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LEONA RD HOUSE, rp F. ].KON".HI. Propriétor, 1. Ann Arbor, Mlch. MRS. O. O. BALL, (Pormerly Mrs, Beach,) Dress and Cloak Making, N'o 20 sonth MalD strci-t. over Wim-s L Wordtin s. Havinr jnsi received the Latest Sprine Styles, wouïd respectfully aoïïcit an inspf-rtion of the san', i ;im pi-fimtvd to Out, Bate íiikI Drapo, AftiM' the luU'st designa and execute all orden promptly. The TA VLOR SYSTEM Of Dress Cuttlng taujrhT. Thankful fop past liberal patronage i would ntosl respectfully sollclt a continuance of th' sam. 1 HAVE OPENED A NKW FLOUR AND FEED STORE At tin smith-east COTDOrof Ann mul Fourtfa BtreetB, and wili sell at WHOLESALE I RETAIL ! Anything in my line. QOODS I'KOMI'TLY DELIVERBD To any part "f Ihe city. J. I!(ISS, I' mini i BTOB, Aim Arlmr. - - - Michigan. r CÁNCER A CAN BE CURED. DR. L. D. MoMichakl. 3 Niágara St., Buflfklo, N. Y., ha a posUive and vcmdtrui cure for Cueer, without the u of th Knife or Caujtic-Kjtiug Medicines. DLCISS, TUHOES. aod all SCSOTULOUS E1SIA3ES successfully treated. 8end lor Circular KÍTÍng full particular!. LECALS. Commissioncrs' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIWAN, (.Viuiity of Wasliicn.-i O ss The underolgned haring been appdtnted by the Probate Court Por su til Couiüv. Conunissionere to receive.examine and adjuat all claims and demands of all persons againsi ettateot Thoma8Bhekell,deceased, late of said couuty, deceased. hereby give notice that six months from dute are allowcil. by order of said probate court, for credltora to present their claimK against the estat of said deceased, and that they WÜI meer at the office of Jortin Forbefl In the village of Saline, in said county on Monday, the Kith day of May and on Momlay the 15tfi ilay of August nezt, at ten o'clook a. in., of eaeh of said days, t vceive. examine and aljust saiil elaims. Dated Fébruary 15, iSSl. Lewla M. Phelps, .James H03 1, Myi'on Webb, ( ■(iiiiniissioiiers. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OFMICH1UAS, County of Washlenaw. 0 ss. Noties is hereby slren, that ly üii order of the Probate Court for the Counly of Washtenaw.made on the üSth day of February a. d., 1H81 , eix months from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims aííainst lh estáte ot'JertMiiiah Peek, late of said counly, det-cased. and that all creditors of said dOOOftfled are reiuired to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examinution and allowance. on or before the itth day of August next, and that such claims will bc heard bet'ore said Court. on Saturday, the (th day of May and nu Munday tía 2!ítn day of August uext,atteu o'clock in the foreuoon of each of said days. bated, Ann Albor. Kebruary J8, A. l). 1881. WII.I.IAM I). HARKIMAN, Judce of Probute. Election Notice. To the Ulectoks of Washtknaw CoUOTV. Vou are hereby notifled thal at the Election to be held on the first Monday of April, 1881, in the State of Michigan, the following onlcers are to be elecied, viz A Justice of the Supreme court in place of Isaac Kanton, whose term of offlee will expire DeeemberSl, 1881. Also. twolcegents of the Universitj' in pluce of Edward C. Walker and anrtrew CUmie, whose terma of otlloe expire l)ecemler 31, 18 I. Also, a Circuit Judge for the t wenty second Judicial circuit, to which Washtenaw county ís attached, in place of (ouverneur Morris, whosf Berm ot' oftlce will expire December 81, 1881, The foUowing amendment to the Constitution is also to be BUbmltted to the people for their uiloptiou or rejection: An amendment to Section 12 of Article 13. relatiye to penal fines, providcd for by Joint. Uesoiution Ko. 5, of the ïeirislature of I87H. E. W. WALLACE, SherifT. Aun Albor, February 17, 1881. Real Estáte for Sale. STATIC OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw ss.- In the Matter of the Estáte of ArtemiU T. CK)k an Inoonipetent pereon. Sotice is hereby given, That,in punuanoe of au order granted to the undersigned Ciuardian of said Incompetent, by the Hou.' Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, ou the second day of February A . U. 1881, there will be Bold , at Public V'endue, to the highest bidder, at the east front door of the court house in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenow in said state, 011 Salurday the niueteenth day of March A. D. 1881, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortyjage or otherwise exLstingat the time of the sale, tlie fol - lowing descrlbed Keal Estáte, to-wit: All the ribt titl'' and interest of said Incompetent of, in and to the followingdei-x'ribed real estáte to-wit: All 1 f li is 011e, llf teen rnd sixteen in block four (4) uorth range four (4) east in the city of Ann Arbor, uot taken for Poutiac street. LOUISA BAUBEK, (fonneily Cook,) Iated Kebruary, i, 1881. Guardian. rteal Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coimty of WashtenO aw, ss. In the Matter of the Kstate of Andrew Miiehlig, Minor. Notioe is hereby given, That, in pui-suance of an order granted to the undereigned Ciuardian of said minor by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw. on thetwelfth day of Febmary A. D. 1881, there will !■ sold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the east front door of the court-house in the city of Ann Arbor in the county of Washtenaw in said State on Saturday the wcond day of April A. D. 1881, at ten o'clock in the forelioon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the Bale) the followiag describud Keal Estáte, towit: All the right, title and interest of said minor in tbose certain tracts or pareéis of land sitúate in the city of Ann Arbor. county of VV'ashtenaw, state of Michigan, known and deaoribed as follows to-wit: ( 'i'innitMicinc at a puint twenty-two feit iiorth of thesouth west corner of lot nuniber two (tí), in block number two (), south of Huron streel and range four (4) east, thence running north twenty-two (:Li) feet, thence east to the alley, thence sonth twenty-two (Í) feet.anil thence west to t he place of beginning, or in other words the center one-thinl U-:tf of said lot number two FREDEKICK SCHMID, Dated Feb. M, I88I. Guardian. Estáte of Thomas Shekell. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the probate court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the pro bate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the 3d day of March in the year one thousand eight hundt-ed and eighty-one. Present, Williaiu l). Jlarrimau, Judie of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Thomas Shekell deceased. Onreadingand BUog the petition, duly veri fled. of 1 yron V. Foiims praying that he mav be Uceuaeo (o sell the Real Estáte whereof sai'd deceased deid seúed. Thereupon. it is ordered. that Monday, the 88th j ilay of March instant, at ten o"clock in theforenoon be assigned tor the hearing of said petition and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interesled in saidetate, are required to appear at a session of said court then to be holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arlnir, and show cause if any there be. why the 1 praver of the petitioner should not be granted : And it is further ordered that said petitinner give notice to the persons i?iterested in said estáte of 1 thependeney of said petition, and the hearing! thereof. by causiug a copy of this order to b ; puhlished in the Ann Arbor Democral, a jer printed and circulated in said county, three sucL'cüsive weeks pi-evious to said daj of i WILLIAM D. HARR1MAN. (A tnie i-npy : Judge of Piobatr. Wll.l.lAUG. UOTY, Probate ReUter. Esíate of Albert W Dcnnis. vt LTEOF ttlUHlüAN, county of Washtenaw, kj sm. At a sesslon ol meprouuie court tur the uuuuty of Wafehteuaw, bokten ni tlae p róbale. ofHcem itif rit -.i amii Ajrbor, on Slunaay, the üHlti day of Febmurv, ín t:i one inousund L-iiit hundred and eightj one iYcsent, Willium i. liimuiKdi. of Probate. in the matter of the catate of Aluerl v. Dennis deeeased. üeorge Dennis, the admlnisliwtor of Mtfd es tate, comes Jntooouii and represente thai neis dow prepared u reader lus Elual account as sucb administrator. Threup2n, it is oidui cd, LhatCThuroday, the Htth day í' Maivh uext, ,u u-ii o'CtOvk ni Che toreMiK.n. i) as igued for examinlng and aüowing suca account, und that tlie heirs allaw oí Balo leeeaed, und all otner persona Iuterested m saui estáte, are requtred to appear ai a stslon of ttaldcourt, theu to beholuenat the probate of n-t'. in the city -tí ajih Arbor, Lo sald couuty, and siiuw cause n tiiiy there be, why the said account ohuuld DOtbeaUowed: And i is furthei ordered thai iald administrator gi ve ootíce t the persona tnterested tnsaldeetate, oíthe pendencj of said account, ano the hearing thereoí. by causlng a copyofthis order to bepubllshed In the ann arbou