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Several races to-day. Bic3rcle race to-morrow. Fine wcathcr forthe fair. The fair closes here tomorrow. The Ypsilanti fair was a success. The students are returninir in droves. Geo. Danforth wás in the city last week. Company A will visit the fair grounds to-day. The professional schools re-open tomorrow. .The bridge over the Huron is progressing slowly. Minnis' dancing aeademy will open tomorrow evening. Meeting of the pomological society Saturday afternoon. The W. C. T. U. runs the eating-house on the fair grounds. Gillie Howe lias engaged in the drug business in Jackson. A thrashing machine manufactury is to be started in Ypsilanti. Regular nionthly meeting of the council next Monday evenincr. Read The Democrat's advcrtisement in the Register this week. Dr. Chase has rented John Keenan's house on North Main Street. Hon. Edwin Willits of Monroe, was in the city the flrst of the week. The literary adelpai will hold their first meeting to-morrow evening. Rev. Mr. Locswood preached in the Presbyterian church last Sunda}-. Democratie representative convention next Tuesday, at the court-house. Mis. P. Winegar and Jas. Toms made a fine exhibit of flowers at the fair. There has been a great rush at Kearney's, the grocer, the past few days. Grading on the Northern road at South Lysns is rapidly nearing eompletion. Aid. Kitreage's hack team ran away sast Tuesday morning. Damage slight. G. Hough's comedy company the remainder of the week at the opera house. Mrs. Geo. North and neice, Miss Allie Goodrich, have gone lo Detroit to reside. The tressle work on the new bridge over the M . C. R. R. was put up Sunday. The democrats of the third ward wilj raise a pole tomorrowoppositeE. Duffy's store. The üexter reform club will soon put on the boards the play of "Dollars and Cents." The Leader complains that the pond in Dexter is the cause of much sickness in tliat viciuity. Rev. Mr. Alabaster addressed a small audience in the red ribbon room?, last Sunday afternoon. The university musical society will give a free entertainment in university hall to-morrow cveuing. N. R. Waterman, of Bay City, has been spending a few days in the city visiting his many friends. Geo. F. Robison is to address the Hancock and Knglish club at the court-house Saturday evening next. Dr. H. C. Alleu, of the homceopathic College, was malled to Santlusky last Monday in consultatiou. Miss Ida May Cook lias returned from Moscow, Hillsdale county, to attend the marriage of a lady friend. Jas. 8. Gorman, of Dexter, has been nominated by the democryts of the third district for representative. Dr. Wm. Stevens, who was assistant to Dr.;Dunster last yuar, is going back to Detroit to practice medicine. A dollar saved is a dollar earned. Probate notices published in Tiie Dkmocbat for one third the legal rates. The Ypsilanti band furnished the music on the fair grouud in Ypsi. last week, and most excellent music it was too. The altention of the street committee is called to the bad condition of Main betwecn Catherine and Ami streets. Half fare ou the railroads next Monday to give the people an opportunity of attending Forepaugh's great show. Dance at Hangsterfer's this evening, for the benefit of Pioteetion engine and hose company. Qive the boys a lift. J. S. Earls, who went to Detroit with hiá bus, picked up 05. He took in the Ypsilanti fair and scooped in $00 more. Hough's comedy company in the play of "Our Boys" to-night. To-morrow and Saturday evening an entire change of programme. Louisa A., wife of Levi C.Burhans, of Northfleld, and sister of Wm. Grovos, - died of consumptiou last Monday, in hei03rd yoar. J. M. Dochirer, of Indianapolis, is taJking of opening a restaurant, on the European plan, in the basement of the opera house. There is to be a democratie poll raising at Walch's Corners, in Northfleld, next Saturday. There will be a number of speakers present. Mary, youngest daughter of E. B. Gidley, feil from a pony which 3he was rid ing, last Thursday, and fractured the bones of her arm. John Carland, conductor on the Toledo and Ann Arbor railroad, returned last Monday from a two weeks' visit to Montreal and Quebec. Thomas, a two-years-old son of H. and M. Farmer, died last Sunday of whooping cough. This is the second childlhey liave lost within a week. The Washtcnaw Post completed its first year last Friday. The paper lias prospercd beyond the most sanguine ex pectation of its publisher. Cadavers are now shippcd to Ypsihmti and Ihen re-shipped to this city, in trunks, when they are carted to the university and dumped into the pickling-vats. Geo. R. Waterman and Miss R. Rose, both of this city, wero married at the residence of the bride's parents last Thursday evening,bj the Rev. Dr. Haskell. Aaron Parsons, somc ycars ago telegrapli operator in this citj', but now a resident of Batavia, N. Y., spent several days last week visiting his old friends hcre. There was an enthusiastic rally of the democracy in the village of Milan, last Friday night. C. R. Whitman and P. Mc Kernan made telling speeches. Ambrose Kearney, who runs a restaurant in conaection with' his grocery, has had his hands ful! this week in feeding the people, so great has been the rush. Chas. H. Manly has presented to the Washtenaw county agricultural society, an abstract of the title to the grounds, neatly framed, which is on exhibition. Post office hours for the fall and winter, on and af ter Monday next, will be f rom 7:30 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. On Sunday the office opens for the delivery of mail f