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CiTY ITEMS. No. C North Main street is where A. I). Seyler hascarried on the shoe businesfor 14 years. A D Seylei's is the only place 111 the city, where Reynold Bros. U. T. K brated fine shoes for ladies can be purchasL'd. You will fiud il to your advantage to cali on Adam 1). Beyler when you want anylhing in Ihe line of boots and shoes. He has tliem in eveiy variety froni a baby's slipper to the largest and stroDgest boot. Sec thericw overcoats at Joo '1'. Jacobs store. Hoiisk and Lot fok Sale. - A house and about four acres of gronnd on Wesl Liberty street will be sol d at abargain. Any one wishing to purchase anice little home, willflnd it for tlieir interest to address John Keck.or cal! on him athis furniture rooms on South' Main streel. Ann Arbor, Mich. The bottom is beginning to tumble out of the price of overcoats and ulsters it Joe. T. Jacobs' store. The genuine Hathaway, Soule & Harrington fine hand and machine sewed shoes can be procured at Seyler's. Every pair warranted to give satisfaction. Ambrose Kearney's restaurant is in full blast during the day. Il is jast the place to gel, a square meal. Get one of those warm caps of Joe ï. Jacobs, the Clothier. Where are you going? Why, I im going to A. D. Seyler's to buy a pair of boots, and shoe up the children. llekeeps the best stock and bis pnces are reasonable for good goods. - Ladies who are judges say tha'. Mack & Schmid's satin al fl.25 a yard ( ji;il those sol 1 byanv olher house for $1.50. For the best woolen socks, go l Jou. T. Jacobs, the (Jlothier. Hack Line. - AU ouders lelt al lirown & Co. 's drug store, or at Hangsterferla State street restaurant will be pkomptly attended to. Residenco No. ld Mynard street. T-had E. Thompson. Every person purchasing a trunk of Chas. F. Burkhardt will receive one of those patent checks. Overcoats overcoats, overcoats, at Joe T. Jacobs, the clothier. - If you want a good fitting cloak or dolman at a moderate price, go io Mack A: Schmid's. Joe T. Jacobs, the Clothier, sells i Inbest overall that is made. The largest asaortment of trunks in the city for sale at Chas. F. Burkhardt's, No. 4 lluron street. Pancy holiday slippers for Chrislmas presenls, can be purchased at A. I). Bej ler's No. O N. Main street. C. Weitbrecht has a few of those celebratcd coal stoves left which lie will sell at cost. - A largo lol of the best English ware to select (rom at A. Kearney's, 35 South Main street. Have you tried one of those Pateut Bosom shirts, "THE EIGHMIE?" Joe T. Jacobs.the Clothier, bas sold about one thousand of thent. Adam D. Seyler has a splendid stock of boots, shoes, and rubber goods to select from. A large stock of valises to select from at Burkhardt's. It will pay you lo examine goods and pnces bêfore. purchasing elsewhere. Burkhardt, the harness man, will not be undersold by any house in the city. Reed's gilt edge touic for sale fu C. E. Holmes's, Cook's hotel block. The best place in the city to buy your wife or Bweetheart a handsome pair of shoes for a Christnias present, is at Seyler's. - Reed's gilt edge touic for sale by C. E. Holmes the druggist. Reed's Gilt Edge" Tonic preventa Malaria. Reed's Gilt Edge Toufe restores the ip. petite. Bucklin's Árnica Salve. The best salvo in the -world for C'uts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcels, Salt Rheum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and ali kinds of skin Erup tions. This salve is guaranteed to givc perfect satisfaction in every case or Ihe money refunded. Price 25 centa per box For sale by Eberbach & Sou, Anu Arbor, Mich. A Lady's Wish. "Oh, ho.vldo wish my skin w: clear and soft as yours," said a lady to her friend. "You can easily make it so, "answerod the friend. "How?",inquired the first lady. "By uslng Hop Bitters, that makes pure rich blood and blooming hea'ith. It did it for me as you observe." Read of it. - Cairo Bulletin. L. B. Sinitli, of Baribault, Minn, says: I amstill weaiing an "Ouly Lung Pad,'' and it has heJped me; 1 mtend to have another of extra strêngth Boon. - 8ee Adv. Pcrfeclly Safe in all Cases. For discases of the Throat,Lungs,Croup, Whooping Cough, Colds, etc, Downs' Èlixir is a safe, reliable.and effectual remedy. A Wonderful Discovery. For the speedy cure of Consumption and all diseasc3 that lead to it, such as stubbom Coughs, neglected Colds, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Asthina, pain in tho side and chest, dry hacking coush. Uckling in the throat, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, and all chronic or lingering diseases of the throat and lungs, Dr. King's New Discovery has no equal and has establishcd for itself a world wide reputation. Many leading physicians recomniend and useit in their jiractice. The formula from which it is prepared ishighIr recommended by all medical journals. The clergy and press have complimented it in the most glowing tenns. Go to your druggist and get alrial bottle for ten cents, or a regular size for $1. For sale by Eberbach & Son, Ann Arbor, Mich. HEÏVLTHTi WEALTH. i Dr. E. C. West 's Nerve and Brain Treatment: a speciftc for Hysteria, Di.ziness, Convulsiona, Nervoua Headache, Mental Pepressions, Loss of Memory, Spermatorrhoea, Impotency, Involuntary Emissions, Premature Ola Age, caused by over-exertion, self-abuse, or over-imlulgenee, wh'ch leads tomisery, deoay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Eaeh box contatos one month's treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars; sentby mail prepaiil on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxea to cure any case. With each order received by us tor six boxes, accompanied with flve dollars, we will sendthe purehaser our wiitten guarantee to return the nioney if the treatment does not effect acure. Guarantees ssued by Brown & Co., sole authorized Agts. for Ann Arbor, Midi. C West & Co., Solé Proprietors, Chicago, II! Friezelle & Co. Wholesale Agts., Detroit, Micb. HËNRY MATTHËWS, Has" the pleasure to inform the public that lic is ' ready to receive them in his new brick MEAT MARKEÏ! ONE DOOR EAST OF LEONARD HOUSE. Everything in his line wlil be flrst-class, and At Reasonabie Rates. He returns nis sincere thanks to all his old customers for their generous patronage, and cordi aUy invites them, and all new customers to his new quarters, where he hopes by fair dealing to enlarge his already growing business. Livery, Sale, AND BOARDING STABLE! I have opened a Livery, Sale, and Boarding Stable opposite the CourtHouse on Fourth street, where livery rigs can be obtained at any time of the day or niglit. A fine lot of new carriages and good horses, at reasonable rates. Breaking colts andhandling track horses a specialty ; good references given. P.IllWlN, Ann Arber. ÉkidneTpad THE ÜKEAT DISCOVERÏ FOB DISEASES OF THE KIONEYS, BLADDER AND URINARY OR6ANS. A remedy that will popitively cure DIARETES, GRAVEL, DSOPSY, BHIGHTS OISEASE, HIGH COLORED URINE, INCONTINENCE AND RETENTION OF URINE, NERVOUS ÍEBIIITY snl FEMALE COMPLAINTS when NOTHING ELSE CAN. lts success proves the effleacy of ASSORPTION. It saved the llfe of its dlscoveror and is saving the lives of thousands of others. For sale by Drutf.T'Sti or sent by mail on receipt 0fthePrí0e'l$2-00)DAYKUNEYPADCO.. Solé Propriotors, Toledo, Oblo. t3f Send your address for our pamphle, "How a Life was Saved." For Sale by EBERBACH&SON. Druggists. C. H. MANLTS, ABSTRACT OFFICE. No excuse for a man who Buys a Farm with a Bad Title,orNoTitleatAII. Requiretheman who wouldsell you his farm or would borrow money of you on a mortgage, to go to C. H. Manly's office, in Ann Arbor, and get a full and complete statement of all Deeds, Mortgages, Assignmeats, Releages, Tas Titles, Attacht menta l.cvies nu Execution. Lis Pandeas, Loases, &c, &c, that affect the titlc. Your lands are beeoming valuable. and it will soonbetime to bring out these old claims for you to Bettle. Eïve dollars pald for an abstract ts a better mvestment than flfty dollars paid to defend or correct a bad title. If you desiiv I will assist you in perfeetmgyour title át a reasonable rato. I have all the facilities for thia work. Go to C. H. Manly's office and have your title examined and the errors in the description corrtTi!B5Ís:- Abstract of Title, flrst 8 converances, $S.TO; eaeh additional conveyance, S5 cents. %Ve inake no abstract kjss than $á.0O. CfÜcn iu Register office. Auu Arbor SlK-higan, DRAKETS OYSTER DEPOT 2O East Huron St. Oysters Always Fresh and Cheap, Pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal pnrposes. Ckoicest brands of CiKars ahvays on hand íg5SOO REWARD. We will pay the abowo reward for any case of Liter Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sk-k Headache, Indigestión, Constipation orCostivenesswe cannot cure vrith WVsts Vegetable Liver Pilis, when the directiona are strictly complied vith. ïhy are purely Vegetable and never fail to give satisfaction. SugarCoated. Largeboxes, containing 80 Pilis, 25 cents. Fur sale by all Druggists. Beware of counterfelts andimitations. The gen uine manufaerured only by John C. west & Co., 'The Pili Makers." 181 & 183 W. Madison St. Chicago. Free trial package ssnt by mail prepaid nreceiptof a 3 cnt stamp EDWARD DUFFY. Wñolesale anfiRetailGrocer. DEALER IN BOOTS AND SHOES. Aiso a fu!l Line of Ladies' and Gents' Hoslery iintl Underware. Corner Main and Ann Slrectx. (Opposite Court-House) FRED SORG, Dealer in PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES BRUSHES, WINDOW GLASS, And all Painters' Suppliea of the Best Quality SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington Cst, ANN ARBOR. - MICHIGAN. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington &t,9 Have on hand a complete stock of everything in the Crocery Line. They buy their Teas, ColToes, antiSiig'al:s In large amounts, and at OeisILL DPjrces And can sell at Low Figures. i„-e invoiee of Teas they Buy and Sell, is a good proof that in Qualily and Price they Give Bargains. They Koast their own Coffees every week, awi none but prime articlea are used. Their Bakeryturns out excellent Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see them. J ACKSON FÏRE CLAY CO. Manufacturers of Sfone Sewer Pipe - ANDX)B,Jk.IISJ- TILE. All our Drain Tile are made of Fire Clay, are of untisufti strengtn and Ughi weioht, whlch ma terially reduces iho breakage and expense of transportation. The dltching for thisclass of tilinRislessexpen she, as they de not require to be lafd belowfrost, butonly ileep enouKh to escape the plow. Whilethisia more aomlcal it also aids in obtain or grade to the drain. A full assortmeni of al! Bines, for salo in small quantities, Dr car load lots. ftl the FEEDON LUMBER YARD. JAS. TOLBEET, Agent.


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