American Sugar
The ni'w cultural industry known as Mié central silgar factory system; wliicli is now established in many sectioris oL Lcuisiana, was tounded by Messrs. (Mark and Steele, formerly of Springlield, OMo. Their plantation and works at Lagona are on agrandscale. These gentlenien settled there, ten years ago,and beganbuying up tlu cañe raisedbysmall farmers wlio liad nomiíls, andreüningthe crude molasses of plantéis who did not care to be troubled wiüi the operation, or had not themeans to corryiton. There are some large plantations in western Louisiana now wmked on tlie tenantry system. Sniall farmers, in coinpaiiies of tive to twcnty, are allowed to cultívate as many acres of fine sugar cañe lamls as thev can. Tree af tent, and are paid ff per ton for all they makvé! Severa] Chicago and Oltio firms are now planting on the tenantry plan, and many planters of the blden sort have followed their exainple, nntil there are now twenty-live central angat factories on th: Teche and the Atcliai'alaya. Both these systems are said to wóri well, and hundreds of tenants nave liecome very easy incircnmstaiices since the industry was establislied. L&gonda Plantation is a princely ])lace, situated on the Atchat'alaya, and is thespot wliere Kvangeline, the virgin, sjept wliile her lover passed by on the other side of the. Buautiful Isle" that lies in midstreani. The chanipiun lien story of the seadn comes Crom Georgia. It is an incipent of the burningof the freighj deaot at Brunswick, .lust before the tlann of lire was given the hen in ijuession jinnpitl up trom the ground tothe outside sill of the window pf the room in which the Itoting elerk was sleeping, uní pecked on the glass. The clerk, wlio was easily aroused, ralsed the window, luit the hen, instead Of coming in, scratched her wing witli berclaws, and seemed very mysterioualy disturbed aboül something. It is the opinión of the clerk, who is a very enthusiastic ailinirer of the lien, that she bad sein the inoendiary light a match and was trying to Üuitate tlie action in order to glve warnlng of the fire. It has jnst been diseovered that one of the inany subtsrranean passages wiüi wliich Koine is luiridwecl, leadinr trom a ionely spot bevond the Porta Angélica, and passing bëneath the walk, has for soine time been utili.ed by smugglers as a route for introducing into an okl stable in tlio Borgo líales of sugar and various eoameetibLBS. Krom the quantity of wares found stored there it is evident that a flourishing contraband trade has been drlven with iinpunity for some time Alphonse Montumat personated an oíd plantation negro at a fashioriable New Orleans masquerade party. He sanjr mie versi' of the ciiiTent nielodv, ), dein golden slippers,'" the hostess playing the piano accompaniment, apd was abont to begin the second, when he feil dead aniong the inerry-makBES.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat