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The "only" Lung Pad Co.

The "only" Lung Pad Co. image
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CURE i BACK ACHE And all diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Organs by wearing the Improved Excelsior Kidney Pad, lt is a MARVEL of HE4LINGand RELIEF, SIMPLE, SENSIBLE, DIRECT, PAINLESS, POWEHFÜL It CURES whereali else faite A REVELATIONand REVOLUTIONin Medicine. Absorption or direct application. as opposed to unsatisfactory interna! medicines. Sendforour treatise on Kidney troubles, sent f ree. Sold by druggists, orsent by mail, on receipt of price, $3, ADDRESS oSSi'nd The"Only"LungPadCo. yPad. Sí WILLIAMS BLOCK, 0orothaenrdtak9 DETROIT, Mich. Cures by ABSORPTION Nature's way Jl I T1IUOAT DISEASE8, nLL l:l:r..TMIN! Tl!"inLF.H_ It DRIVES INTO the system cura tira agents au(J healing medicines. It DRAWS F ROM the diseaaed partsth poisons that cause death. Thousands Testify to its Virtues. You Can Be Reüeved And Cured. Don't despair until you have triedthis Sensible Kasily Applied and RADICALLY EFFECT U AL Kemedy. Soldby Druggists, orsent by mail on receipt of Price, $2, by Send for Testimoniáis andourbook "Three MillionsaYear' Sent free: WILLIAMS BLOCK, DETROIT, Mick.


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