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Commisaioner Addison Handel! luis heen ordered to pay to tbe staU n! Michigan tiic smu of $6,887.42 taxes of the Chicago & I.ake Huron railroad for IS78, and Interest for Jnly 1, 1W9. W. H. Stevens' wheel-barrow factory, saw di UI, machine shop, etc. Ooldwater, bnrned ■ tbeground Tuesduy olght; canee, a detective i. tbc oalllng room of the ciffar-box factory. There was no Insurance, and Mcrrit & Stevens lose um on thfir machine sliops, and V. K. Stevens loses $I7,íHK). ïliis is tlie thlnl UmethlMhop lias bnrned out, and once I ;is iilov, 11 u)i. WhUetbemail cairieiatMt. Clemens was waiüug ai tbe erand depoi r the mail train irdiiiy: t Detroit Tnesday evonlnu, meoktliit-f nnolisi -ni'il tl tli'1 bagg trom the depot, Ti imd in the Hiow ii-aiü1 ;.' lo a i.ic uol woods,and followwl uiitil aboat L2 o,ciock wheu they round tiio letter bas wltb all tbe letten opened. They tracked tne thlef to the Cathollc cemetery, where all trace was lost A Bpedal agent of th9 post ■ fjflee departjnent at Detroit has been notirii'U mul t'xp'Cted tliere to bMwUgato thu matter. The [Kwtijiastei saya there were more registered i 'tters in tbe han iluui usual, luit lie doesn't know liow inuch nioiuy they contained. The proposed eastern extensión of the Northern Paeltic rallroad wlll start at the lunctlon ■ ad ti'ii (iirrctly i-npt, croEsiiii; the WiBCOnsio Centra! at Marengo, abont 15 miles south of Ashiaiiii. toa oonueoUon witii ti proposed western extensión of thr Uarquette, Houghton Je OntonaRon at Montreal rivur. On Salurday last a misinanaged blast in 11 1 excavaüng belng (lont! lor the track of the St .Joscpli VaUey railroad, at Bucbanaa, sent a mase sf rock througb a liouse aud caine nea killini.' BeveraJ peoiue. One woiuan who wa passing at some dlstance was Btruck on the kneo and severely Injured. The report of the warden of the Ionia house of correctiou, sliows that of the Stjti piisoDern reoelved darlns the year, 422 weie tramps. Their total cost to the state lias been $2(i,100.87. Ice men are cuttius and MtUng In ice in varicms parts of the State. It is reported f rom 8 to LS inches thick, clear aud hard. The lower mili of the Ypsilanti paper company was partly destroyed by fire Tiiesdar aftenoon, causel by rags itiiiitiner ii; the rafi euSjiues, and the nortli part of the inill vu liadly damaged. Loss estimated at i20,0()0; iusured. Maj. Charles B. Peck as cuosen by the electoral college of Michigan as messeuger to car ry the rote of the state for Garfield and Axthur to Washington. The following is a statement ni the receipti and disliurseiner.ts at the state treasurer's office for the montli euding November 30, 1880 : Balance on hand November 1 . . . .f 1,545,888 88 Heceipts for the month 201,923 58 Total $l,K07,K03 96 IMslmrsements 360,748 70 Balance ou hand November 30. .. f 1,441,05,3 26 (rand Rápida is to have a dummy street railway Une. A stock company has been organized al Hay City tu engageiD the manufacture of agricultural inipleinents. TUe Detroit & Butler railroad bridge over tlie Raisin river at Adrián is 875 feet long, including its timber approaches. At Norway 100 Scandinavians nave organized the Scandia inining conipauy, and will work a profitable location. Two burglars who receutly robbed a drug store at Vermoutville were captured at Grand Kupids, where they sought shelter as vagB. Myat Kyan, the youug Bunnese who has lemi lecturing and studying in th's state for souie time past, is uow a student in the medical department of the univcrsity of Michigan. It is said that the wolf bouuty law in tliis state is tied up with so imicli red tape that huuters do uot care to kill the varniints, and they are waxing plenty, strong aud sassy. Dr. Henry N. Reynolds, the red ribbon agitator, is about to begin au extended work in Wisconsiu, similar to tliat so succaesfully carried ou iu this state. At the (Yiitreville knitüng factory the girls etnployed are on a strike. They object to a reductiou of wages, and the works have conse(inently been f-hut down. About 50 girls are thus idle. Trampa entortained at the expense of the city ol Slaibhall will be reiiuired to saw wood n for tlu'ir board. The Kalamazoo and the Pontiac insane asyluins are now overcrowded, and 172 patients b'ave lieeu turneii ;tway. More room is indispensible. Tlii'ie are more tlian ütKJ Imane pergOD in the state outside of the asylnnis, kept in jails, poor housee and other uufit places, for lack of accommodation. At Niles two men entered the jewelry store of Laplerre & Micks, and by a show ff arm alteinpted to Intimídate the proprletors, wh didu't Fcare at uil. One of the robben ww iinippifd Liy Micks, and the other begnn firint, at Lapierro, who returued the fire, shootiug a his man five times ;iui finally scnding a bal into his Imily uid inrlicthiji a wouud fron which it is beliered he will ilic Hesaysbli pame is Patrick Johnson, that he is about 82 years old, and hails frimi Hay City. The post office at Monroe was burglqiizec Xburèda." alghtaad Sö 0 worth of stampa auc $20 in nioney, as weUas ', . keys totliemai! ba8, wore takt-n by the burglara Alil. H. C. Clark, of CoWwiitfr, Midi., 16 leing prosecuted for the eeüuction c;f J.toiiora Wllson, danghter of a proinluent lawyer. The diïorce case of Hon. Isaac 1'. Christiancy agaloat liis wifc, Ullle U. ChrisUancy, at Washington, has apparently come to nu uúexpecWd tiTininatiou. Cpou calUog Wni. H. Holschuk, clerk at the St. James hotel, whèreit was ;illeged in the liill that Mis. ('hnstiancy's misCondnct took ]lac', he denied that he bad ever seen the defendant before. His aftidavit, made March'.t lastaod which was tbe hiisis forthB suit, statcs tliat December 'l, IK"!, one Edil jiro carne to the hotel, as if fron the New Yurk Exprees. He registercd and was assiued a room. On the following day ie said to the witness that lie received a telegram from his wife in 'ïew York saying that she was to arrive in Washioeton on that day. He went out of the hotel and alm ut past oue drove up in a ceixiaee to the ladies' eutrancc witli a lady wliom lie registerou as Mrs. E. iiro. They then went togetlierto thia room where tlicy rcuiaiiieil iintil a little aftfir .'! o'clock when they came down and drove away ogethar. While they were in the room a gtmleman carne into tlie hotel and asked the witnessifheknew who the lady was mat was wglstsrodM Mrs. E. Giro. Witness ilid not iimwlier a yas informed hy liim that she was Ure. t; i stiancy, the wifii of Ex -senator .'liristiancy, then minister to Peru. L'pon heng confrontwl With Mrs. Ohrisüáncy the witness declared that she was uot tho lady who visited tlie hotel with (iiro, and yas not Uie )ne pointed out to hiui as Mis. Christiancy. E. X logersoU, Christiancy's lwyex, saiil that this was ttie witness on whose nllidavit he irOUffht tlie snit, hut he had some corrohorative testimony which lie would have to examine hefore he decided whether to go on with the case or not. Ice on variouB of the lakes within a radius of BO to 80 miles (r Detroit is reported hy Uie ice men to be already from 13 to 15 inches tliick, and growing. Lausing Republican: It is well knowii that he acouBtic proporties of the legislativo hall ut htv detective. Within the past few days in attempt has been made to remedy this in be Ikhisc by stretching vviivs icross the room near tbe tops of tbe wiudow casings. There UK 1 l of tlieso wires, bo fiüe that they are invisible froiu tlie tioor, and frora the Imperfect oxK'iiiiifiits made it is believed that the ar rangenient will improve the room in this respect materiiUly. It will also be tried in the senate. The large liiinlicr mili of I. N. Jennoss at Attica burned Frlday ni;M. It had not been used for several months. A.n unusuaJly bold but unsuccessful altempt to rob a store was made at Niles Wednesday nighti at U.30 o'clock. Just about the time Uipit-rce&'Wix were iutendiug to close their ewelry store and go home, two men, inasked and with pistols drawn, entered the store, wliich is situated on Main street, one eovarlng ir. Wix. who stood near the front door, and he other passing tbrougb to the back room whereMr. Lapierce was. With pistol uimed at ii in he ordered Lapierce to "come out mul maktno noise." Lapierce follwed him behind the Kiunter to the front part of the store, where Wix was, wluwi the lattr gnibbed the burg aiJs pistol hand and held luin until Lapierce opened the money