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The small-pox is spreading mpidty iu New York Kty. Tlif) Methodist book concern nt lts annoal mQtÜDg.reporled, m-l ..: m lo Ll,35,U0i; .sales oí books, etc., l,0ï,261. Accounts of preat tioods, eauscd liy the meltiuijof thesnow and the rain lull, come froui all portions oí the country. That portion of Ni w i irleanfl nowianndated is attout live miles in ixtcit, and contaü 000 irhabitants. In some streets the wator is Uircu t tour f i:t dvep. Dr.liogus IHplomaBuchana trütto the peniteutiary at PMIadelhia, liaving l:is head "nc!ost'(l in a ba;; as he wasconducted to his pli lie enuld ot)t lócate hiinseK and try to die out Tuis is done to all llie malefactor gathered there. The llood at Monroe carried away ihe Canada outlu-rn railioad bridge, but Mas Without doing luiiner dainacu. 1 Peter Coonh-'b ninetietb btrttidaywasapproprlately celebrated Saturday. A meeti lit'ld In liis honor, and, contrary Ui Lhe usi toni nf birthdaye, instead of reo Lvíne pioents he gave away $50,000. WUliam P. ilart, treasurer o.' the i' zinc iniiics in PuIasEi county.Va., has al ed, leaving $15,000 of formeel paper 1 liiui. Sarah Albriglit, a young lady of Rcadins, Pa, li"s been fiigaeil 'ui robbing tlie cm tion lioxes in St. Paul's Catholic ohurch. She cojfesseU Uer cuilt, and was tiauded over to ti pólice. Thu most disastrons flood ever known in Toledo, íar exreediug tbit of ih;-, arrived last niglit and has 1 i ee. The ice iu the river bröke at m spans of tin; l ni'iii. ( bei aiJl Pennsj Irania railroad bri Iges, tonniug a pf ice, tree-i, boata and swepi eTerjthlui; m the way,creaüug generaldamage aloDg the di.ok.s. The water rosi rapidly, bui, bejüuu üoodaig lowei Water streel iiuieh dauiage tül il goi .nville. This threw Uie water back,au asewasdpDe lo g i in ■ nsiuess housii-ni, Watei and Sue :. ■ The death ot tlia Hou. Femando Wood, at Hot Spring, All lay, ís annouuced. Tlie siiiall-p''x IgstlUspreadipg in S iw York city, and has caiibwl tha dosiug i tüe btate normal school at Treuton - Sikiw, railriiil bloekades, a coal famlne, mul jnuch suffering, aro reportea ín the Breakage of wheels I U-lay on the Grand Tru U,.'. aventura 4 whe is havu been rej'laciül each week. Johii Young, a son of Brighaui ïoung, wlio snnie years ago married a young lady of I'liila lelphta ou pledge that be would not practiee :olygamy, has been arrested at Denver for litraiuy, haviug married a secoud wife, a tieautiful voüiiK (iirluainel I.uella Cobb. The oomilaint was made by bis firet wife, wbo separated from bim at the time of his bigamous mrriage, and his bigamous wife was with liim at Denver wben he was arrested. He got off ou bail of 1 2,000.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat