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The Pioneers Of Washtenaw

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The scconri quarterly meeting of the pioneer society for Ihe present wus hclil al Ypsilanli on Wcdnosaay of last week. E. I). Lay called the meeting to order, and prayer was offered by the Hev. Mr. Boure, pastor of the M. E. thurch of Vpsilnuii. A DUinber of obituary oolicea were read by Ihe Decrolojrlst, ('. A. Cbspln. Tlie presideal icad a coinmuiiication froin .Mr Dewcy, president f the Lenawee pioneer society, exprossiag hiskindly fci'liiiiis and regretting his inability 10 lie ;uisiin. l{cv. Dr. Holtue. uuairinan of the historiciil committce, reported that arrange menu had been completed witli V. (J. Chapuieu iV ( o., cif Chicago, to compile and pulilisli H hisKny of Washlonaw COUnly, and t ho work'liad been corameuced and was progressiog nccordiug i 1 1 con tracl betwven Lhe purtiesOn motion of J. (J. A. Scssions t was niianiinonslv odopied l hal a commitli'C of three in cacil lowabip be appoinled to upervisc nud correct such parta of the historv as reíales lo tlu'ir towiiship. Jt was also moved aurt carried thal the presiden) appoini :i commtltec of three to act wiih t lic present uistofïwi, whose duty il xlüili be i .-upnvisc aod eorrecl the general bistory "I lliecouiily. Dr. IIuIiuim il[iui((.(1 iluit $:((!. 85 luid bei'ii secured for lliu purpuae of funiishing the pioneer room i lliu courl'house. The becreUiry, ,. Duvis, statvd ih;d Uiu contributions to ihc society oow in tlie pioneen' rooma wereioavery coufused and unsiifc couditiou. He nlso s;id be lmd recently sceo in the basement of the law Liuikliim mi Hic univt'isity campus, scveral casen, wliicb, if they Could lic procureil.would supply tbe wanl in tbe room for the prutectioa of its relies, and aiovod tbitt the cbair appolnl n commiltee to as certain tbe price, and if. in ilicir judj; ment Ihc terina would be satisfactory lo the society, to purebuse them, Tlie chai ■ appoiuted as udi committee, C. A. Chapín, L. Daría and .1. 1). Williams. ilr. Williams offered the following resolution which was unanimously aUopted: Itcêolcml, That we tender to the Baptist society of Ypsilanti for the use of tlieir I churcu edlflce tur ibis meellug; to the Prcsbyterian society for the use of the basement of tlieir church for dinncr, aud to the liulies and gentlemen who have so bountifully furuished usdinner.our hearty thanks. A veiy carcfi'.lly preparad history of i tbe towusliip of York, was read ly Miss Brooks, of Saline. On motion of R. A. Beal, the paper : was ordered placed in the hands ot the historian, and to be published in the forthcoming history of the county. The uexl meeting of the society is to be held in Dexter.


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Ann Arbor Democrat