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The Secretary of the Interior has decldec that no claim by any miner or settler to anj mineral orother land upon the Ute reservation, which is based upon settlement or occu lotion previous tothe formal opening of that reservation, will be recognized by the Government. A Washington telegram of the 13th says the total amount of gold eoln in this countrj Oetober 1 was $369,881,003, and of silver coin fHawa.a:. Of these amounts there were $67 204,293 gold in the Treasury and Í303,Sö,709 in eirculation or held by banks. There u-ere $72.454,600 in silver in the Treasury, and $77,344,185 in eirculation. The Treasury held f68,040.540 of gold bullion and $5,557,759 worth of silver, which the mints were turning into coin. Diking the last fiscal year letters and packages to the nuinber of 3,353,651 were recetved at the Dead-Letter Office in Washington. Of this number 2.700,000 were sent from local post-offices because unrlaimed, 290,000 were held for postage, 202,000 were misdirected, 36 000 bore ñctitious addresses, aud over 9,000 were not addressed at all; 21,974 letters contained checks, notes, etc., of the face value of $1.526,217, and 26,264 contained money amounting to $49,438. TnE Oetober returns reeeived at the Department of Agrieulture make tbe average condition of the cotton erop at 83, being a decline of eight per cent. since September 1. As compared with tbe returns reeeived for the corresponding period last year the gain is two per cent. The Kast. A decisión has recently been rendered by the New York Supreme Court to the effect that he who seils diseased cattle forfeits the pay for them and is Hable in damages for the spread of the disease. A few days ago a two-year-old child of Mr. George tfelway, of Elmira, N. Y., died ingreat ajony, exhibiting all the symptoms of hydrophobia. He had a short time before been bitten in the face by a dog. At a school electiou in Fayetteville, N. Y., a few days ago the woman's ticket was elected by 126 majority. ÜDe hundred and two women voted. At Port Jervie, where fiftv-two women voted, the woman's school ticket was defeated, and the anti-Catholic ticket elected. While Mrs. George Reilly was temporarily out of her house at Prentieeville, Pa., the other evening, the building took tire and was entirely destroyed. Two little children in the house at the time were burned to a crisp. Easterx Congressioual nominations were made on the 13th as follows: Tenth Massachusetts District, Congressman Amasa Norcross, Republican: Twenty-fourth New York, Benjamin F. Lewis, Democrat; Eight Massachusetts, Charles T. Russell, Democrat, and Rev. G. W. Stacey, Prohibition ; Third Massachusetts, Henry D. Cushing, Prohibition; First Massachusetts, Congressman W. W. Crapo, Republicau; Eleventh Pennsylvania, W. J. Scott, Republican; Sixteenth Pennsylvania, R. J. C. Walker, Republican; Seventh Massachusetts, 8. W. Aldrich, Democrat; First New York, John A. King, Republiean. Up to the night of the 13th thirty deaths had occurred as the result of the Pittsburgh railroad accident, and a number of others of the wounded were not expected to recover. Mrs. Roup, one of the parties injured, had gone crazy. Tho flagman whose Uuty it was to warn the second train says he was too excited and forgot to do his duty. The Republicans of the Fourth Massachusetts District have nominated Francis B. Hayes for Congress. Wendell Phillips is the nominee of a nortion of the Greenback party in the same District. The Boston "Ladies' Deposit Company," a concern which had been doing business with women only, and pretended to pay eight per cent, a month on deposts, was entirely elosed up on the 14th. Suits were commenced against Mrs. Emily E. Howe, Manager, and Miss J. H. Gould, Agent, of the Company, and attachments placed on all the real and personal estáte of the concern. The liabilities were supposed to be very large, and the asaets, even though the real estáte, which is in Mrs. Howe's name, can be held for these claims, will be merely nominal. Aocording to a Pittsburgh (Pa.) telegram of the 15th th epizootlc had broken out in that city. If was of a mild type. A few days ago at Pembroke, Me., two boye, one twelve and the other eight years of age, quarreled about a cat, when the eider seized a gun and shot his little companion to death. He wa3 discovered by a neighbor In the act of burying the body of his victiDi. T0R liabilities of the defunct Ladies' Deposit Company are estimated at irom $500,000 to $1,000,000. On the 15th Wright Smith, of Paterson, N. J., manufacturer of silk goods, failed, with liabilities aggregating about $250,000; assets valued at about $300,000. West and South. Secretabt Schurz has consented to a new ceusus enumeratlon of St. Louis. Judgb H. H. Cody has been norainated for Congreaa by the Demócrata of the First Illinois District. A Chicago theater building known as the Academy of Music, on Halsted street, waa burned on the 12th. While the üre waa in progress the roof feil in, carrylng a number of flremen with it. Twelve of them were slifihtly and one severely injured. The old residence of John C. Calhoun, in Pickens CouDty, 8. C, haa been destroyed by lire. At New Orleane on the 13th Cari Bender and family, arreated aa the notorious Bender iamlly, of Kansas, were taken before a Judge on a writ of habeas corpus and dischargcd. It was conclusively proven that they had bee_ residents ol New Orleans since 1S51. Inijian Agent Beurt, of Del Norte, Col., was arre8ted on the 13th for compllcity in the killini of young Jackson by the Ute Indans. Warrants were also out for the arrest of Hoyt, Holmes and Cline, of the [Jnited States troops. L. G. Johnson has been nomtnated for CouKresg by the Democrats of the Flfth Illinois ]'trict. TnE uwelling house of Jease Jordán, near Carlinville, 111., was burned to the ground a few night ago, and his three children, aged thirteen, ten and six years, werc burned to dcath. Is St, Louis on the 14th two women demanded to be registered as voters. The Recorder 8imply read the statute commencing "every male citizen," anddeclined tocoinply with the request. The Socialists of Chicago have nominated the following State ticket: For Governor, Dr. Ernst Schmidt; Lieutenant-Governor, Belohradsky; Secretary of State, Dr. Colton; Auditor, John Keag; State Tre.isurer, JohnFoasill; Attorney-General, Charles Williams; Congresamen, First District, J. J. Alpeter; Second District, O. A. Bishop; Third District, H. Stahl. The candidates are all residents of Chicago. A Convkntion of farmers to the number of about 80', made up of representatives from different Granger and other organizations In Illinoia and other Western States, was held in Chicago on the 14th. Resolutions were adopted favoring Government control of the railroads, and that Congress should enaetlawa to that end, as well as to protect the producer against extortion; that no person who has favored railroads in the past should receive the support of the members, or of farmers geuerally, for reelection; that only men in sympathy with the farmers and the toilln mülions of thls country should be elected to the State Leglslatures or to Congress. The action of the Farmers' and ttrangers' Clubs in the past was indorsed, and union with them ia all their a'.ms and objects was pledged. A National Farmers' Alllance was then iormed, and William J. Fowler, of New York, was elected President; L. 8. Coffln, of Iowa, President ; James W. Wilson, of Illinois, Secretary, and Matt Anderson, of Wisconsin, Treasurer. The annonneement was made on the 16th that the epizootic had appeared in Chicago In a mild orm. Some horses belonging to the American Expres Company had been taken with the disease. G. T. Fueeman has been nominated for Congress by the Democrats of the Seventh Wisconsin District. Foreign Intellig-ence. At Stillerton, Nova Scotia, a few days ajo, the water from a woiked-out pit broke into the Ford pit of the Albion mines, killing ten men, among whom were Jam-es Frazer, the underground manager of the mines, and Mr. Conway, the mine boss. Madame Rachel, known as the "Female Beautiüer," recently died in a Freneh prison. She was condemned to penal aervitudc in 1868. The leading members of the Irish Land League have entered a vigorous protest agalnst Archbishop McCabe'a late pastoral. Cardinal Nina, at his own request, has been relieved of the Secretaryship of State by the Fope, on account of ill-health. The Shah of Persia telegraphed the Sultan of Turkey on the 13th demanding that a Turkish army corps be sent to the froniier to assist Persia in quelling the Kurdlsh outbreak. The United States revenue cutter Thomas Corwin, which returned to San Francisco on the 13th from an Arctic cruise, brings news that at St. Lanrence Island ont ot 700 inhabitants 500 werefouud dead of starvation. The traders had introdueed liquors amoni; them, causing them to neglect laying up the usual supply of provisions. The nflieersof the Corwiu expressed the opinión that tue Jeannette wintered on the Silierian shore, and was Btill there west of North Cape. The Corwin eoukl not get far enough west to veriLy this belief on account of ice. It was reported from St. Petersburg on the 15th that the Czar was married to the Princess Dolgorouki on the 19th of September. A Coxstantixople dispatch oí the 14th says the real cause of the cession of Dulcigno was the threatened occupation by the Powers of Smyrna in Asia Minor. The celebration of the completion of the Cologne Cathedral occurred on the 15t.h. The Ernperor William of Germauy and numerous Prnces and Princesses were presenty and the firs'-named made a brief speech, which was enthusiastically received. A Rome dispatch of the 15t.h says the Pope had summoned the Irish Catholic Bishop6 to Rome to take into consideration the disturbed conditiou of Ireland. The four persons whowere arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the killing of the Irish landlord Viscount Mountmorris have beeeu set free, the Government detoctives having failed to produce any evidence to connect them witn the erilne. On tho 15th Sara Barnhardt, the Freneh actress, left Paria en route for the United States_ Mrs. Sarah E. Howe, President of the fraudulent Ladies' Deposit Company, of Boston, and Julia A. Gould, were arrested on the 16th on the charge of obtaining money by false pretenses. Mrs. Howe's bail was fixed at $0,0J0 and Miss Gould's at $1,000, in default of which they were taken to ja.ll. They were said to be much cast down, and exhibited gieat nervousness and alarm. The Oiegon Senate and. House have passed resoiutions in favor of a Constitutional amendment granting suftrage to women. The vote in the Senate stood 21 to 9; in the House, 32 to 27. Randolpii Hauris, aged ten yearg, and James Ingram, aged fourteen years, went into the woods near Wedon, in Northampton County, North Carolina, a few days ago to get Eome kiudling wood. They quarreled, and Ingram threw an ax at Harris, missing him. Harris retaliated by throwing his ax at Ingram, striking the latter in the forehead, splitting his skull and killing him hi6tantly. Touug Harris was arrested. Shipmexts of urain in bulk from St Louis for foreign ports from January 1 to October 16, 1S80, amounted to 13,914,000 bushels, doublé the amount for the same perlod in 1879. The Rock River Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Chureh on the 16th passed, by a vote of 110 to 48, resoiutions introduced by Mr. Tibbals, reciting that Mr. Thomas holcis doctrinal views at variance with the theology of the Methodist Church, and that in the interest of peace and truthhe be kindly but flrmly requested to withdraw from the Conference. It ivas stated on the 16th that a battalion of the guards would shortlybe sent f rom Lon. don to reinforce the military in Ireland. The eituatlon tliere was feit to be very critical, and recent news from Bildysart and Ballymore spoke of hayricks burned &nd farms outras;eil by men under the lnfluence of the Land League. The severe wind-storm whlch prevailed so extensively throughout the West on the 15th, 16th and 17th did a great deal of damage in manv sections, especially on the lakes, innny shipwrecks being reported. A heavy snow storm prevailed in Nebraska, Iowa and Dakota. The State Elections. Indiana - Fiill returns from the State, official and unofllcial, received on the 16th show that Porter, the Republican eandidate for Governor, has a plurallty of 7,141. Byron K. EUiott, the candidate for Justice of the Supreme Court, ran ahead of I'orter, and the remainderof the State ticket has a plurality of about 3,500. The Republicans elected Congressmeu as follows : Heilman, in the First District; Browne. in the Sixth; Peelle, in the Seventh; Pierce, in theEighth; Orth, in the Ninth; De Motte, in the Tenth; Steele, in the Eleventh; Calkins, in the Thirteenth. The Democrats elected the following Uonftressmen: Cobb, in the Second District; Stockslaser, in the Third; Holman, in the Fourth; Matson, in theFifth; Colerick, in the Twelfth. The State Senate stands Republican, 35; Demoerals, 23; Nationals, 2. The House stands: Republicans, 57; Democrats, 43; Nationals, ii - giviug the Republicans a majority on joint ballot. Ohio.- The unoffleial and official returns received up to the morning of the 16th indicated that the Republican State ticket would have a majority of from 18,000 to 20,000. The Republicans elected flfteen Congressmen, as follows: Butterworth in the First District, by l,80ü majority; Young in the Second, by 1,007 majority; Morey in the %Third, by 904 majority; Schnltz in the Fourth, by 350 majority; Ritchie in the Sixth, by 694 majority ; Keifer in the Eighth, by 5,900 majority; Rohinson in the Ninth, by 1,100 majority; Rice in the Tenth, by 1,389 majority; Heath in the Eleventh, by 2,300 majority; Dasves in the Fifteenth; Updegraff in the Sixteenth; McKindley in the Seventeenth; McClure in the Kighteenth; Taylor in the Nineteenth; Townsend in the Twentieth. The Democrats elected flve Conuressmen, as follows: Lefevre In the Fifth District; Converse in the Twelfth; Atherton in the Thirteenth; (ediles in the Fourteenth; Leoiiom in the Seventeenth. West Virginia. - Tl e returns from the State on the ifitli indieated a Democratie majority of S.000 to 10,000 on the State ticket.


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