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Janiiary 26.- In RenateMr.lDgalljK&vp., Ka.) moved a joint reêoluUou for the couutui of tbe vote 'm the senate chauil presemv of the twn houseft, Mr, Wbyte I 'in.. Md.) objected to its p tioo and it was laid over. I lie I 11 ■ the Bettlement ol taxes made by the Dïsti Columbia eoninilgBloo witíi U Ohio rallroad oninpany was pasead, The ludían land ín severalty bill was taken up aijil dlacuased al some [ugth. Without action the seaate weo 1 4nto executlre session and BobeequeuHy adjoufned. In house r representatlves a resolutfon for inqniry as to the epcpediancy o( establishinga postiil tejegraph Bystem was roported and placed m the calendar. A IjíU authorizlng the President to negotiate for land for the colouization ut rqlored personi was reported ailviTciy. Mr. Bicknril (Dein ín tbe prevtons queetiou on the senate electoral COunl joint ruli'. Mr. CODKer (liep., MIch.'l ralsed the uuestion of eonsLleratiou, and the house voted, imito 124, to considcr it. Mr. r BtOTed a cali or tbe house, but t iispeaker rulert tLio motiou out of order, a a ijiioi'iuii was present. Mr. ('onger appealel froni the decisión, and. the Republicana refus lujl to vote on a motlon to laj the appeal on !'-. the rol] wil did nol Bhow a quorum. A cali "f ih house was tlien ordured, and, the Republicana answerlnft to thelr Dames, ■ Quorum was fouud'to i' present These tartics wiTr repeated on balt a duzen rol) calis, nntil Uic home adjourw Jauuary 27.- ln the s.niie Mr. Dawea (Rep., Masa,) prcsenteda petltlon slgned bj 82,000 icii]iic. heside churches and benevolent aiiil (■Uut sooieties repreaentlng 60)000 inore, praying oonanresf to observe the treatles inadé with thc ludían iiiUrs, and do Juatlceto tbat Mr. Beek (Dem., Ky.) spoke at length r of íreo shlps and Inoppostüon (o (he , uud was repliwl to y Mr. Blaine (Rep., Ie.) Tlienaval approprtatton bilí was taken iip, tin' solíale coiniuittee's ameudment adpied, and the bil] passed. A nutnber ol ölher 1 .lis were passed, inrlinliiiK one relating to the i of the 8.66 bonds f the District of ( (iluniliia, aml imkï ftir Un' sale nt a portion ofthoForl Leavenworth military reeervaÜon. 'l'lie Indian land in severally bill was taken up na iiiuiuishfil buBiness, and the eeuate adlournod. In the house of rppreiientatlwfl Mr. Speer called up the North Carolina eontested eleouoQ im. vs. Martin (Rep). The Republicana reftistnjfto vote on the demand for the previpus questlon, the house was left without a Quorum, and ailjourued. . üiiiiuy 28, In the Hrnatti the select committee on diseased cattle repórted, with an uneudment, the liill Tor a bureau of animal industry,"' and for the suppnwioii of rnntaidong diseeses. Mr. Walker ( Dem., Ark. , rrotd the couuuittee on public lands, repórted adversely tb Miobtgan land urant hill, and favorably the hill to qulet the title to ocrtain lands in the upper península of Michigan. Mr. FUaine ■ Me.) Introdiiesd a bilí for the i'suililishinent of an rain mail service Mr. Wallace I Dem., Pa.) Introduced abUJ provldlng . election of President by the people in I he senate Uien took rtp the [ndian tand in si'vrnilty Mil, bul without action upon ! went into executivo Beseion and subsociuent ly adjourned. In the house of representatives Mr. Speer (DemGa.) gave notloe that hewould cali up the YeateB-Martln election oase to-day. The : in'ii vvi'in min coiuiuiUec of the whole on the private calendar, and spent the aft erDoon in a politica! debate arlslifg out of a pro. position to pay $i:tii to the wldowol Capt Pages who reslgned from tlm Uaited States navj at il' outbreak of the rebeliioo. January 29. - In the senate. Mr. Edmunds i Efered a resolution, which was adopted, for inqulrinK Into the UlegaBty of the electoral vote of any state, evidently referring to the öeorelacase. Mr. IngauVa resolution for thé oountius; of the electoral vote in the aenate Cbamber was referred to the committee on the electoral count by a party vote. The bill irranting to Uie city of Chicago the title to the grounds In Kort Hearborn reservation was i. The Indian land In severalty hill was thftn taken ni, dehated, and considerably anieniliil, hut. without final action, the senate adjourned umil Mondaj . The house of representativos spent the day ou the Ycati'sMartin North Carolina contested election case, and finally admitted Mr. Yeates by a vote of I l"i lo 108. Messrs. Stephens and Felton of (eorgia, and most of the Green backers voti-1 in !'avcr of Martin. The house then adjourded. January Hl.- In tlie senate Mr. McPherson l'riu.. N. J.i iutroduced a hill approprlatinj èlW,(KK) for search for the uiissing Vrctic steanieï .leanette. Mr. Morrill (Kep., Vt.) presented, from that state, a statue of Jacob ('(Hamer. Mr. Lawes (Tep., Mass.) spoke in recard t" a report just made by the ludían department in response t" a resolution of incinlry passed nlne inonths ago, eoncsrningtbekllliug of a I'onca chief by soldrers in the offloe of the agent of the Indian territory. The senate then discussed the Indian land in severalty bill, hul adjourned without an actiou upou it In: . ' ri'picsentativBsa number of hills, ncluxling tv or three on the subject of the government tëlegraph, were introduced and referred. The District of Columbia appropriatlOD hill was Considered in commitlre whole, hut not completed. Tbettgrlcultural appropriatlon hül was repórted, ordered prlateo, and recomniitted. February L- In the seuate Mr. Morgan (Dem., Ala. i ceported Air. Ingalls's Ifiep,, Ks.i resolution on the electoral couut witb a suhstitute providing that the meeting of the two houses shail he in the house of representatives and proxiding for the (ieorfria case, where the t'irsilid not ïneeton tlie fixwl of Jaw, liy directiDfl the Vlee breeidenttodeolare the tota vote i ir hoth oases, whellier that of Georgia is O lunted or not, but that iu either case, and - - are elecled. The peueion appTopriation liill was tükrii up, aud Mr, Rooth (Rep., Cal.) moved to add an appropriaöon to 8ui)ply a deii.-icin-y of 917,692000. Rejected; ayes25,noes 2(i. Mr. Witlicrs, (Dein., Va. ' moved to auiend the ilist sectloD by addlngtolt thesuhstauceof ht "stxty Borgeon bill." Mr. Davis (Dem., W. Vii. i supported and Mr Logan (Rep., III.) oppost'fl it, üefore it wasoompleteda mesaaiie from tlie President In regard to the Ponca íniin:: was presented aud partlally read, whn the senate went into executive aession aad aftwards adjourned. TIip house of representatives spent the day on the 'lt.riot of Colombia 1)11), but adjourned mt eonijiicting'lt,


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