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napa b ■ esassi etjsm a s TUTT S PILLS 8YMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. IjOss of Appetite, Bowols costiye, Pain in the Head, with auull sensution in the back part, Pain under the shoulder blade, fullness after eating. with a disinclination to exertion of body or miad, lrritability of temper. Low spirits, with a feeling oí' avine neglected some duty, Woaiiness, Dizrineas. i'luttermg at the Heart, DoU bofore tne eyes, Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the right eye. Restlessness with ñtful dreams, highly colorod Urina & CON STI PATIO W. TUTT'S PILLS re cnpeclally iMlaptit to sm-li c&t, a Infflr loae 'ÏTertn nteb ft clianjc of flinj. mr lo aatoiiiNlt tin Hultri'. BUUl tHJil V.lKKf, FK10B 2r OKNTS Office, 35 Tlurray HtreeU New York eFOR THE HAIR, BURNETT'S )AINE THE BEST HAIB DRESSING. f BURNETT'S (OCOAINE L Promotes the Growth „ of the Hair. Beantlfutly lOamlnaMd Flom! Hand Rook frv. Send tdilrwMto JO. BURNETT &CO.. 2,000 PIANOS AHD ORBAHSy expcnfl11 if not ;is rcprcscntcd Incri-guwntp(l uw . . i i er ;han cltewhcre, Ar" 5S& - manufni ol ihcSton '. i (';mi[i l'iiiiios ini'i ( ii S-, Ktin', mul 1 1 i - - '""Biííjr fr Dcckor Mmi hrs, lUMWl ■ tfT'T II lii !B and Mathush 'k 'Jiívaf C ■■? ptftiHH á Es ■ 1Kf;-i:-'i Y- if "' BTOKY a CAM1. - Jb v.Kiy atirg' Btal gf III. ii"8 ENcycloMdTa tioüetteibusiness Tlila Is th; ch"Apft anti n!r oomplPte and rellablo work on ]'. qiic ' ind UiHin '83 an i sd.-i.i! Pornu. It telli how lo pcrform all ; ti ■ arlóos dabb ot li r-, and h-v to apocar to the bcsi adrantagc on atl oocaslons, AiT'-'iii Vantfd. - S:nl for circulan -n(.iInlng a lttfi dcBcrlpi Ion of ihe wort and extra terras to Atu. Addreas NationalI'ublisíiiso Co., ChlCftflO, 111. PHYSIGAL LIFE OF BOTH SEXES. A hrllliitnt book, fanclnatfng In styip. pure In I UuURtftgtN endorwd by phywfr.ians everyvhere. An j ite i'xposlrion of thf Physlcal Lift' of fan and Woman. Kk'gantly irlntl aml fullv Illustiat'-d. KxtraoiiltMiiiy iRdtirrnirnti to Aft-ntt.. Ai! dreut JOKSBROiUKK A Ct.. Cnirago. 111. PRÁCñCAL IVSTRÏÏCTiOV UQNUS K I ulK;:ttlu. a thoroart professional edueation and a deafrable Bitnat Ion on Hraduatlns, cas t)tohialin.:d ui the NatlonAl InaHtutt of Stoam BnginDOiinft Biidsoport, Conn. A ww rlass formed on tbc nrat of crery moutli of 1S8ü. No vacatiuuH. Send Tor I'amphl-i. NUCCETS OF GOLD; Or. Xhe I,.nvi of Hiiccim In LHV. The Popular llouk ot the lay. On the ur rtnt [tM-b.'-im if Labor, t'.uiltuí, Moiu-y umi Wi-wiih 881 pag s. Prloe si. 50, LlDfral dlscountsto agenta. Foi i' ; nns iiddrt-as O. J. BA1LBV. j ■ :■ ' V V. WANTED AOENTS Mt?J%L Illstory, p-ivincft hjslory of NnHh nnd South At. CVntrul Atiii-i-irn. Hexlcoandtbe Unttfd StJitw, lili a (;h romloiry of all importan) eventa r Amezioaa I1Utory. iv.Vutv f"iir (■■l iTHvinpH. Addree Jat AXUHEWS, liLCKLK & Co. , 6U ijcuiUfl Ji SC , CtUOtgOt VL ihiiíá J'KIZE piiuieM lu Corolo .Moiitiilj, a mam 3P4in motu plrtirl.ü for lam Uj entertainment. 