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The Volksblask Of Pittsburg, Pa., And

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the Waechtcr am Erie, of Ohio, leading republiean papers, are out for Hancock. The victory in Maine is purely a greenback one. - Ypsüanli Commercial. But it is a republican defeat just the samme. Notwithstanding the republicans of Indiana have run into that state several thousand voters.there is e very. prospect of a glorious democratic.victory a week from next Tuesday. Nearly every Germán republican paper in Ohio of any prominence has hoisted the naiues of Hancock and English. The stampede has commenced, and victory for the democracy is certain. Many republicans openly boast that Willits is the only ineruber of congres from this state who 'dares to do right" by wearing the red ribbon. With some of these ranters it is a sin to go without one. The attenlion of very reader of The Dkmochat is callcd to the able speech recent'y made by Governor Tloratio Seymourand whichis published in to-day's paper on the fourth page. Readit, and then hand the paper to your neighbor. - i ■ -- The republicans are terribly alarmed about Ohio, and behold the hand wriling on the wall. For sometime the leaders hare conceded the state to be doubtful, and one last final splurge is to be made to save the sinking ship. lt is a serious question whether they can do it. In conversation with a number of demo crats last Friday, a republican and exsupervisor were foreed to acknowledge, that tbc abuse which bas been hcaped upon the southeru people by the radical press and stump speakers, is tho only reason why the south is solid to-day. - i ■ The Ann Arboh Dkmocrat is a republiean paper. "VVc have as authority for the announcement of its change, its own expression of satisfaction at the result in Maine .- Ypsilantian. Yes sir, we do rejoice over the election of the fusión governor in Maine, for it is no more, nor less than a republiean defeat. ■ i ■ Chas. S. Gregory, who bas been astand" ing candidate for ten years either for the office of state senator or representativo from the third district, can thank The Dkmocrat for his defeat this time. Charlie wanted the nomiuation, oh! sobad;but wc didn't propose to sce hiui get it. Every one having business in the probate court and who wishes to save $10 on every estáte, is hereby informcd that TnK Democuat will print all probate notices for two-thirds less than their legal ratcs. We mean business. Rcquest Judge Harriman to send the printing to this office. The Ypsilunti Commercial says "the democrats have a first-rate candidate in Mr. Edward King, for represen tative. " We are astouuded that the humpty-dump ty of the Commercial sbould speak well of any democrat. The editor probably doe3 not remember what statements he made in his sheet the week previous. At a republican exhibí tion given in Adrián last Thursday night, Bob Frazer was one of tbc speakers and this is what the Daily Press says of him : Frazer is a glib tongued political acrobat, who said he was an original bom hero, and was addressing a republican audience though never having voted that kind of a ticket. Ile said in religión and business and in everything there was change, and there washange in politics. Probably it was "change" that induced Bob to flop- say $1 .50 per day and expenses. Like Forepaugh's gun, be has great borc and small calabcr. Annanias would doff his bat to Frazer and acknowledge him as master. a i m In his speach at Tecumseh R. E. Frazer said to a republican audience, that he "never held office nor did he aspire to be a public speaker and teacher." Such stuff will do to teil where you are not known. How long ago is it since you were elected by the democratie party to the office of circuit court cointnissioner, prosecuting attorney, city atlorney, etc, in Washtenaw county? Did you not "aspire"to be circuit judge? and were you not also a candidate for the office of pcosecuting attorney on the greenbaek ticket? And yet you say you never have held offfce or had "aspirations" that way. What do you cali it Bob? m-m In James S. Gorman, the democrats of the third representativo district, have not only a popular candidate, but one wbo is every way qualified to discharge the duties of the office of representative. A better selection could not have been made . He will not only command the support of his owu party, but will receive republicun votes., which will insure his election by several hundred majority. Mr. Gorman was bom in 1850 in the township of Lyndon, this county, and was brought up on a farm. He attended school for a while in this county, when he entered the union school at C'helsea, of which he is a gradúate. In 1874 he entered the law department of the university, and graduated with the class of '76. He