drawet and drew out his oaded revolver and opened fire on the man Tho had been watcliing him, rirtn;; five shots at him, two of wliich struck him - ne in th breast and one in the shoulder - the arglar firing twicc it liim. The wounded ñau lies in the calaboose aud must dia. He [ives his name as Pat. Maloue of Whiteball, ew York, and says In? was a rnember of the licbigan cavalry. His pal got away. The red ribon state central committee has ismed a circular to the christian churches of Michigan, di'claring that men repreeenüng the brewera, dislillers and venders of rum will warm in Uie lobbies of the capítol this winter, nd that ti t'temperance people must neet and efeat Uiein in ordT that a prohibitory amendient to the cunstitution may be adopted by ie legislature. Large and pleasant rooms lavetheref ore been leasel in I,ansu; for state imperance headquarters, and printed appeals ml argiunents will besent into all tlie homes r Michigan. The christian churches are inlul tu contribute and remit to Treasurer ach Chase, Fliut, Micb. The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern opérate 1,177 miles of track; its stock mouiitb to 949,46(1,000: its ;eoR8 eamings last fiscal year were $15,271,492; ite riet earuings f6,019,851, and tliefull interest on itebomlswas.HrAltóUSU. There were niany errora in the election n turns. among otliere the following: Alleman county returns 4,ti'.t votes for"Jolm M.' instead of James il. Neamnitli for com mlasloner uf Btate landoffloe. Lenawer re tura 9,442 tor the saine; Clare returns 4Sfl fov "Jiiüit's N.;" Gladwin, thu santé, 161; Huron rt-tr.riiK 1,718 [or Kdgnr A. Rexfonl iustead of Eiltrar Rexfonl; Osceola returns 1,291 votes tor BeDJainin Pritchard, oinittiug tho middletaitial letter. In Presyue Isle county Gen. l'ritchard'a Dame was by an error oniitted from tlie ticket, entirely hwiuc liini 214 votes. Tlio total nalt product of the Michigan wells tliis .vear was 2,07,S,iB barrels. The last year's productwas 2,008,040 barrel. The 18S0 erop waH sold atan ayerage of 75 cents per barrel. Matthias Swolwda, of Ludington, roed the owner of the Ward mili of that place for damages sustalned hy fiiiug upon an uncovered oog wneel and luis recovered a verdict for f2,000. The niurt held that mili owners must arraugn their inachiuery so :as lo protect employés' lives. A district agricultural society, inrludlng territory contigious to tlie Kliut & Pere Marquotte and the Jackson, Laüsiu; & Saginaw railroads, isprojected and a meeling la callod at t'liiit, Wednesday, Dea 15, I The eighth anuual coiiveuüon of the associatlnn of agriciiltuial sooieties of Michigan will Ixlield in Pioneer hall, capi'ol buiidinjj, I.anniiur, ooiiimeucine Wednesday eveniug, January 26, 1881, at 7:30 p.ui. The cloth swindlers are after the innocent but sppculative fannero in the vicinity of Portland, and have already swindled several in about flOO esoh. i in Saturday evening Joseph Shriner of Jolinstown, liacry connty, was cliastislnü his son William H., aj;el 14 years, for souie trivial offense, when his eider son, Charles E., aged lí yeais, interferred. Tlie fatherat onco tuniel upoii tlie eider son, and, seizing a billet of wooil, itartad for him. The boy retr ated, and tlie mother stepped between tbe fathor and son, throwins up her hand8to quell the disturbance. Attliis instant the son drew a revolver and fired. The hall, just cutting the skin on the inside of the mother's thumb, entere' thefather's side. infli.tinp a wound supposed to be mortal. The son surrendered himself to Russell K. Stanton, justice of the peace. Seven pupila in tbe high school at Marshall have been suspended. They rebeiled agaiust the rule reiiuiringrhetoric! exercises. Mra, Turnbull'B house and contenta, at Verona, Oalhouu county, were destroyed by Ure. No insurance; loss $2,000. Tlie Fliut & Pere Marquette railroad earncd $48,M7.20 last month- which was over $18,000 more than it eamed in November, 1879. D. Chichester, of Galesburg, has secured a patent on a couibined spring tooth cultivator, drill broad-cast train inower, piaster and dover seed sower. It is light, Rtrong and of easy ilraft.


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Ann Arbor Democrat