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Forty ycars ago, Mr. Van Buren was in the Presidency, apparently as tirmly settled as if clothed with an absolute right of suecession. The great bank contest waged under Jaokson had closed and culminated in the establishment of the Independent Treasury sytem under his successor. The Democratie party under Van Buren was in full enjoyment of all the Federal patronage, and his friends were skillful in its use and in all the appliances ordinarily employed for carrying elections. When renomiuated for a second election, his friends hardly dreamed his defeat possible; and even now, in looking back to that period, it is difRculc to give an assignable reason for his defeat. Democratie policy had achieved its full triumph and left the party in full possession, with strong assurance of a new lease of power. The Whig party was the dominant one in opposisition, but the anti-Masonic and Liberty parties constituted quite important elements, which the opponents of Mr. Van Buren thought it important to fuse into a eommon coalition, ín order to oust the Demócrata. General Harrison was the man selected for the occasion, greatly to the disgnst of the friends of the grea commoner, Henry Clay. But the leading idea was, that the country needed a chango after so long a period of Democratie ascendency. Both of the opposing forces went into the contest with remarkablo vigor and enthusiasm. Maine then, as now, was the first to give the key note. Up to that time she had never broken awav from the Democratie column, and was always relied on as one of the strongest holdsof the Democratie party. In 1839, John FairBeld (Democrat) was elected over Edward Kent (Whig) by a majority of more than 6,000. But in September, 1840, the people had taken up the idea of the desirableness of a change, and, for the first time, elected a Whig Governor. The verdict in Maine was a complete surprise to tha country, but the effect was talismauic, and, in truth and fact, settled the fate of the National Democratie part)' for that catnpaign. At the November election, Maine chose Harrison Electors, althongh the resistance was kept up to the last and with all the power at coramand. That was the first bricktotumble, and strong Democratie State all along the line immediately followed. This year history is evidently about to repeat it-self. The people have docreed a change. All the strougholds of power and patronage are in Repnblican hands. They have boeu a victorious party, and claim a new lease in virtue of what they have accomplished. The opposing forces, united, as in 1840, to effect a change, mean the same thing_and will accomplish the sanie result. The popular enthusiasm, inspired by the name of Hancock, is far more intense and widespread than was excited oy that oi Harrison. Thousands upou tliousands heretoiore voting the Republican ticket are joining the standard of the great Union General, and the popular tide now, as in 1840, is so strong and under sueh successful headway that it will be impossible to resist its mighty sweep. Our older readers cannot fail to sec the striking analogy between the eontest of 1880 and that of 1840. The atmosphero is charged with indications of a great National Democratie victory throughout the length and breadüi of tha Union. We feel as sure of this as if the result were already achieved. If any are standing outsicle the camp, haltin or hesitating as to where to go, as (lid Mr. Webster on one occasion, they may be assured that the path of victory ha already been opened by the galla nt sons of Maine; and when "the melanoholy days of November" shall come, the old Democratie tlag will be pl.aeecl in triumph over the Capítol amidst National rejoicin over a Constitution saved and the Union again restored. - boston Fosl. Belief of some sort is the life-blood of art. When Athene and Zeus eeased to excite any veneration in the minds of men, sculpture and architecture both lost their greatness. When the Madonna and her son lost that mystery and divinity which for the simple minds of the early painters they possessed, the soul went out of canvas and wood. VVhen we curve a Venus now she is not a light womnn, and when we paint a Jeus it is but a little suckling or a sorrowful prisoner. AVe want a great inspiration. We ousrht to find it in the things that are reaïly beautiful, but we are not sure enough, perhaps, what is so. What does domínate is a passion for nature. When we become thoroughly inspired with nature we mav reach greatnoss. The artifioiality of all modern life is agaiust art; so is its eyncism. - Ouida. One of the few distinguished offieers who fought under Napoleon the Great - General Dúplex - died recently at Passay at a good old age. At the battle of Austerlitz he commanded a battalion of the Old Guard and captured a whole brigade of Austrian artillery. For this brilliant exploit Napoleon decorated him on the lield of battle. The death of another French ofücer, Colouel the Marquis de Las Cases, is also recqrded; He was an ofücer of the body guard of Louis XVIII. and Charles X., and at the time of his death was ninety-nino y e ars of age. The announcement of the formation of ice during the hottest days of last summer in the caves near Zchinval, in the Caucasus, attracted many travelers. It is reported that these caves are tilled with iceonly duringthe hottest weather, and that the newly formed ice disappears with the fall of the thermometer. This phcnottieBon greatly puzzles the Caucasians. Innocknts' Day, December 28, was formerly considered an unlueky day. Louis XI. of Fraace would never transact any State business on it, am) the coronation of Kdward IV'. of England was postponed one day toavoid thissul aaniversary.


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