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Michigan State News

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Tiie folio wing 6howsthecompos!lion of the next Leislature as ïevisctl by the Detioil Free Presa froin the latesi returns reeciveil up to the moruiniroi tliufith. Republicano in Roman- Democrats in Ilnlic: SENATORS. 1. Jamras C'apMs.t 117. W.M. Kilpatrick. 2. John Oieuseht is. ict;r liow." ü. 'I'. Morrison. 1. S. H. BUIings. 4. Uni'iU a. ll,,sc 20. John 'I'. ,-h. 5. .ƒ. Sti-nm.i, .;-. 21. J. li. itcGurJs. i). HiadlpyStaRw. 22. Richard Winaoíi 7. W. F. Goodwin. :ii. John UYlcii. 8. J. (.'. I'uiturson. U. 11. II. Slanlon 9. A DicKcrman. 25i Henry e. Kusull. 10. (.liarles Upson. ,;. GeorgoA. Kuit. U. 1-no.HT. bovoll. il. W. ;. Anibloi-. 12. Henry Ford. 28. (.lilis F. lirown. )3. lhomas Mars. 29. C. !'. Glhson 14. W.C. Kd-ll. t 30. A. Itullars. 15. L. I)urk(,-e. ;1. S". F. Swjtt lli. JOhn S. Tooker. aa. J. Il.Chandler. Kepuhlic;ms Uomocrats ......... ..."...]...!.'.'.'" j HKini:si:NTATivr.s. Allesan- i Lennw.íe- 1. Crosby Eaton." II. G. i Warin?. -. V. Goodman. a. H'm. Curliln Alpcna8. m. Carpnnter.' I. .. ). lurnhuU Li nsion- i car,ry,r h "3m Hall. a. L. A. Niuhols. 1. frairin l'urker. 1. Geor-eP. Cobb. Maniutao- i. B. F. l'artriiljfe. 1. G. M. Win Berrten-Maniuutte- 1. L. M. Ward. 1. J„lm Muiveu 2. L. 0. Fytc. 2. o. D. fleUoa. 11. i-cott Mülard. iMousnHruncU- i. . f. Dundas. 1. J. 11. Jiurnett. Meco-tii- t. ü. J. Kaston. 1. Martin P. Gale. Calhoun- Miiiland- 1. (i lbertson. 1. o. E. M. Cutcheon. 2. .1. il. Campbell. Monroo- A. Charles Austin. 1. j. (,'. Kitenman. 1. J. H. Hitchcock. MontóaJm- Chiiilcvoix1. 8. W. I.adu. 1. C. L. Fraser. Mi8kc!?m- Chehoygun- 1. v. U. llarford. 1. H. w.beyinour. Pfewairo- i 'iv'li"""., ! K '- Edwards. 1. illiam H. Itose. Oakhind- 2. SMmtfMmy. 1. ir. E. Lttteü , l!ïlil c Wyckuff. 1. Kobe:t hlephenson.3. Charles lialdwiu Eaton- Ocoana- 1. 8. M. Willtins. 1. Amnx Lewis a. Duüiic Hawkius. Osccol.-i- öenesfë- 1. e llroox Martin 1. A. S. Partrldra. Ottawa- '. H'Miry li. 11,11 r. I. ( Vran LOPi Grand DraVerse- 2. .1, hn B. Perham. 1. S'tU O. Muilatt.t Suginaw- Gratiol- i. Kobert .J. Birney. 1. WUliara Nelson. 3. J. s. Bstabrook. , HiIN'lal,- ,:. h. j. 1 loplcitis. 1. Jiuug A. I'omroy. Sanilne- . .athnn Alvord. 'l. U. Mulutyre. Hougliton- Shiawaseo- J. Suth [). North. 1. Qgqrge H. Coopor. . Hi"-"ii 2. .). W. Dfiwey. 1. Jaino.-i Uaking. I st. Cliiir- Iiijihara- ]. Calvin A. Blood. o 4 h S?wiesi2. James H. White. i. W. W. Roeit. B. W. H. Hallintine. Ionio st. Joscph- .. A. Milim Willett. 1. .James C. Hi-hnp. (iibb2- i. Jhukham.t Lsabella- Ti3oola- 1. Hein-v Woodvuff. 11. (,.J1 Granirer. Joclcaon-n Van liaren- . Charlea Yarringion. 1. A. li. Copley,t 2. O. II. WnlcnU. %. II. M. Howard. J. E. H. üelden. Washtqhtiw- Kalama.oo- 1. FM,,a:-d Kintt. ■ J. l-arsutaS. i. li. 1). K'inne. . John F. Oliver. 3. .. ■;. OormatU Kout- W.iviiü - . C. W". Pi-indlo.+ l. M.v. )irvrnan. . Nat. A. Karl. 1. G. H. Hopkins. . C. W. Garfleld J. Charles f.wara. ■ ■!■ E. Nuali. i. Hcnr.Klei. Keweenaw- 1. A. E. Hloom. .Jamo Merder. Ï.O.B, ttemiek. I.apecr- i. Kobort Lioteer. . i. VV. naven port. 2. C. 11. HiMiard. :!. i'r;i:iU 3. K. V. (Jottre.ll. ii'ti. A.P. ïimna. I. W. W. Barton. _ ; M 1 Ei !!i!l [-.iii-i $- Deinooatg [ !.].' 15 'Mcnii)er; of the proseni Legislatura. tlcml.i-is ir lm-nior .("■ SpT '■- ire 8 I .ut fu ni Lkpfeer Cmnrv tluu, they have been freely offered at live eeats a busliel and no bui erf. Some luivt boi-n sold for thres cents, many given away for nothiug, and a largé part of the erop wül be left to rpt on the ground. 'i'irn winter lishina in Ludington is justbeginnin. Whiteüsli ar soid by the fishermen at lour cents per pound, and next month they expect, to get flve and six cents. The catch Is xo d. S. E. Wtiiabdt, agent of a Milwaukee fltm, wns ancsted at Grand Rapids on the lO.h on a capias by a United Siates ofiicer, on the charge of embez.iü;L nearly $1,100. LaWuh.nci: NOLOS, a Detroit Jawyer, Was suuteuced to two years in State Príson a fewdavsajo for robbery cümmitted over a vear ajo At 8:15 on the night of the llth flre was clise: -e red in the grist-mill of W. H. Robinson, lócate;] urion the east race of the N les Mami'iicturin;? Company. to the distancj, Dearly a mile from the nearest enginehouse, and the high wind. the mili was nearly deuroyod beiore the arrival of tüe fire departiuent. Loss on m;ll and contents aboat $5, 00. Tuk pubüc-sehool buüdiii!; at Lake Linden was totally destrowed by fire on the mornlng of the lli li. The lire originated in the cellar! Losa, $3i),O00. ïhe epizootic is aftiieting nearly two-thirds of the horses in (iraud Rapids, but most cases are mild. It interferís mach with business. Periiaps twenty-.five or thirty horses have died so far. It is nothing like so bad as it was a few years ago, but. it bearins to frighten some whose bus'ness cannot be done except With teams. A Bat City man wagered that in ease Horr was elected to Congress lie would consent to be hitched to a ■ y and draw Horr through the streeta. was eleeted, and the B. C. man has compiomlsed by buylng a $40 overcoat ior the man who bet on Horr. At least #700,000 a year are paid for labor in M-nom'inee saw milis aml for loinj operatious. The amount expended annuaïly in thismanner on buth sidos oL the creek will kggregote at least $1,300. 030 cash. It is estimatcd that fully 200,000,000 feet of lumber will be held over on the mili docks of the Sagiaavv Rív.t, this winter. An East Sauinaw enthusiaet wagered bis house and lot on the result of the elections- and lost. The Michigan land office has sold three thousand acres of forfeited property at $1.25 to $6.50 per acre. At Grand Kapids the lrth Maud Barrett committed suicitle by taking morphine. Jealousy was at the bottom of the trouble. Two maskuü burglars recently entered a store at New Bal ti mofe, locked the clerk in a room and took away $1,0)0 in raonej The loU iwiaf t the Detroit wheat quotnllons: Wheat, No. 1 White, $1 04(i{1.04}4'; November, do, $1 .05}$l.05#; December, ilo, $.05JÍ@1.06Jí; Juniiary, do, l.07@ 1.07; No. 2 lied, 100@l 06í; No. 8 White, ■ - The statistics of the French rail way8 for the ycar 1878 show that l:ü),000,000 tickets were delivered: 1 1,000,000 lirstclass; 42,000,000 seeond-class; 39,000,000 thivcl elass. Nearly half the pastengen do not pay fuH f are Qwjng to ruin n tickets, military tickets, cbildren's tickets. The averae journev na ds by eaeh traveler is 30 kilometers. (ut of 7,000.000 pasaensrcrs nu; only is lestiued tobe killed en routu and 20 lo je injured. fi-ures inolude those who are vietims of their own carelessies-:_thus, out of tiL pasen;t:rs killed ii iH only f) wui-H killed Öy the railway, 12 by tlioir own cai-eles'sness, and 3 bv suicide. In the sanie year, 180 emilines wero killed and .',-17(i injured; out of a total jxsrsonnel of tBO.000 thii ]-(i)ortion is imich smaller ;m tne morfality of men workincr in faetoriös' - Augustus Springham. of Freeburg, Sn;.der Cotm'ty, lJa., draak a rup of Mier, and inmiediale.y aftcr drinking ie lelt a severe pain in his thi-oat, vhii;h rapidly iacreaaed and his ihroat oon became so s wollen that he was careely able to swallow. He now etlsconiident that he drank a bee, which stung him.


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Ann Arbor Democrat