Dkmocrat,b newspaper prínted and circula! ing in said une week previous tosatd daj "t Ueariojr. WILLIAM I). HARlíl.MAN (A LruecopyJ Judge oí Probate, m. i. Doty, Probate Register, Estáte of Louis Gerstner. STATE OF UICHIQAM, County of Washtenaw, bb. At a sesslonof the Probate Oourt for the county of Washtena , holden at the probate office Ín the city of AnnArhur, on Satui'day. the I9th da of February In the year one thousand eiit hundred and eignty-one. Present Wüllam ]. Elarrlman.Judge of Probate, [n the matter of the estáte of Louis Qerstner deceased. Ou readitiR anl (Uingtliepetitlon dub verifled, of Louis uerstner praying that administration of said estáte may be gTanted'to, Aibrecht (iu inner or sonie other anitable pprson, Thereupon, it is ordered, That Monday, the 21st day of Mareli next, at ten oclock In th forenoon, be aaaiffned for the hearing of said petltíon, a tul i li.i' the tieii-s at law of said deceased and all other persons interested In sald estáte, are requlred to ap pear at a sesslon oj( said court, Uien ti. liiildi-n at the probate oflrtce. In thecit] Of Ann Arhor, and show cause. it' aai there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should nut begranted. Ami i ts further ordered that said petitioner givs nut ir e to the persons Intevest ed in saide8tate.of the pendencyof said petition and the hearing thereof, by oausuig a copy of this or der tobe pubUshed in 'i'hf Aun Arofrv Ih nintt. a aewspaper prlnted and circulated In said county three succêsflive weeks previous to said day of hearing; WILLIAM I). BARRIMAN. (A true copy.) Judge of Probate, Vm. (. Dott. Probate BeRister. Real Estáte for Sale, STATE OF MICHIGAN, County "f Washtenaw BB.- In the matter of the estáte of Prauces Mand Lashler, Minor. iNotice is hereby eiven, that, in pursuance of an order granted to the uudersiK'ie.:l Quardlan of said minor, by ihe Hou. Judge of Probate for the County of Wastitenaw, on the ist day of March a. d , 1881, there wlU be sold at Public Vendue, to tóie blghesi bidder at the east fronl door !" the court-nouse In the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of 'ashtena in said state, on Sftturday the löthdayof Ajn'il a. d.,1HH1 ,at ten o'clock in the forenoon of thm dy . (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwtée ezistlng al the time of the sale. ) All the right, title ami interest ot said minor in the toHowuig described Keal Bástate, towlt: A parcal ol land locatedoit west huif of the Qorth east quarterof section twenty (80), town foui (4) south range six (() east, in said county described as follows: Ooimnenotng at a polnt four anti njuety one hundredths chains (4 flO-100] east of the center of said section. runnüuF thence east five and forty-four ODe-hundredthj (B 44-JUO) oliains. thein-c north ffveund elghteen one hundredths (ö 18-100) chalns, thence west flve and Forty-four one hundredtha " 44-kki! chalns, thence soutfa Bve and eighteen one-nundredts [fi 18-100] chaáns to piare of beginnine. Córtalo ing two and eighty-two one-hundredtns [2 BV-lüOj acreemore or fe8S.CHBISTOPHKB L LA8B1ER, Dated March Ist, 1881. Quardlan, Estáte of William Wheeler. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countj of Washtenaw 89. Al B B688ÍOD Of th1 DTObate COtUl i'i thecounty f Washtenaw, bolden at th probate in llie city of Akii Arlor. mi Tueflday, the ist day t' ttarob In the year one thousand eiffht bundred aint etehty oue. R:resent, Williain 1. Harriinun. Judge of Prote. ín the matter of the estáte of Williíim Whet I r dece&sed. John (Jonlíiii, executor of the last will and Ifstament of aaid dcceased, comebinto court and representa ihnt he is now prepared to pender his final account as sxu-u exectttor. isordered. that Satui-clay. tlie ,Vh day oí fiaren ínstant,at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assigned for examlning and ullnwing such account and that the dvisees, leñatees and beirs-at-taw of said deceased and all uther persona Intereated Ín sald estáte, are required to appear at a sesaloii of sald court, then to be liolften at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said OOUOty and show cause, if any there bc, why the suiil account slum il not he allowed: And it is birther ordered that said ezecutor glve noticé to the persons i nterested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing then-ol', hv ausinga copy of this order to be published in 'ltir Aun