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Gleason F. Dixon was bom Oct. 88, 186H, at Oswego, Óawcgo county, N. V.. and died in Ann Arbor, WashteDaw county, Micli.. Dee. 19th, 1880, at the residence of bis uncle, John H. Dow, on Ilurou streef, n whosc family he been an [amóte tor sevenil years. J lis remains werc takeu to C'oncord, Jackson county, Mich., for interment. He graduated in Uie pharniaey ilass of '7T, of tbe tjniversitj of Michigan ; bood after wliicb he went to California, hoping to establiah a botter cooditiou of healiïi tben be thcu enjoyed, and also ftnd an opening wherehe might Miocessfully 'ngage 'n ''"-' profession wbicb ba lind cbosen as a field of nseful labor. JSiit in the former object lic was disappoinled. His health fitiled gradually, and after having lieen there nearly two yeui-. Inbccame an invalid, with luns complaint. He left Sacramento ou ThanksgiTing dav, and arrived in Ann Arbor Wednesday, Dec. 1, wbere be reccived tbc best care aud treai inent, whlcb a doating mollier and loving friends could bestow. lint be reniained only two weeks and lire days, wben be left tbem and paued tbrougb j the pearly gales nlo tbc biïirlit. green Belda of paradise, nleased froni suffering, I and admitted to ibe welcome embraces of a dear father, two brotliers, and two sis ters, who bad pieeecded bfm io the jouvney to that botter land, wbere part Ing is unknown, and sorrow never comes, He was a young man of rare promise and ability, and scorni'iy; ftllke, basenesa and vnlgánty in act ar word. Pioin ebildbood bewas kind, jus', aud conciliatory in his associatioos, and as yeais ad vaneed, he manifested greatassiduit] and uuremilting zeal in tb? pur of knowledge, with a view to usefulnew, and indepeodence ; receiviug llie meritod reward of Iruct, respect, and tlu: estouin of his classraates, frieuds, professors and employers, all of whom spoke in high terms óf bis ability and tnutworthinees. Ai) extract f rom ;i letter of introduction . presented bim by in honored professor in pharmacy - prof. a. J Prescott - is pertinent. After baving spoken highly of efficiency, and the credit witïi vvhlcli he liad ginduated, lie added : "He bas Bliown bimsclf a courteous and agreeble y oung man, io be relied on for integrily. He promiMH i becomo nn nssistaut use ful to his omployers, and : phai macis) v;i!u:ihic to the public. ' Ilis beloved and bereaved mother, whom hr Uonored and loved Rrdently, is left to ;ii( h and uil alone, until (od. by bis ever rfvifyinq Influence, imll prepare hei in stci over ilie iiHiiow, rlppling Btream of lifo. hit o the elysium of the jnsi. made perfect tbrougb the Blood of Mu1 r.amli. Slill sho conld not, wonld nul. wish )i i tu hack to tli tlull t'onnalities of mis evercbangeful and nnbospltable woiid. Bul would ratlier bid his pure npirit rest with tiic raosomed throDg, wlicrc we are promised in the word of Gtod, "that the justifled símil reijen with ('hrisi n Glory."