar with that campus. The elevators didn't work most of that year and I was on the fifth floor. But I had a wonderful room. It was a corner room and it had windows here and windows on this side. I understand now they have three girls that live there, but I had a single room. It was great. I had been at boarding school with roommates. Although I loved them, it was very nice to have a room. I had to ask if I could have a room and in those days, you could have one if you wanted to. So I lived there for the first year. The last three years of my college life, I lived in the Delta Gamma House. I was in a sorority, and that was on Hill Street, the corner of Hill and Church. It was a beautiful building. It looks a little ramshackle right now. Then just before I graduated, then the war came in '41, and I was a sophomore. So the campus was never the same again because all the fellows went off to war, almost, except for medical and dental school and the Japanese school came here. They taught Japanese and engineering. But for the most part, all the Lit school people were gone. It was very much war. We did a lot of volunteering for raising money for bonds. We made bandages and we did a lot of war stuff. That last spring, two officers from the WAVES came on the campus and they stayed for a couple of days each time they came and they would make the rounds of the living quarters to see if they could find some people that would like to go to Midshipmen School and be a WAVE. I didn't want any part of that because I had a journalism major and I had gone to New York. I had been interviewed and I had a couple of job offers to go to New York when I finished. Harper's Bazaar was having a new magazine coming out called Junior Bazaar. I think that was the name of it. It only lasted two or three years, but I had been by mail offered a job on that editorial board of that magazine. I thought, boy, I loved New York and it would be wonderful. But these women kept coming in and I kept hearing my friends saying they were going to join up. So to make a long story short, I told them I would go into the WAVES and I went to have my physical down in Detroit at the Navy office in a big building, somewhere, tall building with a long elevator going up. I didn't pass the physical because I was underweight and they said, "You'll have to gain 10 pounds in order to come back and get into the September class." So I went home and I gained 9.5 pounds. The day I went down to weigh in, there was a soda fountain on the ground floor of this office building. I went in and I had a milkshake and I had a full glass of water. I went up the elevator, and I got in and the first thing they did was weigh me and she said, "Well, you're half a pound short, but we'll let it go.'' I said, "Where is the restroom?" It was just full of water. Then I asked, "Do I have to keep this weight until I get to Midshipmen School?" They said, "No, you don't. Don't worry about it anymore." So then I went off to Midshipmen School, which was at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts for nine weeks. There were six of us from the University of Michigan that were friends and we all got sent to Washington and one of the girls found a five-bedroom row house to rent. So we had a house to rent there and we got three other girls two others. There were eight of us. We had two years, I had two years. Some of them had less. Wonderful experience being in the Navy. I would never ever change it. I was talking to one of them that was with me, my good friend, the other day. We were saying those two years were a high point in our lives. Well, you just never could express how it turned out to be so important at that time because it was really scary. We really did not know if this country was going to be bombed and if Hitler was just running wild over Europe and then came along Japan. It was very frightening. We had blackouts at night, we had to keep all the shades down. We had wardens that came around and checked on your houses to be sure that we were there, and we had rationing. We had to take the bus in order to get from Ann Arbor campus to my house in Birmingham. We had to take the bus to Detroit and switching over to a local bus to Birmingham, and it took about three hours. There was a lot of stuff that went with it during this war. You really had tough times, although we never were bombed and they didn't allow WAVES to go overseas so we never got in. We wanted to go, but they didn't let us. So I lived in Washington those two years and when I got out of Washington, I came back to Birmingham.
- [00:33:00] LYNETTE SCORE: All right. I'd like to hear a little bit more about your husband. Where and when did you meet? Let's start with your first husband, I guess.
