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Dec. 8.- In the senate, Mr. Morgan (Dein., Vla) introduced a resolution proposug a conrtitutional amendmeut directing egislation in regard to the counling oi lie electoral vote. A large number of lilis wcre introduced, includint one to enible the people of Dakota to form a state 'overnment. After an executive session Mr. ltandolph (Deal., N. J.) introduced a substitute for the bill for the relief of Fitz-John Porter, authorizing the President to reinstate him in the army yrith no higher rank thau eolonel on the retired, provided that he receive no pay or allowauce for the time botween his retirement and reinstatement. The house of representatives spent almost the entire lay in the discussjon of the senate joint rule uroviding for couuting the electoral vote. Mesan. Willits (Rep., Mich.) and Robeson (Rep., N. J.) led olï on the Republiean side, and the latter was closely questioned by several Democrats, ainoug them Slessrs. Cox (Dem, N. Y.), Hunton (Dein.. Va.), and McLaue (Deui., Md.) Before the debate began Mr. F. Wood (Dem., N. Y.) stated that he shoulil cali up the refundinp; bill as sooii as the electoral count question was settlfld, Mr. Huckner (Dem., Mo.) introriured a substituto lor the refunding bill, fixiug tlie rate of interest at i per cent. December 9. - The Seuate passed a number of bilis, amODg them one for the sale of the Uur aiiil Missouri Iiuüan lands, and one for the Bafe-keepine of court moneys. A resoluti(iii w;is pussed referring the civil service portion of the Pregldent's message to aselect committee od that subject A cominunication f rom the secretar; of war was read ou the subject i l.mdiasing the private papers of the rebel generáis Poli and liragi;. In the house of repiesentatives, Mr. linker (Rep., bid.) reportad tlie fortifications appropriaxloD bilí, wiiich was nrderad printed. A bilí tepealine öie tas on matches, bank checks, patent medicines, et, was referred. The res of the 'lay wiis consumed in debatíug tlie pro posed electoral count joint rule, Mr. MrLane i iHin., Vd.i spealdng in its favor and Mr. New berry and others opposinjr it WlthiD üie next seveu months $213,521,550 ■ ■:■ cent., and 9469,651,000 five per cent bonds fall due. A bill is now before congress to refund tliese bonds at 3K per cent which wiil inakean animal reduction in interest o J.803. December 13.- Most of the time of the sen ate w.i-; iswl upon the bill auihorizing the President to reappoint l'itz-John Porter to the niiiiy. Itwas discussed favorably by Senators Bandolpb, Hereford, Thurmanand Voorhees, Demócrata, and opposed by Senators Caipenter and Loirw, Republicans. The senate went into executlve sesnon and afterwards adjouiued without aclion on the bill. In the houses of rcpresentatives Judge Taylor [Rep., ü.] Gen. (iarfield's successors, was D in. Mr. ('rapo [Rcp.,..Mass.] introduced tí solutions hostile to tlie l'auama canal, whicu, aiter discussion fby Uesur. Cox, [Dwb, N. V.] aii.i Klaar [Dem., I.n..l wi'i-c refcrred to the anmntttee on ttutigu aifiürs. Anumhtr oí billa and reeoluÜoM v i-re Introducid, among tlieui od by Mr. Mjers LDem„ 1 1 . ■ - . calliug oa tbe secretar; of easurj for lnfoiaiatloo as to the RnioaQts or inonéy paid lo Ben'. Urant by the üuileil iife, and ouo liy Mr. Sabbell [Bep.,M:ch. fora riuty on Canadian fli Impnrted litto :!;' l'nitt'd States. Mr. alkine [Ep, bid.] nitroduced a ivsoimiou b; ipiul'i uitli theworking classvs of IrelMiil, whiuh was uniuiimausly adoptwt. . ho house tbeu rarained the (liscussion of tbe electoral couDt reeolatioQ, Mr. Wood [Iem., N. Y.] triviuw mítico tliat he would to-niorrow move to jo iuto coimuitteo of tlie wholuon the famttiiB blll. Several speeches were mado upoo tiic electora! t'utit rcRoiution, and the house uiljoiüiici! without acUou. D Mu'.ier 1 !.- lu Ihe sonate, Mr. Morrill VU) Introdnced a reeolution of miuiry lonking towani thfe MQnMttOD of tlip teU'Rrapli Uue bï the ffOTeromrutb Tlie bill for tht rclir of Fitz Joliu I' : wasdiscusBednnd phsae,(i by apnrty rote, lüe DemooratN Totiiij; In tlie iidinnaiiTe, w ith an amenilmnt limiting the t'iiü wit'.iiu wliich heciin ba reappointert to i ijilii' en mouths. (Jsn. Burnside called upliis bill fordcTotiug the proceeds of public land tonational cdiu'ation. The eenate adjourned after an RXtfOiiUve u'spion. In the hoiis." oí representativas a resolution was reporten fioin the postoffice roiumittee and adoptad, calling on be postmaster general fur information as to fraulced matter not le(tally frankable now detalned in bis department. Mr. Morton (Rep., N. Y.) introduced a bilí to incorpórate thft inaritinie canal company of Nicaragua, with (en. (irant as one of the incorporators. O. W. 0. Nowlin was nppointod poHtmaster of tiie house. Mr. liicknoll (Htni., lml.' iniivcil tlic pn-vions question on t 16 electoral rount resolution, luit the Kepublicans refused to vot and left the house without a quorum, whoreupon Mr. Biokuell wilhdrew the reaolution, saying that be would cali it np agaiu in January. The house theu Went iuto comuiittee of the whole on the funding bilí. A number of substitutes and auiendnients to the bilí were offered, and debate was beguu in opposition to itbyMr. Warner Tein., (.. ) aud in its favor hy Mr. Chittenden ( R'P„ N. Y. i After the coinmittee rose, the consular and diplomatic, and Uie West Point appropriation bilis were reported, aud the house adjourned.


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Ann Arbor Democrat