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[Jackson Patriot.] A SenilnlMcence of 1874. In 1874, Dr. Jacob Meycr, Saint Louis, Mich., gave the following opinión: The Hamburg Drops deserve to be recommended. 1 have prescribed them ior irregularitios of the liver, disorders of the stomach and diseases originating from these disturbances, and have observed the most satlsfactory reeults. The Drops also cure eonstipatiou la a short time. "And the LenTpi Wcrc Tor the IIo:illii(r of the XiiflouN. Thls Is fully exemplified in the demonstratlon that bo common a pasture weed as smartwci'd, or water-pepper, poesesses medicinal propertles wh:c.h when combinad with essence of .Jamaca fHnger and other effleaciou vegetable cxtrac;s, as in Dr. Pierce's Compound Extract of Smart-Weed. It eonstitutes a most potent rcniedy for bowel affect ions as dtarrbcea, dysentery, liux, etc. It is also an efficacious medicine for colds, and to break up teveri and Inflammatory attacks, and for the allcvlation of pain. Kverv family should keep a su[)ply of it. 5 ) cents by druggists. A lfaply (lerffyman. 3ev. E. F. L. Gauss, Galena, Hls.: "Ihave been a great sufïerer irom Kifiney disease, and after beini; told by my doctor that 1 could oöt L''t well, I eommenccd the use oí 1ay"s Kiuney PaD( whieh has noweompletelv cured me. I ani stronjt and again look the verv picture of heaith. MJ all tbc sufferinti be helped as I have been, ismy earnestwish." Denervc n Moiuuncnt. The SUmdard, Syraciue, N. Y., is the Journal from whlob the following extract is cut: "That the proprictors of Warncr's Safe Kemedies are entitlcd to a monument is uniuistakably truc. It is an indisputable fact. that these parties must be and are looked upor as (jood Samantaus." TnE indigestible character of young beef Is supposed to have togzested the plirase, "Come weal, come KOeJ'-Neu Haven itrjUter. "Inqvitun'g Riiabbb" Is infonned that the Clearinji House is not connected with the Weathi-r ftaraxa.-PhHadetphia BvlUUn. - A (F.XTLicMÁNT.v yOung oj'ster opener asked a rural customer if be would take hls raw ovsterson tlie half Shell. Thé customef seemi;d to tliink there mlght beomethtn mean andsmall aboal that style,and hc sald: "Half ol the sliell be hangedl Set up the wiioie tiiin.n."- -V. ■ Piceyunt, TOOSG Mr. l.atehours was sittloR on the porch the other nlsfit watchlng aseventeenyear-old etrltiyiag to keep awate looi enougn losee the moruiog star ri-c. Tlii-y talkei astronomy. "Iwlili 1 wa s rtar," he ialo, mu ling at h's own poetlc tancy. "I would ratheryou were a coim-t," sne Bald, dreamily Hls heart beat ■ tumultuously. "And why !" he aftked, teuderly. at the same time takmeher unresUtlng l'.Ule bandi Inhisown, "and whyi" be repeated, Imperlously. "Olí," ehe sald, with a hroodint; ■■; feil upon lus soul like a bare foot ou a , ■!. i , i, ctoth, "because dheo you would only come uround once even 1,J(M yeary." He liirln't say anytbiiip; until ho was half way to the front gato, wlien he turne l rainJ and shook his list at the house and mxittered between hls teeth that "by thedada,ll would be b thnndcrlDg Blhl longer tban that bofore bexame around again," Bu( bj thal urne tli" poorgirl was in bed and suund ftgleep.- Hankey. Tuk spring chlcken changes tothe fall ben, bul the transition iiüikes no chance on the restaurant bill of f are.- J-'n Olifant licor yiuif. Isn't it funnv? The man who has abuut ti rty Beven haira mowlng "n i'is [ace alwajs possessedto weara full beard, and f ■ about with a eounteoance like a thiuly sett:ed liuekleiiruy pasture; wliiletbe pian that can !it-;it Aaron "i old clean oul ot e ulii iili a fnll beanl shaves close ■ week, iml the rest of the time bis facelookslike :i sheet of N. 4 emery paper. They are eacli reaching for the inipos-ible, and mtia it by a hair. - New Haven Èegister.


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