- [00:33:13] JUNE BENNETT: Yeah, I think we better. The first husband I met was a older brother whom I had never known of one of my very close friends. My girlfriend, Madeline, and her boyfriend was Dan, and Dan was like a brother to me. They eventually married and when I got home from the navy, I was on leave and I was going back to Washington. I was out by where they lived and they had a swimming pool and they'd called and said, we come out and go swimming on Sunday afternoon. I said that would be nice, thanks. I came and Dan's older brother who was just out of the navy and home, came walking down the lane towards the swimming pool and I thought, gosh, that looks like Dan, and it turned out he was getting a divorce. We went swimming and he came with us. We were all just swimming in the pool and he said to me, would you go out with me, and I looked at him and I said, well, sure. He said, the divorce papers are being settled, but I'm not fully divorced yet. I said, well, if you're separated, you're not living together, your marriage is over. I'd go out with you. He said some of the women won't go, their parents won't let them go with me. He said people in Birmingham might talk and I said, well, I'm not going to be here very long. I'm going back to Washington in a few weeks so I'll go out with you. He called me a day later and we went out to a movie that night. After the movie, we went somewhere and sat and talked, and we went out the next night and we never stopped going out. We went out every night until we got married in January. My father at first was furious. He said you cannot go out with him. He's not divorced, it's not final, and I will not have you doing that. I said, well, if you will not have me doing that, I am 22 years old or 23, and I will go find somewhere else to live in Birmingham. That was the end of that. He said nothing more. My first husband was the black sheep of his family. I just thought all he needed was to have somebody that really cared about him and loved him. His first wife, he painted the picture of her being pretty awful. I knew her in high school and I thought she was pretty serious of a mean person. Anyway, I thought I could really help him change to feel better about himself. Well, you don't change people, but I didn't know that. But we had a good life. He was a manufacturer's rep and we had some nice times. But he was a drinker and I thought I cannot go through this all over again. Early on I said to him, look, "I've grown up with a father who drank too much. If you're going to be like that, I can't marry you." Of course, he wouldn't be and he'd be fine and he would, but then as the years went on, he wasn't that good. We had three wonderful little kids. We had a good life. He made enough money that we were able to have a really neat house. We would move up. He liked to move a lot. Anyway, we had a good life, but underneath it was very bad. Finally, there were a couple of things that happened where he did some things that I wasn't able to live with so we got a divorce. That was my first husband. We both decided before the divorce that for whatever, we would try and make the children's life the same, as usual as it could be, that they could still, and we would not fight each other because we didn't want to plant seeds to them that their father or their mother was so awful or something. We were pretty good about that. At the beginning, I wasn't as good as I was later, I was so mad at him. But we did separate and then we were living out on a lake, beautiful lake outside in Bloomfield Hills. I lived in that house for a year until we sold it and then moved into town. The children adapted. My youngest child, Laura, is the one that never really got over losing her dad. She didn't really lose him, they're close. Overnight, he now lives in New Hampshire. She goes out to see him every once in a while. He remarried a lady that was about half his age. She had a baby a few months later and then they had another child. They had a happy life, I guess. I was alone, a single mom with three kids in Birmingham during their growing up years in grade school and middle school. My second husband, do you want to hear about him?
- [00:38:44] LYNETTE SCORE: Yeah.
- [00:38:44] JUNE BENNETT: Then my husband and I knew Buck, my new husband, and his wife socially in big groups. We weren't close friends, but we were friends, acquaintances. Buck's wife had cancer on and off, in and out for about five years. It was really sad and everybody felt bad about it. She finally died, and one day out of the blue in July, I think she had died in early spring and then July, I got a phone call from him and he said, would you like to go out to Meadow Brook, our office is having a picnic out there on the grounds, and we're going to hear whoever is the symphony or whatever that night. I worked at Oakland University and Meadow Brook was part of my job so that was very familiar to me. I spent a lot of time there. But I wasn't working that night and I said sure. I said, yeah, I'll go with you, fine. We had a picnic with all his people and it was nice and he took me home and that was that. Then later on, a couple of months later, I saw him at a party in our neighborhood. Our houses were only maybe half a mile apart. My daughter, Suzy, was driving then and she needed the car that night. I said, well, Suzy, if you'll drop me off at the party house, I have somebody there I know they can drive me home. Sure enough, Buck was there. Later on in the evening, I said, could you drop me off home later because I gave the car to Suzy and he said sure. Then he came in and we got talking that night, and that just started his courtship with me. We got married the following June. The only day of the summer that we could find when his parents from Florida, my parents from another part of Florida, my mother had remarried, and his best man and my maid of honor, and all five of our kids could be there, one day, June 21st. There was not another day. I guess it was all summer long. They would either be gone on camp or some of the parents couldn't come for one reason. We had it on June 21st, a day in the middle of the week. But we had it and that was nice.
- [00:41:32] LYNETTE SCORE: What year was that?
- [00:41:33] JUNE BENNETT: That was 1967.
- [00:41:35] LYNETTE SCORE: Got you.

Length: 00:41:40
Copyright: Creative Commons (Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-alike)
Rights Held by: Ann Arbor District Library
James B. Angell Elementary School
Cranbrook Kingswood School
W. F. Spalding & Co
New Deal
National Recovery Administration
Stockwell Hall
Delta Gamma Sorority
United States Naval Reserve
World War II
Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency Service (WAVES)
Smith College
Oral Histories
Legacies Project
Mary June Bennett
Maxwell Matthews
Clyde Bennett
Tommy Dorsey
Glenn Miller
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Olivia Ave
Staunton VA
Northampton MA
Washington DC