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Big Trees

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Referring to big trees, the American Kegister tells us that a grove of trees in California, consisting of l,G80, contains not one which measures less than six f eet in diameter. A rare and magnificent white oak is to be seen in the Quaker burying ground in Salem, X. Y. It is more tan 200 years old, and is remarkable for its enormous branches, which have a spread of 112 feet. A remarkable chestnut tree is growing on a farm in Berks, Pa. It is nearly forty feet in circumference at the base, and the top of the tree can be reached by steps fastened between the limbs. Most remarkable of trees with a history is a russet apple tree in Skowhegan, Me., which was planted in 1762. In its branches a playroom forchildren has been built for half a century. Tbs tree is seven feet from the ground to the branches, flve in nuniber, all of which are very large and average thirty feet in length, covering a space of ground sixty-three feet in diameter. It is more than four and a half feet in diameter, and has yielded an average of thirty bushels of apples each year. A sprout from this apple tree stands thirty-two feet from the parent stem, but is forty-eight years younger.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat