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I piTICE! DON'T BUY A DOLLARS WORTH OF (ioui)s BEFORESEEING MY STOCK AND PRICES. A FULL LINE IN Every Department. Men's, Youths', And Boys' CLOTHINB Gais uA FmishiiË Qoods. JOE T. JACOBS, The Ci.otiiier. Ann Arbor. fKENDALUslil KENDALL'SSPAVIN CURE. The most successful Remedywr iüscomtciI. as it i certain in N effecta atul does liot blisl er. Rood Proof Below. PRESEVERANCE WILL TELL. Stoughton, Mass., Uarcb lOili, 1880. B. J. Kkndaix & Co., Gents: - In justlce to y m andmyself. I think I ought to let yon Icnow thnt I have remove i two bone spavins with "Kendall's Spavin Cure," on very large one; don't fcoow how long the spavin had been there. I have owned the norse eight mout hs. It took me four niiiiitlisto taku thelai-Keoneoffand two for ilie snuUIone. I have uaed ten bottle. Thehoree te eiuiri'ly well, nit at allstill, and no bancb to be Beenortelt. Ttüsto ft wonderful medicine. I' Ia ■ iihï tliingherc: but if it does for all wliat il lias done for me itssale will hp rery reat. BespecttuOy youiB, Oua. k 1'arkeb.'s Spavin Ci'ke s sur1 In its effectfl, milil n Is actionas it does not blister, yet il ta penetratiiiK and powcrful to reach eveiy deep scait'il taiti or to remove any bony Kfowtb or other enlargement BUChasgpavtog.spUnte, curt. calloiu, spi-ains. gwelliDgs, any lameneta and all cnlargements of the joints or limhs, or ilicmnatism in man and for any puipose for irhlch a Unlmenl i ued (op man or beast. l is now known to bo the best liiiinicNl f"r man ever asedi actlng mild and yet certain in its elïects. Bend addresstor Illustrated Clroolarwblcb we (hink jiives imsilivc proof of its viriiifs. [ïo pemedy has ever mi wiih raob onquaUfled Bticcesfl l'(i tnowledge. for beast as well ag man. I'rirp $1. per iKitlle. or six bottles for $5. All DniKKist have it orean get it for yon, or il will le sent to anv addiess on receipt "f priee by the proprietors. DR. B. J. & CO., Bnoslnirgh Falla, Verniont. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS PHILIP WINECAR JrsTK'K OFTHE I'F.acK. r. .ni No i. Opera House Block, Arbor, Michigan. H. R. HILL ATTORÑEY at LA.W. offloe No. 3, Opera House Block, Aun Arbor. Hlchigau, THOS. DALÍ, the Professional Dyer aud Clothes Cleaner.third il ■ smiiIi of the Opera House. Samples of wort fan Ijíí sí'fii ;ii the shop. SatlafacWon Kmxrani I. CEO. A. BOYLAÑP Ucii:sk. skin and Ornamental Patoter. Shop uuder tlie Star Clothiug House. Orders 'en at (.'. Boylan'a ill ! promptly attendedto. JOSEPH CLINTON, Merchant TaOor. shop over Wm. Allaby's boot andahoestore, All wnrk ïiaranteed orno obaige. Sam. B. Revenaugh, Is no taking the Best Class 01 lotoiraiilis In the City at Prices to Suit the Times, Ground Floor Gallery. GOODRICH BLOCK, Kast Side of the NEW COUBT HOUSE. Thomas Mattliews -HAS OPENED- II IS ME AT MARKET ON ANN STREET, Oppostte the ooürt-house, where FltESH and SALT Meats of the BEST QUALITY eau !■ procured. ■ THOS. MATTHKWS ÉN." H. DOWNS' VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR f Is a sure cure for Cough.s, Colds, Whooping-Cough, and all Lung Dím'.iscs, when taken in season. People die of consumptioh smpy because of neglect, when the Itimely use of tlns remedy wonld have cured them ai once. Èillii-oiu years ot constant use proves tin. fact that no cough remed Ktood the test like f ii 11 ' Jbltxir. l'rice 35c. :hx nd JM h-i bottta. Y■[ Sl. Kviiiilins. DrJBdxter's Mandrake Bitter W'ill ture Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Liver Coniplaintü, Indigestión, itnd all dioCRbfs arising from liii iousness. Pruc 5 ets. perbottle. fj t Ym uli ETïlir-r' H UENH1 ii. JUHNSON't ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMENTl For .flan anti Beast. The most perfect liniment everl compounded. Pricr 75c. and 50c. ■ For &U Kvorywhro. DR. L. D. WHITE TKKATS 8UCCES8FULLY all marnier or chronic diseases. Kisi-ases r the lungR and throal aspecialty. Office houre [ram r A M.tofl'. 11 OJfloe and residenee No. 51 NorthMaln Bt, Anti Arbor, - ... Mivliiijaii. lïARNESS STORE ! Chas. F. Bmkhardt, gm ssor to tlie 'late J. 0. Bui'khaiilt. dealer n HARNESSES, TRUNKS, VALICES, WHIPS, BRUSHES, BLANJCETS, ETC. HARNESSES MADE TO ORDER AND REPAIRING NEATLY DONE Charles F. Burfchardt, No I, Hurón Street, A.nn Arhor Michigan. "DOG ON THE "DOG ON THE OLD HAT." OLD HAT." A. A. TEÜRY, A. A. TEEEY, HAT8 HAT8 ANN AEBOE, ANN ABBOB, MICH. MICH. foe i n su ra ñ c e yourIproperty GO TO C. II. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4, South Main Street, ANN ARBOK, - - MICHIGAN. The oldest affency in the city. Established a quarterof accntury ago. Representing thefolowinc flrst class companles : Home Insu ranee Co..ofN.Y.,Assetsoverl6,000,niX Continental Ins. Co.,of N. Y.. Assetsover.3,000.(K)0 Nlafrara Fire Ins. Co., N. Y... .. . AssetsS1, GirardcfPa Asets over $1.000,000 Oriënt of Hartfonl AssetB $700,000 BATES 'L. O W. Losses liberally adjustort and promptly paid Bfö$ IS A THOROUGH REMEDY In everyease "f Halarla! Fever "r Kever and Aguo, while for disorders of the Btomacb, Torpiaityofthe Uver, iDdtgOBUoii and dfstorbUiCM of the animal forcea, wfücb debilítate, i has no equivalent, and can have no lubstltute. Itsliould not be confounded wfth trituratedoompoünd of cheap siiiiiisandessential oils, often oíd under lile name of Bitters. FOlï 8AXB BY Druggtets, Brocers, andWIne Herchaots crynrbere.


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Ann Arbor Democrat