21! rear. sont on mal slx IDODttB to auy new .- -'■ vnnt: íor '-Í5 ets, Speciniona ti)c. DODefrae. Address CtMÍ(J MOMlíhY. 121 Nassau Streeu N. ï. GRAEFENBERG &j&' VEGETABLE AWbiL .P I Jui Xa S &IHSl3c Mildest ever known. cure imgRwty MALARIAL DISEASES, VJBSBrA HEADACHE. 8ILIOUSjWr NLSS, INDIGESTIÓN and FnCLS Tone ud the system and restore health tq those suffering from general debility ano nervousness. Sold by ali Druprgrists. J3S Oen.t Box. A CHEMICAL MARVEL Tli ou (íh a tli'iUïHiul ItMif.ics awny Etoltacr'8 Tonic fountafn fo;uj, Wr cnn drnk same to ■ I ; i y . In mir for-off Western ln-mea, Thrtnks to Chemifltry's .-t?ll- In :in Inatoni prarto! p;! Fn li ;iü frtim the living wrll Roltzer buUitac In theif] wal TARUANT's l'LKK A.PEBIKHT i;is -■; Hu' rre etlxtr birtft, H'Mltliful ai th Mtiitl M-nt Kiniiinï fmm liif breaitl "f ËArth. uncí alstance.what ara r i ; . ■ v f Wh. 11 Ait thui can nprodnce Sprints a ChoUSRTld IflAgUM, Kor tin.' -ii-k m;ui" inruil nsef SOLD IÍY ALL DHI'QQISTS. _______ Üömmon-Sense ïïsot NASAL AND BRONCHIAL CATARRH Fir Complet era'liciition of wliich we proscribe both Specially Adapted to the Conditicn of Patients. Dundradi of obstínate rases hnve yloWwl to oux troatment uhfro otlur I:. Ced, ao-cMled remeUd to effect curei. ■'■ '■ to cur 6Trrytftins h. cattdoguo of '"-■ butjudging baouj iuo eeu in iba treatmen.1 "f Cutarxíi, we con fideo tl y bellere thRt we ran cure WIJ ' '}lt la nol bevond medical ald. Nol sold iy drngffistii. Send for circular, givinu (rniii :mi _hfr nformttion. !! .- I.FtVm IHYMH. Twi.. Olllo. : üxtraordiBary ÖÉr! ïiLSKSSTAHDARBBOOKS Addn-Ks FOKSHEE McMAKIX. 1O ,-i Flfth Bt.) C'liiclmmli, Uhle. f B agTriift J i_fc_cH 3vraZ?VB IBkV ie bcai ïoutl iu Üio worldfor Invalida, and rcadily takin bv the UtUe folk. WüüLRICH & CO., on eyery labeL i FA Kfl lor Sale. Grent Bargaln. 430 ac-r-R- KW tlmlwT, Sb) undTcultivatlon. Rich roll- Iqg prairie; good hoiin snl otlHT lulldfngs: .s miles Iruin railroad. Priccflfl per ftcre. For flirt her juinlcularsaddn'88Wm.H.Bal!le . Hunne wi 1!, ShclbyCo.,Mo NEW ABEWTS GOODS (;T;ö"f: ' fn nrn ( ii, (;i.l)j;si iind kllWI1 lili I 1$hhíiiíim ('llpti1. lre. UW I W AciüieML'. liAÏLllQ. Dubuquo. luw. (TOCA WEEK in jour owntown. TermsancJ J)DD5outllHrett Aú(lrsH.HallottíCo.Portlnl.lí. ■ ■Aid Wholesale and retall. 8enaiorpru9H fi I Kt. QoodentC.O.n Wlsmwle toonlor. Ilili t;. 111 RN!1 M. 7 1 S' ■ MrniIIIT3a nnrphlnv umi In 10 %3l$iM:VS !'■ J.Kr i-j 1 1 -. . Ulmnon, Ohlo. jfnrrt A MONTH! AliKNTS WAMKDt V % I 175 Bf-:t SeUfDif Artillo? in lll wolM; AR&m4)UU VpSh JAt iiiios. Dotroit, Mk-h. ÍC 1. ÍOn per dav at home. Sample8wortli$5 J 10 ZU m Adilress Stimox & Ca. Portland. U 1PCIITC (Vlln ■"n"(1ï wl"i Dr. Chau'i New Aukil I O Kc4ïil Jliiok. Oüis unlv onegt'Qalne. By niiiM.i? Adoren ciise Pub'nfiCo.lTo] uO (TI7O A WKKK. flSadaTatbomeeasli; made. Jl ü U)tlj ouuu Iroe. AddATrueOo. Aiuiust. Jt. A. .V. K. ' 5 J rnwKX tmiTixu ro advertisemb, plrasr gay you the Advrrtimmtt 4n í him pa p er.


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