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At the close of business o" the 31st uit. the National Bank notes outstanding aeeregated J842,7aS,018. According to a Washigtoix telegram of the 31st uit. the Agicultural Pepartment had been lately reog rePlics ironv its correspondent In rtous portions of the United State.' which intiicated that the foot and mout! disease existcd in neaily every part L the Lmon allke. The letters proved t fallacy ol the theory the Department ha; hitherto held that the diseaee liad no wthold in the United States. The Agrietfiiral Bureau announces that it wül aid sto(i-owners in thetr efforts to extírpate it. During August the choras receipts of the United States were M,0,000, against $17,000,000 forJuly. The public-debtstatenontfor August makes the followiug exhil't: Total debt chidine interest), vt,iw -- Treaaury 196,668.332., lesa amount in Treasury. $1,9:24,569,074. Decrease dunne: the month. $12,027,167. leercase since June 30, 1880, $17,608,221. During August theinternal revenue receipts were W, 497,091 a gain ol fl.OC.f, VÍ7 over August, 1879. The "i ast. On the 31st uit. th Tammany branch of the New York Dem'Cracy revoked its eallfor a State Conventioiand ratifled the cali oí the Regulara. ONthelstthe l&w Jersey Prohibitionlsts met in Stateionvention at Trenton and nominated S. B.Kaneom ior Governor, and also PresidentialElectors. On the lst an eiplosion occurred in a coal mine near Suiiandoah, Pa., by which one man was killedind six scriously iujured. On the lst thi Greenbackers of the Sixth Massachusett District nominated E. M. Boynton for Cfigres, and the Republicans of the Twenttthird New York District renominated Conjessman Cyrus D. Prescott. On the lsttheNew Jersey State Democratie Conventie! met at Trenton and nominated George C.idlow for Governor on the fourth ballot. During Sepiember unusually heavy pales are predicad along the Aüantic coast, and orders ha heen issued to the llfeBaving stations ín the Jersey coast to be on the alert and inreadiness ior any emergency that may arise. There are lorty-two oL these stations, niannd by 252 men. A few da? ago a Mrs. Hamburger, a Montreal (Omada) milliner, undertook to bring her stoet into the United States without paying tb usual customs duties. At the frontier postif Richford, Vt., a pryin? offlcer discover the goods and promptly conflscated then They were worth $10,000. On the tt the Massachusetts State Democratie Convention met at Worcester and nominsed a full State ticket headed by Charles P. "horapson for Governor and Alpha E. Thompon for Lieutenant-Governor. On thí2dthe two branches of the Democraie party in New York City agreed to unite on Legislatlve and Congresslonal nominatons. On t!e 2d the Republicana of tho Fifth ïew Jersey District nominated John HilliorCongress. A y)UNG student from New York, Edward Bearing, was recently killed by tb accidental overtuining oí a diligence at Sciuls, Switzerland. Oj the 2d the Republicana of the Twoity-fifth New York District renorainated Fi-arc Hiscock for Congress. Ienky Kingman, a drunken brute ÜTilg at Hartford, Conn., shot and killcl his had-working wiie as she sat at a sewinginchine, on the night of the 3d. ArnoRuisG to a ïroy (N. Y.) pach of the 2d thcre were at that time flfty caes of small-pox in that city. At Schaghticoke, N. Y., on the 3d tirteen buildings were destroyed by fire, inolving a Iobs of $150,003. West and South. A State Conventkm of the Michigan Proliibitionists was beid at Jackson on the lst and a full State ticket headed by Samuel Dickey for Governor was placed In nomination. The Dakota Territorial Republican Convention was held on the lst. R. F. Tettigrew was nominated for Delégate in Congress. On the lst the weorasKa otaie nepublican Couvention was held at Lincoln and flovernor Nanee and most of the present inrumbeuts oL the State oüices were rcnonitnated. E. K. Valeutine was renomtnated ior Conress, and Colonel Majors ior contingent Congrespmin. The iirst railway mail service ever periormed in Anzona will be begun on the 3üth of September, over the lately completed portion of the Southern Pacific Railway from Yuma to Benson, nearly three hundred miles. The Kansas llepublieans met in State Couvention at Topeka on the lst and renorainated Governor 8t John on the Urst ballot. A platform of principies was adopted. Thebe is further trouble between the Creeks and Cherokees in the Indian Territory, and both parties are preparing for war. A few days ago nine C Innamen employed on the Canada Pacific Railroad were euddenly elcvated to a perilous height by the pjNBMtOM explosión of a Wast. The friends of the iniured men tbooght the foreman of the construction gang, a white man, was to blame for the accident, and chaseJ him several miles, but he succeeded in effecting hls escape. The committee appointed by Congress at its recent session to select a site ior the proposed monument at Yorktown to celébrate the surreuder of Cornwallis have seiected a spot not far from the celebrated Spottswood house on "Temple Farm." The Iowa Demócrata met in State Convention at Des Molnes on the 2d anti nominatcd the following ticket: Secretary o; State, A. B. Keith; State Treasurer, Martin Blini; Auditor, C. A. Barker; Attorney-Ueneral, C. A. Clarke ; Register of the Land Office, I). Daugherty. Presklentlal Electors were also nominated. On the 2d Goveroor Simpson, of South Carolina, resisned the Governorahlp to accept the posilion of Chief Jugticé. The Delaware Repiiblican State Convention met at Dover on the 2d, and nominated John M. Houston for Congrees, and selecteJ Presidential Elector.-;. The colored men of Kansas will meet in State ('onvention at Topeka, on the 'JOthof September. Congressioïïat, nominations wers made on the 'M as follows: Fourth Illinois District, Congressinan John C'. Uherwln, licpublican; Seeond Michigan, F. T. CUcster, Cireenback; Fifth Wisconsln, Congressman E. 8. Bragg, Dcmocrat; First Marylaml, üeorge W. Covington, Democrat; Sixtii Maryland, M. (i. Urner, Kepubliean: ïjir! Texas, John H. Reagan, Democrat; Thlrd Georgia, General Philip Cook, Uemoerar ; Seeond Texas, B. B. Culbersou. Democrat; S;eond Keuluckv, Cooeresaiaan .';imr l MeKenzie, Demoerat; l'ifib Missouri, Con gremman R. 1'. Bland, Demoerat. Whilk a heavy storm was raging al (rund papida, Mich., 011 niL'bt, of Ihi l-t, tlie reservoir on the mTI bróRe, IrUeratln" 4,000,000 gallons of water which damaïed adjacent propcrty to the amount ol $50,00). Fiftcen or twenty dweiling houses were wrecked and many streets and gardens were either scooped out or obstructcd by gravel and bowlders. Fotjr cut-throats, wbo were lodged in jail at Merldian, Tex., on the 3d, confess that, some ago, they banded together with the iuteution oí robbing post-offlees, express offices, and other places where raoney was kept, and murder those 'in charge, lf neeessary. Tub steamship Vera Cruz, which sailed from New York on the 25th uit. for Havana and Vera Cruz, is believed to hsivo been wrecked during a reeent terrillc gale off Florida, on board, Including twentynine pa5Sf ngers and the Captain and flfty sailors, to have been lost. Most of the paesengera were resident either of Havana or ia Cruz. The gale orcyclone during wbich the ship went down was terrific. it is deseribed by an oilicer of a vessel whieh Iiappily weatherod it as "a tremendous oycloni'." Portions of the cargo, including the mailb&ge, of the missing ship and some bodies have been washed on ttie Florida shore. A few days ago a man namecl Golsby, of Jasper County, Ua., who had been missing watermclons from his fiold, procurad a large quantity oí arsenio and placed small parta of it underneath the rinds of various meions scattered over the patch. A few morning after he was horriliod, upon gttng to his melon patch, to find fcmr negro men dead in the lield and a sa of watermelons beside each one. They had partaken of tin; watermdons into which the arsenic had been injected. On the 2d tlie Republicans oL South Carolina met in State Convention, and, after a secret session, lasting nntil the following day, concluded not to placu a State ticket in nomination this fall. Presidential Electors were nominated. D. B. Romnson, the shecp man, has taken the lield as an Independent Democratie candidate for Congress in the Slzth Texas District. Fire destroyed a warehouse at Washington Corners, Alameda County, Cal., taining 150,000 sacks of wñeat ana uariey, on the 3d. Loss $300,000. On the 3d Stephen llichardson was hung at Wilminstou, Del., for killing h!a mother-m-Iaw on the 19th o( July last. Two negroes wcre a!so hung at New Orleans.


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Ann Arbor Democrat