rom 6 to 10 a. m. The republicana have made a strong nomination in this representative district. Now let the democrats do as well, and in either event this district will be ably rep resented in the legislature. Rees Lewis, for the past 43 years.a resident of the township of Pittsfleld, died last Monday, of general debility. He was bom in Wales, England, and was nearly 90 years of age al the time of his death. The census of the township of Ann Arbor as given by the reports of the directors, show 225 scholars and children in the township betwcen the ages of 5 and 20, against 333 last year, a falling oiï of 28. Probate notices will be published in The "Dbmocrat for one third the amount as flxed by law. Persons liaving notices to publish are requested to ask Judge Harriman to send them tothis office. Somebody went through Edward Bycraft's house last Saturday forenoon, and took from a pair of pants hauging in his room $2.10. Done up ina paper in another pair was $36, which the thief overIooked. Wm. Maycr, a Germán 19 yoars of age, wliile threshing on the farm of Heary Kuhl, in Sharon, last Saturday, feil into the machine and was horribly mangled. He lived some six liours, in most intense agony. Tüe following are the offlcers of the Eastern Michigan Agrieultural and Mechanical society for the ensuing year: H. D. Platt.of Pittsfield; secietaiy, J. M. Ctiidester, of Ypsilauti; treasurer, Wm. Campbell, of Ypsilanti . The republicans of this city and vicinity after button-hoïeingabout every manthey met for the past 10 days.succeeded in getting an audience out ast evening to hear the Hon. Edwin Willets, who delivered his stereotyped speech. The Unitarian conference lately held in Saratoga N. Y., voted to give $10,000 to the Unitarian society of this city, for the purpose of building a church in this city, providing the suin of $4,000 is subscribed by the members here. Oliver L. Olds of this city.died on Monday hst of chronic bronchitis, inhis G9th year. He was formerly a resident of the township of York, where he localed in 1856. The funeral was held Tuesday in the Mooreville Universalist church. We don't propose to be outbid by the tramp. Persons having probate notices lo advertise can have them published in The Democrat for two-thirds less than the lei;al rates. By this arrangement you will save $10 iu every estáte. Geo. Kingsley, of Paola, Kan.,, bas been nominated by the demócrata of the 26th district, for representative in the legislature. The district is republican by a large majority, but George is very popular with the people and may possibly pull through. A faithful teacher. MissMaggie M;Divitt, of the township of of Ann Arbor,has been employed as a teacher in this school district for twelve years in succession, and jas not been absent from her post an hour during this time, until the recent death of jer mother. Geo. Governeur Drake, of the township of Lodi, who has been a resident oT this county for over 50 years, died last Friday of general debility, at the age of 77 years 9 months and 22 doys. He was bom in the town of Lodi, Orange county, N. Y., Dec, 2d, 1802. Andrew Schiappacassc, son of the street eanut vender, was fooling with a cutting box last Thursday, and got his fingers in the knives. The middle finger of his right hand was badly lacerated. It was afterwards amputated by Dr. Wheeler, of the homceopathic hospital. Squatter sovereignty is no longer a dead ssue in New York city, but has recently attracted wide popular interest there, from the attempts of the holders of vacant lots to di&possess the owners of the crowded shanties, erected by sufferance. Visitors to the metropolis will recall the many buildings of this kind along the ine of the elevated roads, and in other parts of the city. The October Scribner will have a full account of the picturesque and other features of this sort of life.conributedby Mr. H. C. Bunuer, and illusrated by numerous artists. The fair in Ypsilant; last week was a grand success. The entries exceeded those of any previous year and the crowd, paricularly on Thursday, was simply immene. There were in the different departments 1,778 entnes ; Cattle,133 ; horses,328 ; heep, 94; swine, 62; poultry, 116; fruit, 135; agricultural implements, 98; grains andseeds,67; vegetables (collections), 165; buttcr and cheese, 36; domestic manufacures, 74; carriages, harness, etc, 16; sweatrneats, 93; fine arts, 72; floral department (collections,) 60; needie and crochet work, 118; little girls' work,36; miscellaneous department, 75. In the bicyelo race Jill R. Osman, took first prize, A. P. Merrill, second.aud Chas. Keedncr, third. Scribner is now ten years old, and the managers seeni disposed to celébrate the fact by a November number of uuusual strength. No fewer than four large engravings by Colé will be given, and other well-known engravers will be duly represented. The literary quality will be remarkable, and the contributions will include an essay on Whitman, by Stedman; a fine study of Gladstone, by a member of parliament ; a descriptivo paper on the Bordentown (N. J.) Bonaparte, more of the pathetic life of Millet, a critique of the painter Vedder, a stirring account of the battle of Mobile Bay, apropos of the ncw statue of Farragut, by St. Gaudcns and some practical suggestions' about tableaux, with illuslrations. The flrst chapters (twenty-eight pages) of "Peter the Great as Ruler and Reformer," and of "Tiger-Lily,"a new short serial, and one or two other features not yet to be announced, will make up a rich and ablc number.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat