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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank, (Orftanlzed 1869, under Qeneral Banking Law of thia state) has now, Includlng capital Stock, ètc, etc, OVER Í25O.OOO ASSETS. Bflatnflss men.Quardlans, Trastees, tadies and other persons wülflnd tliis Bank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT Place at rltichto malee Depoflfts and ii bushuMB. Interest is Allowed on All Savings Deposits Of Sl.OOandupward, according to the rules of the bank, and Interast compoundeit semi-annu ally. Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to 85,000. Becured by Onlncumbered Real Estáte and other Kood tecurltles. DIRECTOR.- Christian Haak, W. V Win.s. W. D. Harriman, WUUam Deuble, K. A. Beal, Daniel Hiscock and VV. H. Sniitli. OFFICERS.- Ohristian Mack, President; W W, Wines, President; Clias. E.Hiseock, C'ashier. PHILIP WINECAR TUSTICE OFTHEPEACE, room Nu. I, Opera fl House Block, Ann Arbor, Michigan. JÖSEPH CLINTON, MerchantTailor. Bhop over Wm. Allabys boot and shoe stoiv, Al! work uarauU't'il or no charge. THOS. DALE, the Profesional Dyer and Ciotlies C'leaner.third door south of the Opera House. Samples "f work can beseen at the shop. Satisfaction guaran teed. H. R. HILL TTORNEY AT LAW, oftice No. 8, Opera lx House Block, Ann Arbor. Michigan. OLIVER HOUSE, C1ORKER BROADWAY AND OTTAWA J Streets, Toledo, Ohio. Pulford & Hall, Proprletors. MK3SRS. TOPP Mll.l.KK. C'll'I'ks. HEADQUARTERS FOR ANN ARBOR PEOPLE. For Sale or Exchange. I have a first olass maiv for farm purposes, or FOR RKKKDlNii, whichl w sell, Or Xchange for a FIRST CLASS bogeyhorae. No man witti seabs of bornes Deed anpl . 1'. s. Linaeed meal tórsalo. M. Rooi s, kon Arbor, Hfch. DRAKE'S OYSTER DEPOT 20 East Huron St. Oysters Always Fresh and Ciie.ap. Pure Wines and Iiiquors for medicinal pnrPOses. Choicest brands of Citcars always on hand FOR INSURANCE YOUR PROPERTY GO TO C. H. MILLEN, No. 4, South Main Street, ANN ARBOK, - - MICHKJA.N. The oldestagency in the city. Established a qimrter of a century ago. Representing the folowing flrst class eompanles: Home Insurance Co.. of N.Y.,Assetsover$fi,000.000 Continental Ins. Co., of N. Y..Asselsover$:i,000,(ii'0 Niágara Fire In. Co., N. Y., AssetsSl.. GirardcfPa Assets over $1.000.000 Oriënt of Hartfonl Assets $70U,0(Jü Losses Uberally adjustc;d and prompt ly paid RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington $t.f Have on band a complete stock of everything m the Crocery Line. They buy their T?a,s, Coffoes, mul Siijyars In largo amounts, and at OetsIbL Prices And can sell at Low Figures. The Urge iuvoice of Teas they Buy and Soll, Is good proof that in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. Theylioast their oti Coffeos every week, and none but prime urtielea are usrd. Their Bakeryturns out excellent Bread, Cakee mul Crackers. Cali and seethem. The ll'unst and Uit Medicine ever Made. I Acolmbtnation of Hops, Buchu, Mandrakme and Danclelion, itu ui un.bLL ami most c uia propñtJflS of all other Bitttn-s, inakestlie reatet Blood Purlfler, Llver Reg U I %atorf aiitl aml M.nlLii lieatoring Agent oiiVMHMBi 4-'urtl1No dtHease cft" possibly loni? exlat where Hop Bitu-i-M are uielr variid aud perftct aro