There is an alarminc increase of Biim'l pox in New York city aml it is also remarkably prevalent iu Pakota. New Vork asseinhly has paaeed ■ Iiill to prevent the consolidatiou of Uiletrraph companies, UU to '.. The late fioixl in the Sacramento rivor culmüialed at. Satraraento the water lieinj; witlim n foot aud a half of the levees of that city. The town oí Washington, opposíte Sacramento, 18 imindaled. 'l'lie daniage in both cases reacl an onannous suin. The application of Rufus Hatcli to a New Tork court, lor an injuuction to preveut the eonsolldaüon of telflgiaph lines hm leen ter,,.,i umi tl.n rmiuoliiliition (if the Weslorn Union, American Union and Atlantic and Pacific talegraph companies has been com pleted. Tlie interoceanic canal conmiittee lia voted fot ;i bilí inakiue tlio United States Hable for the interest for 15 years at bíx per cent. OT !ÍSóO,(KXi,lXX) of bonds of tlieintur octtauic transit company. The tota) llability assamed by the Initoil States, shoiüd tbis bilí pasa, will be f45,000,000. The Now York, Chicago and St Louis railroad coinpany, vitli $lfi,000,00ü capital, to builil a lino fiom Cleveland to Chicago, and to extnnd a line froui i'ort Wajnie Junction to SI. I,ouis, isaunounced s organized in New ÏOlk city. A Monnon cooperativo store was dedicated at gden, Utali, Friihiy. Tlie coutinued cold weatber threatens a watei panic in New York city. A coal fainine is threatened in New York, iiijí to the ice blockade of traneportatiou trom the cual reglóos. Wiiliam H. Vanderbilt hae purchased tlie Manhattan market property for f 375,000. John Brown & Soné of Philadelphia have faili'il for $750,000, hope to pay 25 cents ou the dollar. Ida Lewis. liehtliouse keeper at Line Rock, Rlioili' Islam!, the beroof so many life-saviug expcriences, saved two more Uves on Friday evening iast. The report of the auditor of rallroad accounU slirws lietween sixty and seventy íiiillion acres of laúd "unvesteil," because of the fallure of the railroad8 to f ulfill the conditions of the grants. Heavy raiiis, doinggreat daraage, are report ed from the soutli. The letters of Mr. Hind with regard to the enormous frauda perpetrated byCauadian officials ou 1 Halifax fisberies commission, in whlch the fish production of the Canadians was so iiionstrously overstated, grow more pointed and defiuite, and are substanüated by f uil her details of evidence. Sitting Buil has gone back into Canada: hut Crow King'e band of Sioux, numbering 815, have ardved at Fort Buford and giveu up their anus and ponies. The chief, who is secoud only to Sitting Buil, expresse his desire tliat his tribe should learn the way of civilized life. The towu of Walnut, Iowa, has been al most entirely destroyed by fire. Oarrie Belle Stewart, fourteen years old, coinmitted suicide at Élgin, 111., becaue her mother opposed her keeping rompany with a young inan with whom she was fascinated. The old depot of the New York Central rallroad at Buffalo feil iu Tuesday iuorniug, about 9 o'clock, killing five people anii injunntj man; others. Luckily several trains had lett the depot only a few momente before, and thiis iiiauy lives were probably eaved. It is now anaounced tliat the revised edition of the New Testament will not be published before May.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat