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Bucklin's Árnica Salvd Tbc best sulvu in the workl for Cuts, I5niises, Sores, (Jlcurs, Snit Iïbcum, Fe ver Sores, Tettor, L'happcd Hands, Cliilblalns, Conis, and ali kimls of skin Eru]i tions. 'Ibis Bal ve is guaranteed togivc' perfect satisfactioa in every case or tbe money refunded. Pricc '-.'■" cents per box For s:ilc liy Elierbacli & Sou, Anu Arbor, Mich. Cause and Effect. Tbe inaincauBu ofiiervousnesü is indigestión, aod that is caused by weakness of the stomncli. Noone can have sound utrves uid good In-rilt li without using Hop Bitters to strengtben tbc rtoraacb, nurify the blood, and keep the livet and kidneys active, to C8rry otï il th ooisonmis and wastr matter of the iystein. See olher column. - Adrane. Il is irap0S8Íble tor a woinan, alter a fáilbf ul coursc of treutmcnl with J-yiüa K. Piukham'a Vcgelable Compound, to continue ti suffer wii li u weakness of the uterus. Endose i stamp lo tira, Lydiit E. l'inkliiim. '-':!! Western Avenue, Lymi as., for her parapblcts. Wm. H. Pullen, FowIerTÜIe, Mich., sas: - 1 liavo nol rested hetter for inonllis Iban 1 dil last night. Tbe "Only Lung Pad" bas helped me wonderfulfy. - 8ee Adv. cims. L. RoBsiter, 198 Summil St., Toledo, hi". Bays: - I would not take one thouaand dollars for my Excelsior Kidney Pad, if 1 roulil not get another. 1 bave ! trnincd in three montbe thirty pounds. - ' Perfectly Safe in uil ('use-;. Kor disease&of the Throat.Lungs.Oroup, Whoopiog Cough, ('oids, etc., Ihjirns' EUtririsn safe, reliable.and effectual remedy. Dr. Baxter's Mandrakc Bitters act upon the Storaach, Liver and Bowels, remove all seeretioifs, purify the Blood, and fortify thr systcm ágainal diseasc. Horsemeo. Ask your merchant for Henry & Johnson'u Árnica and OH Liniment. and keep it alwaya in ihe stable, lo use iu case of accident. Picfeed TJ-p. Vii'il.i) RING, whlch the owner can have by proving property and payinK for this not Ice. jVddrees, Dkhoühat Ann Arbor, Hkjh. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank, (Organizad 1889, andar the öener&l Banking Law uf tliis statt-i has now, including capita] Stock, etc., etc, OVER 5250, OOO ASSETS. Business men, Quardians, Trustees, leadles aml i otner persons wfll fliid th Bank SAFE AND CONVENIENT Place i whtch ( malee Deposita and do btwiness. Interest isAllowed on All Savings Deposits Of $l.iM)anl upward, accordlBg to tho rules of tfae banfc, and Interesl compounded senil annu ally. Monoy to Loan in Sums of S25 to Y5,OOO Secured by Unincumbered Real LCstateandother OOd scr-nritirs. DIRECTORS. ChriatUm Mack. w. w. Winee, w. D. Harríman, WiUlam Deubíe, R. A. Beal, Daniel Hlscock and W. B. Sinith. OFFICERS. Chrlatian Mark. President; W W, Wlnes, Vlce-Prwrfdent ; ('has. E.Htecock, Cashler. Ifyíni are a imui ri rea H Êr of m mnn of H ■ nertby thoBtmin of V ■ ■ your duties nvoid m my:u won, to ■ PtimulRUt- n n (1 use W bnün nci vrn tid Hop Bitters. wwte, use Hop B. If you re younfr nd I imfferlius frora ftuy indÍM-rction or disMipa ■ tion ; íf you are maprn-'l or Hingle, vM or ■yountc, ufferíng f rom poorhealtli orlanffuishBinií on a bed of itlck!.■■. rely on Hopl Bitters. Wh'irvpr Tonftri', OML Thousnnds die anwhfncvcr you Ceél ]■ TI nually f rom soino that voiir syítvm UajJ furm f Kldney nrrdsVli'iuüik'. toii-B&discase that migrlit rr -tnmiInliiiK, H I havo tM'cnjirevrnti-d without iuUisicHtinQ, ■.'Iby timoly use of t a i: e H o p K HopBItter B ' 1 1 e r ' JwM Kn. hk Ilnvp yon {QF'$Ë V ',"■'!"'"!!'ƒ.' '!V!í,".fB is an absolute Yon will be ■ nlTTmn tobáceo, or cun-difyouuac !■ IILUl1 Mrootici. Hop Bitters i K [KN ■ ullll""u Sold bj drngs!ííLtó.! never endíur .'JèyïlirAII "w1 1 1 fe. It has I f A I L ■'r0 - saved M nht.trr, n. t. dredS. 'M) J AToronto, Out. Michigan 'i-iitral Itailroad. with its cniiectians at Chicago, affonls tne most direct and deslrable route to travel (rom .Mk-higan to all potntfl in Kansas. Nebraska. Colorado. Texas, Mimicsotn, Dakola. Manltobll. etc. Michigan Central rains make sure and close connections at Ohloago with tnrough ejroresfl traina on all Western Unes, Ratea "iii always be as low as the lowest. Parties ítí ijí West wlM flnd ii to their Interest to correspond with Henry C. Wenl wortb, General Passenger and Ticket Agent of the Line. at Chicago, wno iii cheerfully Impar) auy iiiforniatiuu rl;ilivo to rontcs. tini' 'í trains, maps and lowesl rates, Do nol purohase vournckeM nor contract your treight untllyou ! liacheard from tl ."Micliifan Central. Now is the Time to Subscribe FOR THE SÜNDAY MAGAZINE.: BÜ81 N B8S CARD8 LEONARD HOUSE, TF. LEONARD, Proprtator, Aun Arhnr, .Midi WILL1AM CASPARV, pAKKKY Ni oouracnoKiKT, ;!■; Detroit Street. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, ATTORNEY AT I.AW. Office, Nos. -i auri :: híii's Opera House, Aun Arbor, Mlch. FRANK EMKRICK," ATTOKNEY AT I.AW - ver Brown t Co's DrliK Sl.otv, Comer Main aii'l Hurón Btreete. Aun Arbor, ulch. HURÓN MARKET. 17 C. FREKR. Doab-r in Fivsh. Salí and ' 4 Bmoked Meats, Freah Flsh, Oysier, i try. etc No. 30 East Hurón Street. MICHAEL II. BRENNAN, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Office wiili K. D. i 1 Etnne, Blawson Block, comer Hurón and Fourth strvct-;. nn Arbor, Mlch. s. i!. PARSONS, M. I)., to Stone . Panolis, OFFIOK AND DIgPENSABY, Comer Hurón and Flfth Btreets, Aun Arbor, Uich o. C. JENKINS, SURGEON DENTI8T, 1! 8 tío ■■!.' Kast Washington Street, formerit upledby Dr. Protliloghain. Aun Arbor, Mich. COOK HOUSE, C'ORXEU HURÓN AND POÜRTH 8TÉKETS, Aun Albor. Michigan. lïentrd l)v Stram wiih no Extra Charge. "C. H. r. W. .irwKi.i.. Proprtetore. TOBACCO STORE. ITWILr.BEFOUNDthat F. s. Buck teepa the beet aasortmenl of CIGAK8 and TOBACCO in the city. lii'st branda sf clgaretteaa specialty, No ; Kast Hurón St. JACOB IIALLER & SON, DKALKR IN WATCHE8, CLOCKS, Specw cl1. Plated Ware, Gold Pena and FinO Jewelry. Speolal attention jjlven to repair in watenea and Jewelry. ■.'i South Main su t, 'nn Arbor. TÏÏÏT ÜNIVERSITY TOK8OBIAI1 PABLOB and 1 BATÍ I ROOMS. Nc. 3. Norlh laiu Btreet. J. w. 8TRUBLE, Proprletor. 1 t-iitfiTii.-uiiv barbera Id atteadaoce. ANTÓN EISELE, DKAI.KR IN MONUMENTO and Qraveetones, ínamifactured l'roin TenneaBee aiul ltalian Marble and Sootoh and American Granito Bbop Cor. Detroit anrl Catherlne sts.. Aun Arbor., Mlch. 8. T. SPEECHLY, PHOTOGRAPHER NO 7SOUTB MAIN BTREET, Cftrds, r.n.inpts, lromínadt and SzlQ. with l-'rames to snit. Backgrounds and accessoriea complete. Ncatives kopt a whilt: for orders. AV J LSEY'S MUSIÓ STORE. " 1)1 ANOS. OHGANS, SflEKT MUSIC, Instniction Books, V'íoüns, Guitars, h"lute,s, &c, cheap at Wlteey'8 Musió Rooms, east side l'ublic Síjuare, Aun Ai'bDr, Mit-hinti. Th latyest and bst Stotk of Musical Ooods ever brouht into Washtenaw County. iolin and Ouitar Strlns a specialty. X. Ií. - It wUl b6 to yotir interest to rail before purobaafng anythins In Hnslc lino. MUSIC STORE. -The cheapesl place to buv Planos, Ksttcy Orjjaiis. Violins. tíuitar. Hanjos, Tambourines. Drums, Kifps, Plageolets, ithoi"s. Aooordoons, i'iano StOobt, VioBn Moxes, Instruotion Hooks for all kinds of nxtruincnls. Sheet Mukíc i'ih'wi, StrlngStDesl qualtty, allicinds; UouthOrgan& Bridges, Bowa. Keya and Rosin. Every thinp; in the ninsic Une froin a Ohlckerinff Piano co a Jcw'a Harp can lx' found at J, li. saGE's Music Store, no.4 Washington st., Ann Albor. WOOD -TJEUDl John Flynn has none tuto the wond business agaio thisseanon, and propoaes to keep on hand a suppiy of nil kiiuw of woocL which wüi be stiii at reasonable ratea; left al Durheim's to baooo store on Huron Btreet, oratthe yards at the t oot of fiaron Btreet, adjotnine the Toledo railroad. will recelre prompt attention. JOHN FLYNN. Swathel, Kyer & Peterson, floür mm stobe. Wc have constantly on hand ALL KINDS OF GRAIN, FLOUR AND FEED, which will be promptly deliveretl to nnv part 01 the city. Offlce cor. Fourtii miei Ann Streel, A.1111 Arbur ... Micb. THE MONARCH CLARKEN'S BILLIARD PARLOR, No 1 Norlh Mftin SI. Ann Arbor, Frienüs, Gome and See Me. (EO. CLARKEN, - - Proprietor, PROPOSALS FOR WOOD. Spaled proposals for 160 cords of ifoods, four feet loiic. ood r-fcii. body or straight hlckory, hard maple and aecond growth uplaml fak, in quantiti" imt Ibss than ten cords. m be recetved by the undersigned, until the lWh day of Januai-v. 18W. Inclusive, np tod o'dock p. m. The wood to be dettvered ín the next t0 days after awarding the contract, al. the different schoollionscs in this fity. insuch quant ities as desired. The richt of reieotinc nny or all offers is reorved. L. GRüNEK, Treasnrer of Sohool Distrin pío. I, of the city of Ann Arlior. s South Main Street. Ann Arbor, December Hth, 1880. School Bonds for Sale. Sualed tenders are nvited by the underslgned untilsixo'clock on the afternoou of January the 13tn. 1881, for the purchase of $4,000 (four thousandi of 5 per cent. bonds of School District No, 1. of the City of Ann Arbor, as authorized by the last animal school meeting, held September "Kit li. 1880, in denominations of $100 each. bearing ilatt February 1. 1881, and payable a follows: 2,000 doltai'S, (two thousand dollars, i Februarv i, i88r. a,0i0 dollars, (two thousand dollars,) February 1, 1KS-S. Interest payable anmially. Both principal and interest payable at the offlieof tlie 'ireasurer of said district. The right of rejectiug any or all bidfl is reserved. By order of the Board of Kducation. L. ORVNER, Treasurer, 8 S. Main Street. Ann Arbor, December Hth. 1880. CHRISTMAS PRE MS ! i' invite out Friends and Patrons to cali at our store and examine our large and Well Seleoted BTOCK ol' GolJaM Silver Watciei,1 JEWELRY, SILVER, AND SILVER Plated-Ware Suitable for Holiflay Presents V hich we offer ;tt the very lowest prices. Rgectfully, .1. Il ai. r. ek &. Son, Soutb 1M4d St, - - Ann Arbor. Mk-b. (íKANl)-MirniKll'S('HAlU Full Stzt '„,„. IFordajictJitc pjanoMuaic "ONTHETBA," Maivl, AI.,. 4 P1KrKh i,w intpirltlng yK,-i ,,„ recelpl TW1CKEXHAM KEKKY of Kour 3 eeni SpUndtd Woróp mul Muttc. Btamps. ADKLPHIANGAI.OP r. K. STODDAKT OO Sprighüy nni pttosing, rhiiatieibin. OLIVER HOUSE, f-lOBNEB BROADWAY ANIi OTTAWA V Street, Toledo, Ohlo Pulford & Hall, Proprietors. Mbbsm. Toftj .Mn.i.Ku. Clerks. HEADQUARTERS FQR ANN ARBORPEOPLE For Sale! VboutSO tons f cholee timothy hay tor nale In lots to sult purchaser-s. For particular applv i Kiigene B. Air. hl. (ju theold Amold place ttboul three mflefl wesl of theclto.or Uv letterat the Ann Albor postoffice. EUQÈNE it. AHXOI.H. BOX 147, Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MieiIKJAN.C.uiiiyuf Washtenaw, ss. The underslgned haring I n appolnteid )iy tin Probatecourl tor snii ( tounty. iommissionere toreeeive.examineand adjust all claims and demandp oí all persona againgl theeatate u' Har riet Judson lateof sald Comity deceased, hereby ííive notice that aix months li-mn date aro ailówed, by order of sald Probate Court, Creditors tó present thelr claims against the -state of said deceased and that they Ml meet ai the office of Philip Wlnegar. in the City 'l' Ann Arbor, in said County. on Wednetday ''id day ot" Feliniary and on Monday the -'-"i, Í day of MaV next, at ten o'cloek a. m. of each of sai days, to ifrci e. examine and adjusi sald claims, Dated November L8d ibUO. riiiiip Wlnegar, Daniel JliseiK-k. CoinniissioiM'i-s Real Estáte for Sale. State OFJtlCmdAN. Uouniyof Washtenaw ss.- In tin. Matter of the Bátate of RtuseU Brtggs, Incompetent. Notice is nereby nren, That.ii] pursnance of an order j?'"anted to the ondersigned Quardlan of satd Incompetent, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the ('mintv i Washtonaw, n the fourth day of December A. D. lHt, tbere ill be sold at Public Vendue, to the. hijjhest bidder, at tin' easl front door of the court house in the city of Ann Arbor, in theeounty of Washtenoiv in said state, on Saturday the twenty-tecond day of Janciary 1881, at ten o Vloek in the forenoon of that day (subjectto all etuMinibi'aiH-es mortflM or othenvisc exlstlngal the time "f the sale, the t"l lowlngdescribedReal Estvte. to wit : Twenty rJü) acres on the easl alde "f est half of the north east quarter ot sectlon two (2) in town four Boutb range live easl (Salem) Washtenaw county, Michigan. MYKON WEBB, li.u, cl Dec.C l0. (iuai-dian. Estáte of ArtemusT. Cook, Incompetent. STATK "F MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. At a session of the probatecourt forthe Gountjof Washtetiau'. holden at therobateof tl,-,', in the city of Ann Arbnr, on Saturday, the -iHth day of December, in thoyear one thousand eiglit bundred and ciht . Present, William I. uarriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter "f the i-state of ArUinas T ('ook. Incompetent. On readlng and Slintr the petltion. dnly rerified of Loulsa Barber formerly Louisa Cook liuardüin praying that slie may be lieensed i aeU n-ruin real estáte belongin to said Incompetent. Thereupon it is onlered, that Tuesday the 18th day of January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoou, beaulgned tor the hearing of said petition, and tliat ttie next of kin of said Incompetetent, and all other persons interest ed in said estáte, are requlrcd to appear ata session of aaid court.then to be holden at the probate office, in theeitvof Ann Arbor, nnd show cause if any there O6,why the praycr of the peütlouer should not D6 srranted: And it is rurther ordered, that snid petitioner give notice to thf persons interested in said estat e. of thependency of said petition. and the hearing causlng acopj'of this order to be published in the Ann Ahbor Dkmociuit. a newspaper priuted and circulated in said County. three sueees-sive weeks previous to said dav of hearing. WILLIAM I). HARRIMAN. Atmccopy. Judge of Probate. Wii.t.iAM u. Doty, Probate Rerutnr, Estáte of Henry Huesmann. STATE OF MICHICAN". county of Washtenaw ss. Ata session of the probate court for the county of WashUtnaw, holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday the first day of December, in the year one thousand eiffht hundred and eighty. Present, SVilliam I). Harritnan, judge of probate. In the matter of the estáte of Henry Hues niann. deeeased. Ijatnbert DrasselhOUSS administrator de lionis non of said estáte, comes Into court and represents that he is prep&red to ronder hls final account as such adminístralo! Thereupon, it is ordered, that Tuesday, the Ith day of January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, he assignel for examining and allowing such account, and that the heirs-at-laiv of said deeeased, and all other persons interest - ed in said estáte, are required to appear at a Beasfon of said court,thento le holden at tlieprobate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in BaldCoun ty and shr,w cause, if any there be. li the sai,i account should not beallowed. And it s-fm-thejordered, thatsaidadmlnistrator give notice to the persona ínterested insaid estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causbigaoopyof this order to bi" pubUshed in Tht Ann Axoot Damerat, a newspaper prlnted and circula! InK in said eounty, three mcoéaslTe w'-t-ks prevloua to said day of hearing. WHiLLAM I). UARRIMAN. (A true copy.) Judge of Probate, Wm. Q. Doty. Probate Register. Estáte of Nicholas McCarty. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty or Washtenaw, O s. At a sessiou of tlie Probate Court for the rouiity of Washtenaw, holden at the probate ofllce in the city of Ann Arbor, cm Tliursdav, the 9th day f December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty. Present WillianiD. Harriman.Judge of Probate. In the matterof theestate of EHcholai MoCarty deceased. On reading and filingtliepetition dulj rerlfled, of James H, Lvinan, pmying that lic inay le li-i')isfii tosell the Real Bototo whereof nid deceased dled selzed for puiposes of distribución and payment of charges and expenses. is orderod. That Friday. the 7th day of January next. at ton o'clock In the forenoon, be assigned for tlie hearing tf gald petltlon, and that the helrs atlaw of aaJd deceased and all othor persons n terested In said estáte, are required ti appenr at a session of said court, then tu In' holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, f any there "■. whythe prayer of tlie péttnoner should nol bc granted. And it Fa further ordexedtthai said peUtioner give aotlce to the persons lnterested in saldestate.of the pendencyof said petltton and the hearing thereof, by causing a oopy of tliis or der tobe published in Th: Ann Aronr Dèmocrat, a newspaper printed and eiroulated in said eonnty Ihree sinvi-ssn e wet-ks pn- Iou8 tO said day of hearing. WII.I.TAM D. HARRIMAN, trui' oopy.) .ludge of Probate. WK !. Doty. Probate Register. Estáte of Jeremiah Kennedy. STATK OF MICHIGAN, Cowatj Of Washtenaw ss. At a session of tlie probate court for the ooiitity of Washionaw. holden at the probate office in the city of Aiïu Arbor, on Saturday. the llthday of December In the year one thousand elght bundred and eighty. Present, Wllliana lv Harriman. .Indge of Probate. in the matter of the estáte of Jeremiah Kon nedy deceased. On reading and Oling the