thuir 'M" i;iti' '!i'.SB& Thoy g'.ve now li Vo md rige: toth jl 1 iafirm. Toallwhose efnploJ'menl5t""e ilnrnlri' tyofhi;b..welsorVuiiiiai7 organs, or who n.iuircan ApotiMr.T'ulc and mild Stlmulaat, Hop Bitter are iuvaW"abl;' without IntoxNo matter whatyour ft-%"Un(ra or ymptoms are w lint the Uisease or iill%"'L"it Is UK Hop Bittere. Don'twaltuntiljoutt%rc sick but if you only feel bad or miserable,"0 "lem at once, lt may navo your 1 i f e. lt 1 1 n si-" v d huudreda. $500 wlllbe pald fora caBse they will not cure or help. Do not suffer Ol Iet your f rienda suffer,but use and ursre themL u0 Hop B Kemember, Hop Bitters Is noT0' drufgöd drunkfn noHrUDi, but the l'urcut n d Best Medicine m made the "LVÏiUD6w raiBMI) I and HOPE" nnd no pvrgon or faniilyW flM ShOUld be without tiu-lil. BKBBHSSBtt H Í) I.C.ian alsolute and Irresistible curelal orbrunkenness, ue of opium, tobáceo andlvH narcotics. A1J sold by dnitftrixts. Sead #t. forClrcular. Hop Bitten 9fg. Co., M mÊM KochesterJmorontont mrs. ISdía e. pinkham. OP LYNrj, MASS. DISCOVEBEB OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOÜND. TheIositiviCnre For all Female Complaints. Thlaprepamtion, tut iU name elgnifies, consista ot Vegetable PrcierUes that are hannlea to the most del ic&te lnvalid. Upon ono trial the merits of tliis C'om pound will be r nizrd, as relief ia iinmediate ; and whm lts use is contiuued, in ninety-nine cases in a hun. dred, aiermancntcurei8effectel,asthousands will tetify. On account of its proven mcrits, it U to-day rtcommended and prescribed by the bcut physiciaus in the country. It will cure entlrely tho worst form of fnlling of tho uterus, Ltmcorrha-a, irregular and painful Mrnstruation, all Ovarían Troubli-s, Inflammntton and Clceration, Floodlngs, all DIsplacenients And tho consequent spinal weakness, nnd in fsjKwially adapted to the Change of Life. UwflldtaMlre and expei tumors Crom Um tttarnsinui cari y stago of doralopniABt. Tlio triideiicy to camrous huinora thero is checkett very BIeedily ly its qh, ín i'.ct it lms provod to bo the preatest. and bost remidy t Lint has ever bten diacoverdi It pennMtafl every portion of tho ystein, andglvea now 11 f c and vigor. It nddvm f.unttM ■ ■■.flatulency, dostroya all craving for stiniulunt-i, aad nUem wfuknesa of the Btoraach It cures Dloatfnfr, Hcadarhos, KcrrntiH Prostration, Oeneral Dobilfty, Slceplossness, Depresión and Indi gestión. That feellng of bfarinp down, (.-aiiHing iü, weight and backache, ie always iKTUinm-ntly cured by its BgQk lt will at all times, anduuderall circu metances, act in barniony with the law that governd the femiik'system. For KidneyOompIiuntHof cltlwr nvx tliis eompound Is unBUri:i-l. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Isprepared at 2.13 and BfrWeatar iva, Lynn. Mars. Trice 81.00. SU bottlcs for $5.00. Sent by mail in tbe formof pUIstalsointhe form of Ijozenges, ou reccipt of price, $1.00. per box, for either. Mra. PINKILVM freelyanswerBalllcttfntof Sond for p&m phlet. Address as above Mcation t hts paper. No f amily should be without LTDIA K. PINKHAM' LIVKIt PILLS. They cure Constipatiou, flffloWDMi oud Torplüity of tbti Uvur. ZJ ciitd pur box. Sold by C. E. Holmes, Cook hoteQUoc. CEO. A. BOYLAN, H0U8K, 8IGN wd Ornamental l'aim.