afterwards locatod in Jackson, and for two years was deputy prosecuting aüoruey of Jackson county. In November 1870 he moved to Dexter, and in the following spring wís elected justice of tbe peace, which office he now holds. Such is the history of the next representative from tbe third district. ndi ■ m The New Yoik Herald says: It scems to be settled at last that General Plaisted has been chosen Governor in Maine. The change is startling when it is compared with the vote of the state at the October election in 1876, when the republicans carried the state by 14,960 majority. Plainly a good many voters in Maine have ohanged their minds in these four years, and the strange turn there makes other close states the more iuteresting. There are so many of these close states that they make a very curious part of the problcm to bc settled in November by the people. Iu Ohio the republicans polled last year only fifty and onequarter per cent. of the vote, and that leaves no great margin for losses this year. In Illinois at the last state election, in 1878, they polled only forty-seven and tbrec quarters per cent. of the total vote, and had not even a majority. In Michigan tlicy had last year only fif ty-onc per cent. of the vote; in New Jersey only fortyeight and one-half per cent.; in Connecticul only forty-six per cent. If the democrats could count upon a change of popular opinión and votes in these states, such as that which has taken place m Maine, democratie success would be as iood as certaiu. i ii ■ - It is an old saying tbat "The world owes every man a living." But of course be is expected to get il honestly by dealing justly with his fellow men Wben an individual will ïesort to unfair and unprofcssional methods to further his iuterests, he should be shown up in his proper light. It is well known that the tramp printer is a frequeut habitué of the probate court. His principal business there is to obtain what legal notiecs he can, and often resorting to what tho press would cali unfair and uuprofessional means. This tramp is kuown to be a grasping, avaricious tramp, and to replete his depleted exchequer, he will deliberately take legal notices that have been published in the other weekly papers hcre, by cutting down the price just one half from what the parties expected to pay, in order to secure his coveted prize. Oonsequently the "notices" are concluded in bis sheet, after having boen commenccd as wc have alrcady stated in some other newspaper. Believing there was onlv onc way to deal with such an unprlnciplcd fellow, wo called at the different newspaper offices in this city and informed the owners, what we proposed to do, at the same time calling their attention to the facts as narrated above. Wc thought by reducing the price of probate printing to one third the legal rates, that it would, perhaps be as low as the tramp could take it for, and we could comnete with him. This we are bound to do, and thosc having probate notices to publish can takc aclv.intage of the cutting_ in rates, and thus save to the estáte many dollars. By calling the at'.ention of Judge Ilarriman to this fact, he will grant your request. The republican papers say that Mr. Waldby has had no experience in congress and therefore shouldn't be elected. The same argument would have applied toMr. Willits four years ago; and to every new man put in nomination for any office. It is an objection that bas noforce - HilUdilc Democrat. This congressional district has been representcd ia congress by professional politicians ever since it was a congressional district. The people begin to tbink it is time to change this, and propose to elect a practical clear headed business man to represent them for the next term, and thereafter. Therefore they are going to elect Mr. W. H. Waldby. When the fusión state offleers were following repeated republican precedents in canvassing the election returns in Maine the organs of the Credit Mobilier party howled themsclves hoarae about the 'doinocratic steal. " Kow, when the same fusión has wou a grand victory in Maine the same Credit Slobilier organs whine piteously that it is in no sense a democratie rejoicing But then it is seldom that the Credit Mobilier consistency will"consist. " - Ixinting Jorernal. E. P. Allen, chairman of the late republican state convention, is on the stump, and while at Hudson made the murderous statement that the man who should ask him or any other republican "to vote the democratie ticket ought to be shot in bis tracks." A brother of E. P. said in public three ycars ago in Pontiac that he would kill the man who c.ontinued to give a son of his liquor. So it is fair to presume that the Allen family are at least very partial to making threats of murder.


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Ann Arbor Democrat