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The Legislature

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February 10. - In theseiiate 49 reiuonstrancH wilh 10,106 llallíes werc prtweiitrd ag&losl the prohlhltlon amendmentto theconetitiition, Bud :i large part of the day was occupied with the coDBlderaüon of that question in cominit teeof lht wholi. House liill No. 5, U repeal the act of 1877, tor reference of ceradn cas M in Ghaiicery, passeil.aud house bill toameud the act to prevent animáis runningat largo was lost. In the house a resolution was adopted inBtructing the comuiittee on state atfaira to asccrtaiu the ainount of inonoy pald for legal COtmsel in tlmasylum aud univorsity cases. A large numlier of liills wern Introduoed and several ;igreed to ju coumiittee of the whole, hut none passeih IMiruary 17 - In ilic senate7j reinoMtran' ces were presented against the passaj; of tlie t rohibitory ainendmeiit to the eonslitution. That iinendiuent was voted iipon on tbird readint; and failol of adoption, 21 to 10, notthe reQnlsne two-third Ot the whole senato in lts favor. The folJowing pasaed: Benalie manuscript liill detachiiiK certain territDi.v fiom Kalkaska auit atlaching it t Hllton, Antrim county ; house 97, amending section 2027, rela Vf tooattle roaming at large. [u tbe house, houe blll 17, to amtyid acl to prevent animáis roamiug ;it largf, wiw icporl ed adveraely and tabled; houw liill 70, to auii'iiii the a( t of IS77 to prevent th nucouraginji r strikes, was killed, and the following passet! : House liill 8it, to amend act '26, laws of 1S79, tor tlie safety of iicrsons attendinK pabllc asse inblies; house Btt, to prortfle for montbJjr crni and stock reports; house bill li, to repeal seetloo 754, requiriDg mannftustoi int; companles to rejiort totheauditor general; senate 81, to attacli Hog island tothe towuship j of Penlnsala; house joint resomtion to próvido for ubuiitlinti tliti iiueation of a Kenaptl revi míou of the conBtitution to popular vote; biil to iuovpnrato the villageH of Nortb Braucli and Eñdon; to repeal compilers sections 1860 to , 1448, ralatlro t" the Inspectlonof merchandise; to prevent theonouthonzedissalngol hlghwaj' eoniinissiiiners' orders, U revise tl1 charter of Howell. uiiry IS.- Iu th senato the joint rebiiiit tion proposlng the prohibitorj aiiicndment to Uie oonstltaUon was reportad back from the joint cminnittei' with pliRlit amendnients. The aniciuliuente wer concurreil in by a vote of lo v, and Hit! resoluuon was onteren pnuted íq the journal a aiueuded and placed m the general order. The house, iu eommittee, agreed to the Joint resolntion therc pendiug prohlbitoiy ameudineut to the coustitution, and t soes on the order for tliinl readiog. l'clinmry l'X- In the senate four liills were i;isim1, iz: an approprlation for th Rsrricullural college; tnrninK over the Sault canal to the general government; retnoorporatlng Hib villiR8 of Northville and Eowell. The hou8 concurred in ilie Benate aineod menta to thojotnt resol ution fura coDBtltutlonal auiendnieut relatfve to clerk r Bopreme court, arlopted a resoluüon lor a joint committee ou congressioiial apportinnuieul. and passed a bilí for tlie regulktion ol llrady Hill conirtery, Sas;inav. Most of t!i' (lay was l.ikcn ap witli the iutrotluotion ot bilis. January 21. - Nothíug Important wlih done bj elther heuse. The enale v;i 'm seasion in the eveuiíLK aixl .1 mimbcr I uew bilis were introducto. 'J'he houso considerwl a fi'w IiíIIm iu úf tli wlmlii without action oh, and :i large unmber of new IiüIh were IstFodu j. -Thé seuate passed senate bilí 17, relativ U the forum of dtls and mortga Qftte joint rrsnluüon No. :í, anicndin sriM on Sofartlcle 8 of tii constltutlon, relaUve to lequlrins judies of the mipreme uourt tn render opinions at the request of the gov ot elther house or the legtelature. The house passed bilis to reincorpórate the village of Mllrorcl; to provide subjecbfor dissection; lo authorlze Uie townsblp of Posen, i'rsjue I mi county, to bOTTOW uioney. Híiuse joiut resolution for a prohibitory aiuenduieut of the couBtitiition was laid os the tibie. Oue liun'Ired and tweuly bilis were Introduce! In the house, and alwut onefounh of that nuinber in 1 h enate.


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