-r. Shop under the Star Clothlng Honse. Orders lft m e. Bouten'a il be promptl; attendrdto. Sam. B. Revenaugh, Is now takhiK tiltBest Class or Ptotoeraplis In the City at Prices to Suit the Times Ground Floor Gallery. GOODRICH BLOC K, East Side of the IV E W COURT HOUSE. HENRY MATTHEWS, Hos] the pleasure to tnformthe pnbllc that he ready to reoeive them in his new brfck MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOR EAST OF LEONARD HOUSE. Everything in h3 line wiü he first-class, and At Reasonable Rates. 1 [e retaras nis sincero thanks to all his old ensfoiiH-rs forthelr genenu8patronAKeaiid cordJ nlly invites them, and all new customers to his new quarters, wliere h hopes by fair dealing to enlarRe his already growinie business. FRED SORG, DealiT In PAINTS, OILS, VARNISBES HHUSHES, WINDOW 0LAS8, Anil uil Palnters' SuppUea of tho liest Quallt} SHOP AND STORE 26 and 26 East Washington at. ANN' ARI5OR. - M1CJIIGAN KIDNEY PAO THE ORE1T IMSCOVEKÏ ruil Ü1SEASE3 Oï ÏHI KiDNEYS. BLADDER AND URiNARY 0RGANS. A reraedy that 111 positively cure DIABETES, GKUVÉL, D4OPSV, BRIGHTS DISEASE, H1GH COLOREO URINE, NCONTINENCE AND RETLiTION OF URINE, NEUVOUS'BEBILITY and FEMALE COMPl.AINTS when NOTHINQ ELSE CAN. lts sucoesa proves tbo cfficacy of ABSORPTION. It naved the Ufe of its dlscoverer and is savlng the llves of thousnnda of others. For safe by Druggists or sent by mail on receipt cftbe pnce. ,12.00, BflYKioNEYpAoc()f Sole Proprletors, Toledo, Oblo. tSf Send your addrees for our pampolet , HHow a Life wasSaved." ï"or Sale by _ EBERBACH & SON. Druggists, JACKSON PIRE CLAY CO, Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe - AND - ' JDttJ.TJïT TILE. All our Drafn Tile are made of Fire Clay, are of unwiutit Htrenjctli and Uyht weight, whieh ma tohally reduces the breakage and expenso oí t ra n s po rtat ion . The dltchink for thH!uss of tUliiginiessexpen si ve, as thty 1. nol pequire tube laid belowfrost, butonly deep enougti to escape the dow, Whllft thfaiM more econonuoAl il also aids in obtainingiabetter "faUM or jfrade to the drain. A full assortment of all sizes, for sale in smal1 quaatltiea, or car toad tote, at tho FERDON LÏÏ1BER YARD. JAS. TOLBERT, A(?ent. IN. H. DOWtisj VEGETABLE BALSAM1C ELIXIR IIs a sure cure for Cougha, C()ld, jjjï Whooping-Cough, aud all LungH Diseases, when taken in beason. People die of comutnptioti H l.v because oí neyiect, when the gj L. timely use of tlns remed would I have cured them ai once. Fifty-onc years ot e slant use nuvcb Uu. fact that no D cough reined l.a stood the test likt Doittf.' Jhlizir. j I'lice 3-V. :'HJC ulitl Bl.lit' IJt'I bultltj. Kor dsl Iétw) Ml.cif. Dr. Baxter'b Mandrakei Will cure jainidice, Dyspepsia, ! Liver Comjilkintoi Indigestión, iiiJ all dioeahM arising froiïi i ioiibiieb Pnce J5 ets. perbott!. UBMR1 .U)H.'S4"'S ÁRNICA A1MP OIL LINIMENT For Jflati tutti Beast. The most perfect liniment ever compounded. IVicr -i;c. .ind 50c. For Kv.-i wh.-it' THE MONARCH CLARKEN'S BILLIARD PARLOR, No. 8 North Main St. Ann Arbor, Friends, Gome ei 811 Ie. I : I. CLAREEN, - - Troprietor, HEALTH IS AV KALTÏÏI Dr. E. C. West 's Xerve and Brain Treatment:a gpectflc ror Hysteria, i 'JfffinftHB. Convulsiono Nervous Headache, Mental Iipressions, Loss ot Bfemory. Saermatorrucaa, Impotency, Involuntary Emissious, Premature OM Age, caused by over-exertion, sel f -abuse, or overindulgence, whk-h leada tomlseiy, decay and death. Oneboac wUI euro recent cases. Kach box contalnsona monfeh'a treatment One dollar a box, op six boxea forfive dollars; sfntby mail prepaid on reeeipt of price. We guaran ttt sise boxea ti cure auy case. With eacli order recelved by od for six boxee, accompanled with flve dollars, wo will sendtlio purchaser our writton guarantee ti Lciuiri tiiw money it' he treatmeot does noü effect acure. Guaranteesissued Iy Brown & ( '"., solé authorized Agts. for Aun Arbor, Mk'h, Jol i C. West & Co., Solé Proprietors, Chicago, ni. Friezello & Co. wholesale ALt8., Detroit, Mich. HARNESS_ STORE 1 Chas. F. Tïurkhardt, attoceasor to tlie 'late J. O. BurkhArdi , dealer ín HARNESSES, TRUNKS, VALICES, WHIPS, BRUSHES, BLANKETS, ETC. HARNESSES MADE TO ORDER AND REPAIRING NEATLY DONE ( haries F. Iiurkhanlt, No 4, Hurón Street, .I jirbor Michigan, GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. tBAKER'S BROMA ís a combination of tbe CocosNut with other Ingrediente invigoratlng and agreeable alike to invalida and persons in health. Tu tbe tic k it yields a delicate and tompting beverage, wben other nourishment Ís unpalatable nml indigestible. As a dlet fot cliHdrt.'!i it Ís invaluablc. Sold by Grocers eycrywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Oorcheiter, Man. KJJVVAKD ULkF , WlialBsalB ana Betail Grocer. DEALER N BOOTS AND SHOES. Also a fu 1 1 Li'ne of Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery :inl Undcnvaro. Coriier Main and Ann Streets. (Opposit Court-Housc) Livery, Sale, AKD BOARDING STABLE! I have opened a Jivery, Sale, and Boarding Stable opposite the CourfcHouse on Fourth street, where livery rigs can be obtained at any time of the day or night. A fine lot of nevv carriages and good horses, at reasonable rates. Brcaking colts andhandling track horses a specialty ; gootl reíerences given. P. Irwin, Ann Arber. S?' MsiírentIfBnuMl ÍB II ín i-ilhf-r I.iuuid or Irv Form actH l'H I ike saiiiv f ime on tht'4is:tHfs tif tht' ■ HLiver, Bowels aad Kidneys,H É 7 'Ató comhlned icíhn nïxes U ivonderfUimA jiower to curé ul diseases. H WHY ARE WE SICK7L ■ ■íW . :;i(l IKHSOnOllxtl'lliiürsWÊ aiv r 'ní' i'orctd into tl Moodthut shoulúwM WÊ be expeltíd íMtiirally. U H KlI.IOCSXtss PILES, C0X8TIPATI0N, H 1 1 KIDXEY COMTLAIM'S I K1.VAIÍY II U BISEASr.S.Vr.MALEWEAKJÍESS, M W AM XEIÍVOVS msOKDEHM, mA hy cansina f rte (telina of llusc vnjuní unit 2 i.-tniij Huir i Why Suffer liilimis paius and aclics) ■ Why tormented wttk Piles, ('cinstipation! U m Wliy fi-u-litiniil our djmrdcnd KiilnoystH I Wfcy einlnrc m-rvons or-kk hoilaches( II wi-.y han dMpbH nliitsí U 3 í"- KIMNEY-WOHT ■ Pl f . -'"11 i i l'iUnii i n lr.v Vi'h-efableFrnh intin H II yvauuouejïacli.i. ivinutrtskl II ioiTmedicínér' WM tAhtoitlÍAtiaú Korm.vcry VMcntrutel. H ■ ■ yïorïheouveniiiux1 of thtH J tyívadlíy'prepf?it?jNyWfft ZI'jQl&fctegfV f .1 1 rF"í ettíur form, M OET IT OF TOUR DRUGGÏST. rRICE, 1.00. LJ m WKM.S, KICHAHBSÍ X(0.. l'rop's, I L (Wlll st-nil tlio ilry pot-pal.l.- IHI1I,IM;TIIV, VT. f


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Ann Arbor Democrat