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The State Central Committee To Indiana Democrats

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The Executive Cotumittee of the Indiana Democratie State Central Committee has issuerl the following address to the Deruoerats and independent voters of the State: To the Democratie and Independent Voters of Indiana: Tbe result of the electlon Ia8t Tuesdny is a deep dlsappointmenl to us all. Tbe extent of the success which the Republloan party has nohieved iu this State Í8 as inuch surprise to the Republieans as it is the Demócrata, and proves that the majority oí the Republican party were as ijjnorant of the meuns which their corrupt lestders wero employing as wo wero. The temporttry loss of our State is a ealamity that time wiil enable us o retrieve; but the injury which our free institutions will sustain, rrsultingfrom the frauda and corruptions practiced by the lïepublican leaders to eeeure their triumph, is incalculable. The causes which enabled the Republican party to suceeetl in the election are now plain: The partial success of their seheine to Africanize our State forpolitical purposes, the corrupt use of mouey for the purohase of votes, the importation and use of repeaters, protected by Deputy Marshals, and the aid derived by them f rom tha use of the Federal machinery of elections, under the pretense of the election of members of Congress. In the Presidetitial election we will not have to encounter these forcos to the same extent as in our Stato election. Their corruption f und wiil have to be divided maiiy States, their repeaters wijl be at home, and tboie of them who were diseharged from arrest of Deputy Marshals on straw bail will not be likely to mako their appearanoe in our State soon again. We have no Federal Marshal or Federal machiuery to contend against. We are tboroushly united in our couucils. Whatever our adversarios may eay to the contrary is untrue. We thereforo cali upon you not to relax your eiforts, put new life and energy into your county and town. shlp ortranizations, and take all moasures in your power to bring out your full strength to the polls. The same vote pollod by us in October, il polled in November, will secure tous the State. The average majority against us at the late election will not exceed 4,000, and inay fall below that figure. This majority can, and m our opinión will, be overeóme iu the Prosidentifil slection. A chango of three votes in each preclnct will accomplish it. Henxembor tbat you have a leader in the contest who never sounds a retreat, and he oommands au army that never surrenders.


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Ann Arbor Democrat