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The Second Michigan District

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From all qunrters we are daily in receipt of most enoouraging repons of complete and ellective democratie organization. A gentleman who has recently spei'.t considerable time in Southern Michigan, and who, by the way, is BOmowhal familiar with politics, in eonversation this morning made the following observations concerning the canvass in the second congressional district. At DO time since the war bas there been such universal enthusiasm nor such solid and well organized work among demócrata in this republican stronghold. The district, comprising the counties of Leoawee, Monroe, Washtcnaw and Hillsdale, gives an average republican majority of from one thousaud to flfteen hundred. PurJ in? four years the district bas been represented by Edwin WiKets, of Monroe, a jolly, good heartcd fellow, of whom ibout all that can be said is that willi thcir ie publican majority, the position tnlght bc vacant without bim. 11 is represcntation bas been wholly without distinction. Kor somc lime past a strong and open opposition haf) risen against him in his own county; so extensivo is iliis, that at the convention whicb noininated him, Monroe sent twelve dclegatcs, of whom ten wcre bittcrly opposed to bis nomination. The democracy of the district have manifested consummate wisdom in nominating Hon. W. II. Waldby, of Adrián, a gentleman whose sterling qualitics are wcll known among even very many o: the leading business men of Toledo, as well as in Southern Michigan, and agains whoninot a word can be said even by his opponents, Several times in previous cainpaigns he has refused the nomination wluch has been urged upon bim, and In acceptance at this juucture is icgarded as strong evidence of coming success. That W. II. Waldby never entered into an unsucecssful business transaction, is almost proverbial among those who know him. By no means a politiciau, in South ern Michigan he etands pre-emineut as an honorable, couservative, and thorougl business man, a man of great ability aiu sound judguieut in all matters. Thu far his life bas been more thau succosful His fortuue is very lafge, and entirely the result of his own eíTorts. He is popula with all chisses of both parties. Some years since, while the city usually gave a republican majority of 200, he was elect cd mayor agaiust a strong opponent, witl a clenr majority of 041. Mr. Waldby's popularity is equally great in the agrlcultural district of Leuawee and adjoining counties. Farmers who for a ssore of years have done busiwith him as a banker, have unvaryiug respect lor his kindness and intcgrity Although it is known that in good faitl Mr. Waldby was innowise desirous of en tering into politics, he has accepted tbc nomination for congress, and bas done s( with the intention of being elcctcd. Witl such men leading the democracy in tbc Northwest - men whom even repubücan will not hesitate in voting for - it is possi ble tocarry even


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