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A Strange Japan Race

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In her recent work, "L'nbeaten Tracks in Japan," Miss Jsabella L. Bird givessomegraphic pietures of the Ainos, or aborigines of the island of Yezo, Japan. "Afterthe yellow skins, the stiff norse hair, the feeble eyelids, the elongated eyes, the sloping eyebrows, the Hat noses, the sunken cheeks, the Mongolian features, the puny physique, the haky walk of the men, the resti icted totter of the wmen, and the general impression of degeneracy eonveyed by the appearance of the Japanese, the Ainos," she says, "make a v'ery singular impression. All but two or three that I have seen are the most ferocious-looking of savages, with a physique vigorous enough for carrying out the most feiucious intentioius, but as soon as they speak the countenance brightens into a smile as gentle as that of a woman, something which en never be forgotten. The men are abouc the middle height, broad-ehested, broad-shouldered, 'thick-set' and very strongly built, the arms and legs short. thick and muscular, the hands auc feet large. The bodies, and especial 1. the limbs, of many are covered wit; short bristly hair. I have seen tw boys whose backs are covered with fu aá line and soft as that of a eat. Th httads and faces are very striking The foreheads are very high, broad anc prominent, and at lirst sight give om the impression of an unusual capacitj f or intellect ual develo pment; theears are small and set low; tVe hoaes Sire straight, but short, and broad at the nostrils; theniouths are wide but wel formed, and the lips rarejy show a tendency to fullnesg. The neck is short the cranium rounded, the check-bones luw, and the lowcr part of the facéis small as compared with the upper, the peculiarity cülcd a 'jpwl' bei;i kiiown. ïho eyebrows are full, and forín a straight line riiéarly across the face. The eycs are large, deeply set, and very beautiful, the color a rich liquid brown, the expression pingularly soit, and the eyelaahes Loog, silky, and abundant. The .skin lias the Italian olive tint, but in mosteases is thin, and lijilit enongti to show the changes of color in the cheek. The teeth are smal!, regular, and very white; the incisors and 'eye teeth' are not disproportionately large, as is usiiülly tlie case amóng the Japanse there is no teñdency towaixls prognathism and Ihe fold of integuinent wbicli conceals the upper eyelïds of the Japanese ís i ever tobeiutít wiili. Tbe features, expression, and aspect are European rather than Asiatic. "The 'ferocious savagery' of the appeanmee of men is produced bj a rofuslon of thiuk soft black ftair, divlded in the middle, and falling in heavy masses neariy t the Bhoulders. Outofdoors iiiskepi frpm falliag over the face by a liilet, round the brow.The boards a.-c eqtíall; profuse, quite maKDlflcent, mil geuerall; wavy, and in tlie case of the old men tliey give a tiuly pattiarchal ;md venerable aspect, In spite of the yellow tinKt; producexl by smoke and want of cleanlinesa. The uvage look produeed by the maésefl of hair and beard.and the thick eyebrowsis mitigated by tne softness in the üreamy browneyes, and is altogether oblitérated by the exceedingsweetness of the smile, which belougs in greater or 1 sss degree to all the rougher sex. 1 have mearured the height of thirty of the adult men oí' this vllage, and it ranjfcs lïcni flve fcetfourincnestoüve reet six and a half inches. ïhecircumference of the heads averages 22.1 inch■:;, and the are, from ear to car, t hirteen inches. The average weight of the Amo skuüs, is }.j.:ii) ouncea avoirdul)is, a brain wei?ht saiii t-i excel that of all the races, Hindoo and Mussuliiian, on Indian plains, and that of the aboriginal races of India and Ceylon, and is only paralléled by tbat of tlie Himalayas.ti e Siamese, and the Cliinese Burmese.'


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