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The Household

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Ricli soda cake: One pound of pulverized loaf sugar, mixed with threequarters of a pound of sweet butter, tl ie beaten whites of fourteen eggs and two teaspoonfuls of creain of tart ar sifted witb a pound of fleur and lastly, a teasponnful of soda dissolved in half a teaspoonful of sweet milk and strained ; bake immediately. Cheese cakes : Turn a quart of milk with a spoonful of vinegar over the flre; drain the whey f rom the curd; rub the latter dry in a cloth; add ten eggs, well beaten, with three quarters of a pound of butter, and the same of sugar; flavor wtth lemon, nutmeg, and wine or rose-water. Lay some puffpaste in your patty-pans, flll them willi the mixture, and bake in a moderate oven. Cheese cakes without cnrds: Take a pint of sweet cream and put it into a skillet on the flre; beat up two eggs very well, and then add to them enough ñour to make them into a very thiek batter. Do not stir the eggs and llour into the cream until it is boiling hot; when arrived at that point stir them gradually into it, and let them boil together afterward for a few minutes. Then remove thetn from the flre, and vh Ie warm stir in half apound of butter. In the meantime haveready three eggs more, well beaten; these must be adiird, together with half a pound of Bugar, a little salt and mitineg. Put in a few currante, and bake in little pattypans lined withpastry. Spongecake: - Twelve eggs, their weight of granulated sugar, and the same of flour. Beat the yolks of the eggs and the sugar well together; beat the whites to a etiff froth; salt the llour very lightly; add a teaspoonful of the beaten white of egg and one of the flour alternately till all is used; then add the grated rind and juiee of i lemon. Put a well greased paper in a tin baking-])an and bake the cake in it in a very hot oven; if it is gettingtoobrown on top, cover with a piece of letter paper. Plum Cake: - One pound of flour, twelve eggs, one and a quarter pounds of butter, one and a quarter pounds of brown sugar, two pounds of stoned raisins, one and a half pounds of currents, washed, picked, and dried, one pound of almonds, blanched and pound ed, two pieces of citrón, cut fine, on snuill wineglassful of brandy, one wineglassful of wine, mace, cloves, and cin namon, two large wineglassfuls of rose water to be added to the almonds little by little while pounding. It is best to prepar the currants several days before making the cake, in order to spread them out on a large flat dish to get thoroughly diy. The fruit is to beall mixed together, and as much of the flour as it will take up rubbed into it. Cream the butter and sugar, beat in the yolks, add the fruit, then the flavoring, then the whites of the egga, and lastly lap in lightly the remaining floxir; bake in a slow oven. ....


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Ann Arbor Democrat