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Michigan State News

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Thb late Judge Emmons, of Detroit, ob jected so strongly to having his beautiful premises at Ecorse disturbed by the Canada Southern that he succeeded in compelling the authorities of that road to swerve f rom an air line, and lócate their track on the lands of the Lake Shore. The reverse curve thus made necessary has always been an eye-sore and source of annoyance to the company. A short time ago they opened negotiations witb the present owners of the property, secured the land desired, built a new line, and have now commeneed running trains over it. Judge Dyckman, of Kalamazoo County, sold one thousand bushels of apples from four acres of orchard. Even at ten cents per bushei - which is the average price ot good apples - the erop paid about as well as most wheat crops do. The salt production tor Michigan, as reported by the State Salt Inspector, for the month of September, was 299,579 barrels. The total amount for inspection for the year to October 1 was 2,150,537 barrels, against 1,612,300 barrels for the corresponding period of 1879. The esttmated product for this year will reach 2,600,000 barrels, the largest in the history of salt manufacture in the State. A large number of new blocks are being erected this season. On the night of the llth as the Chicago & West Michigan train was puiling out of Whitehall and about to enter a long tunnel, the eneineer discovered a man lying across the track, face down. As the train was going at a fair rate of speed, and about forty minutes late, and down grade, it was impossible tostop in time to prevent his being run over, although the engine was reversed, and the usual cautionary signáis failed to even disturb him. When picked up, his name was ascertained to be Andrew Gunderson. It is supposed that, in a drunken stupor, he wandered into the dark tunnel, and in lying down to sleep, thus met his fate. A collision on the Menominee Range Branch occurred the other day, in which two entines and several carswere badly smashed. Fortunately no lives were lost. Both engineers and flremen jumped and saved their lives. It appears that the westward-bound ore train was ahead of time and running at full speed, when a wild train carne around a curve, and so close that e. collision was unavoidable. The wife of James Pierce, of Stephenson, Menominee County, took poison herself and at the same time administered a dose to her child, aged one and a half years. The child died, but at latest accounts it was thought the woman would recover. At Grand Rapids the other morniug wliile Martin Adriaonse was shifting a belt while the machinery waa in motion, t the Walverin Furniture Company's works, hls right leg was pulled out of his body and thrown twenty feet, and his mangled body dropped to the floor. Deceased was thirty-eight years old, and leaves a wife and two childreu. Elmeu Slough, fii-eman on the Fliut & Pere Marquette Railroad, was hunting near Sagiuaw the other day, and in climbing over a log his gun slipped from hls grasp. He caught the weapon by the muzzle, and was it toward him, when the trigger caught, discharging the piece, sending the charge through his head, killing him instantly. John Dundas feil from the roof of the Everett House at Lansing the other morning and sustaiued fí.tal injuries. The following is the apportioument to the different couuties of the total State tax (county indebtedness included): Real and A ior eg ate personal aportitmCountikh. estille as ment to equalized. counties. Alcona $l,!5),000 2,4M 14 Allcifim 13,000,000 !), I Alpena 1,500,000 1,916 26 Aiilriui 900,000 1,149 70 Uaraga 800,000 1,033 ül U.irry 10,000,000 12,775 10 gay 7,01)0,1100 8,43 57 IK-uzie 550,000 702 63 Horden 16,0 S,000 20,473 10 Hnuich 17,5J0,üOJ 9,356 42 C:illioun 24,000,0,10 31,035 41 Cus-i 15,0O0,0iX) 10,25120 Cüarlevoix 450.000 574 88 C'lieboyaran l,2u0,000 1,5; 01 Chippewa 800,000 1,022 01 Clare 1,000,OOJ 1,277 51 CUütOU 9,500,000 12,liS0 34 Jrawford Attaekeil to Dolt 8t;o,ooj 1,02201 Katon 11,150,000 15,471 1H Emmet 300,000 38125 l iii-.!i: 16,850,000 23,444 lti (üailwii 010,000 1,022 01 U rand Traverse l,5JÜ,000 a,4r,u ü0 Grutiut 2,500,OOJ 8,103 77 Hillsdale 2ü.0,ÜJ0 86,582 13 Houghton l,10ü,0J0 1,405 2ti Huion 2,ruO,000 8,183 77 1 il _ hsllll l;i,(0O,O00 31,440 71 Joma 14,000,000 17,855 14 Usv 1,000,000 1,277 51 Isabolla l.WiO.OOJ 2,044 02 Isle Uoyalij 10J.0O0 l;.7 ;a Jaekson 2li,:rü,000 36,498 93 Kalamazoo 23,000,000 S1,4OJ 57 Kulkaskn 1,508,000 1,'Jlti 2-i Kent 31,00),0,X) 45,871 20 Keweenaw 800,00 1 02:i 01 Liike....! ],O0ü,üjO ].:;t7 :,i Upeer ti,3:ü,000 8,745 17 Leoianaw üOO.uOO 7ii 51 Lcnaweu 27,000,000 &5.041 24 Ltviuarston i4,o)o,ooj 23,1)0422 Macüinao s.jü,i,0 1.U22 01 Macomb 14,050,0 0 18,0:ti 02 Manistee 2,0:0,000 2,555 03 Manitou 10.000 12; 75 Marquette -.... 4,000,000 5,110 04 Masón -„,l0 1,000 2,655 ik Mecostn 2.5J0.00Ü 311H77 Menomiuee 1,ö.h,iio 1,918 28 MdliuiJ 1.500,0,10 1,916 26 Mlasaukee 1,035,0 0 1,3)9 45 Monroe 9,501 VWO 6Í.455 82 MoDtcalm 4,5üo,0J 5,748 7 Montmorenoy Attacbi-d to Muskegon 4,0.0,000 5,110 04 Kewaygu 2,SJO,00ü 2,810 52 Oilklmid 3i!,-5),U.O 3388 54 Ooeana 2,500,010 3.10:177 Ofremaw 8OO.1WO 1,022 01 Ontonasron 703,000 81)4 26 Osceola 2,(Rp,i)00 2,555 02 Osooda Attuchcrl to .... Otsego 660,000 880 38 Ottawa 7,800,000 50,!KH) ;s Prestiué Isla 750,000 058 13 KoBCommöB 750,000 (158 1:1 Saginaw Ifi,0ü0,n00 91,:iO 4:1 Snoilao 3,050,0 3,836 41 ichoolcraft füO.000 1,022 01 Shiftwassee 9,250,000 37,10171 Clalr 8,25-i,ooi) l,:;55 sí 3t. Joioph 18,i)25,K) 98,699 71 riisoola 4,(00,000 5.110 04 VanBuren ]1,H0,00) 19,944 38 Washtenaw 3n,ooo,000 88 825 80 Woyno 97,25 ),0!l0 124,237 81 Weïford 1,OJO,000 1,377 51 Total $030,000,000 $1,067453 35 The i.'llow n.r are the Detroit wheat quotations: Wheit, No. 1 White, $1.05@1.05; T. % White, íl.03@'.03í; October, do, $1.05 @ or,U'; Ncvember, do, 1.0ti@1.06; De. ccin1,. , do, tl.07íí@1.07í; No a Red, $1.03 - The prosecution for high treason commenced in February, 187t, against the former Germán Ambassador in Paris, C'ount von Arnim, ended as is well known in the Count being senteneed by the Kammergericht, in Kerlin, to five years' penafservitude. This severe seutence Count von Arnim eseaped by withdrawing into Italy. Forsome time past the Count has been addressing himself to the Public Prosecutor in the hope of obtaining a suspension of his sentence, in which case he would return to Germany and subrait himself lo a new trial. His appeal, however, was refused by the Public Prosecutor, and has also been rejected by the courts. - While the late William R. Hynes, a wealthy citizen of New York, was in London, Eng., in 1871, he met a Mrs. Mary F. Saunders, and married lier, by iving her a ring, in the presence of witnesses, and telling herthat he would hold her as his lawful wife so long as sim remained a true andhonest wonian. The Courtof Appealshasiinally deeided that 1 he marriage was valid. -The packers and butchors of San Francisco use salt obtained by evaüoration of sea water.


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