petltlon, duly verifled of Patriok Sneehev praying thni a certain in strument now on the In thlscourt purportlng to be the lost wfll and testament of said deceased, may be admiUod lo probate, and that he iuh' be appointed exeoutor thereof. or that admtnistratton of sld estáte may be granted to soine gultable persou Bhould such wUl be refused probate. Thereupon it isordered, that Jlonday, the lOth day of Januarj" next, at ten o'clock in the foreaoonbeasaignedtorthe hearing of said petltlon. and that the devíseos, lógateos. and heirs-ai-law of said doceased and all other persona interestad In said estáte, aro requured toappear at aseosloo of saiil court.thon to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Anu Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitloner should nqt be granted : And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notiee to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendeney of said petition, and the hearing thereof, fcy oaus inga copy of this order to he publishod m The Aun Amor Demoerat, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three successive w -eks, previous tosaiddav-of hearing. WIl.I.IA.M 1). HARRIMAN, (A trae copy.) .Tndge of Probate. Wili.iam G. Doty. Probate Register. Chancery Notie. STATE OF MIOIIIGAN.-The twenty-second judicial circuit in Chanceiv. suit pending in the Circuit Court for the county of washtenaw in Chancery at Ann Arbor, Michigan, on the ltith day of December A. I ÏKSO, Mary A. Brainard, complainant, ra. Charles S. Brainard, defendaut, It satisfactorily appearing f rom theaffidavlt of Jerome C. Knowlton, now heretieaJ and flled in said court, thatf the said defendant, Charles S. Brainnrd. s a non-resident of this state, and is a resident of the state of Colorado. On motion o Sawyer & Knowlton, of counsel for complainant, it is ordered that the said defendant, Charles S. Brainard, cause hin appearance in this causa to be entered within three months f rom the date of this order, to wit: On or bef ore the 19th day of March A. D. lFSI.and tliat in case of hiA appearanoe he cause hi answer to complainant's bill to be flled and a copv thereof to oe served on the oornplalnant's solicitor in accorance with the rules and practice of this court, and that in default thereof the said bill be taken asconfessed against thesaiddefendant, Charles S. Brainard, and it is further ordered that withfn twenty days the 8aid complainant au5e a notiee of this order to be pnblished in the Ann Akbor Democbat, a paper printed and publlshd in the county of Washtenaw, aforesaid, and that said publicatiou be coutinued in said paper, at least once in each week for six weeks in succes sion, or that he cause a copy of this order to be personally served on the said defendant, Charles S. Braiuard, at least twenty days bef ore the time above preseribed for his appearanre. JAMES MeMAHON. Circuit Court Coinniissioner. in and for Wachten aw county. Hloh. Sawykr Knowlton, Solicitors for oomplaiuaut . GOLD WIEDAL, PARIS, 1878. ranilla Chocolate. I.iki1 all our chocolntei, ia prepared with tlie greateit care, and i-onsists of a superior quallty of oucoa and HUgur, flovored willi pure vniiiiln bcan. Berved ft n drink or caten dry confectiuuery, it Is a delictout ftrtlol, and 1 highly recommendcd by Sold bj Crrocers ertry nhere. AV, BAKER fc COM Dorche9ter, Ma$$.


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Ann Arbor Democrat