Arhor Demócrata a newspaper prlnted and droulattng in said county,tíuieesucceastTeweelc8l previous to said dav of hearinir. WILLIAM 1. HARR1M N. f A trae copy.) Judge of Probate. William Q, DOTT. Probate ReèlBter, "Wat ei ! Water ! Water! Please Êake notice that I have punhased from H. Kitredge his water tanks and waL0ns,and hei 6after all orders wül be taken by Peter Paquett. Orders lefi al ■)■ a. Polhemus1 llvery Btable or at Kiti'edge's okl stand, will be pi'oinprlv attendeii to, PETER PlQUCTT. Ann Arbor, Febniary IK. 1861. HEALTH 1 W EALT1 1. Dr. K. C. West 's Nerve and Brain Treatment:a specific for Qysterta, Dtezuiess, t JonvulsionaL Nervoua Headache, Btental Depressions. Loss of Memory, Sermatorrhüöa, Impotency, Involuntary Emissions, Premature Oíd Age, caused by over-exertion, self -abuse, or over-indulgence. whch leads to misery, decay anddeaih { ■■ will cure recent cases. Each box containsom month's treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxfts for flve (iollars; .sent by mail prepaid OH receipt of price. We guaran toe six boxea u: cure any case. With each order rec( Ived by us ' for six boxes, acoompanied with fivedollar, we I vriU send ttie purchaser our written puarantt-e to return the money if the treatment does nol effect acure. Guáranteos isued by BrownA ('".. sole authorized Agts. ior Ann Arbor. kh. Jobi O. West & Co., Sole Proprietora, Cblcago, .J. Kriezelle&Co. wholeeale Átfte. Detroit, ulch. HENRY MATTHEWS, Ilasthe pleasure to Inform the pubue that heis ready to receire tïiem in )tiiJit.-.. bliek ME AT MARKET! ONE BOOR EAST OF LEONARD HOUSS. ?'verything in his li:ie will be first-chiKs, and At Reasor.ablo Raies. He returns nis sincere thanks to all his oM customón forthelr generous patronage, and cordl aliy invites tbein, andall new ouHtouen t( bis new quarters, where ho hopes by fatr dealinx to enltuxtí hisalreadv growJng btujiness. HARNESS_ STORE! Chas. F. Burkhardt auocemor to the. 'late J. O. Burkharili, dealer iu HARNESSES, TRUNKS, VALICES, WHIPS. ERUSHES, BLANKETS, ETC. HARNESSES MADE TO ORDER AND REPAIRINO NEATLY DONE Charlea K. Burkharüt, No 4, Huron Street, Aun Jxbor díMMoan. The Best Goods for the Least Money CAN HE HAD AT THE CASH GROGERY HOUSE OF EDWARO DUFFY. ALSO A LABOE STUIK OF BOOTS AND SHOES, AXD LAD1ES" AND BENTS' Ilosiiory iiikI Underware. EDWARD DÜFFY, CORNER OP MA IX AND ANN sis. KIDNEYPAD TUK (KEAi DISCOYERÏ H H DiíiKASÍ-S OF TUE KIONHYS. BLADnER AND URINARY ORGANS. A reuiady that will iio-itivoly euro DIABETES, GRAVEL, D3OP$Ï, BHIGHTS OISEASE, HIGH COLOHEO URiWE, lCONr!NE!CE AND RETENriON OF URINE, NE3V0US 9EBILITY and FEMALE COMPLAiNTS when NOTHIKG ELSE CAN. It succeea proves the ptBcaoy of ABSORPTION. It saved tbe life of lts dlscoveror and is savInif the Uves of thousamli of othera. For ■ale by Dn.!ggiats or aeat by mail od receipt of tbe pnce, ($2.00.) OAY K10MEY P0 CO., 8olo Proprietor, ToIeUo, OhtO. tW" Sendyour addrcs3 Ter our patnphlal, Ho a Life was Saved." For Sale by EBERBACH & SON. Druggists. PHILIP WINECAR TC8TI0B OFTHEFKACE, room No. 1 Oppra i House Bloek, Ann Arbor. Michigan. For Sale or Exchange. I have ii fir-sr oían mare tor farm pnrposea or TOR BREEDINO. whlcb 1 irtll Bell, or xcnange fora FIR8TCLA8S buggy horra. No mun witti '. m'íiIis i.rii.H-M's ni.-ii ;)h)iiv. i' s. Unseed ineal tórsalo, H. Roqkhs, Ánn Arbor, Mich. JACOBJHALLER .V SON, DEALER IN WATCHE8, CLOCKS, S.e,-tades, i'iaif.i Ware. ;mM Peni and Fine Jevyelry. Special attentton glven to repair iitir watcties aml Jewelry. ■.'IS.intli Main Btreet, 'nn Albor For Sale or Exchange. TbeLake House, al Whltmore Lake. for sale or exchange for city property. Addreas, J. JACOBS, Wliiiiiniri' l.ak.-. or K. N. Qübert, Ann Ai-Imh'. Hlcfa, S. T. SPEECHLY, PHOTOGRAPHEK NO 72 SOUTH MAIN STREffT, Uarda, Cabint-ts. Pfomenad6 And 8x10. with Brames i" snit. Backgrounds and aoc6880TÍ88 eomptote Negatlveekept a while for m-di-s. Ml'SIC STORE. -The oheapest placa to buv l'ianus, Rstt-y Oixans. VíüIíuh. (ïuiiars. Ban jos, Tambourínes, Drums, Pifes, Flageolet, zithers, A.coordeons, ram stnnis. 7ioUn Boxea, Ijisi inciiciii Books for all Kinds oí tnstmments, Sheel Uñate (new), Strln8S,Deet quallty, all kinds; UouthOrgans, Bridgw, Bowg. Kcys and Rosan, Kverythiiivr in the muste i Ln ■- from a Chiokerins Plano to a Jew'a imi can be Pound ai J. R. sa'ücs Slusic 8tore, Pío. i Washington st.. Ann Arbor. "(Tbëward, W'f will pay IIib ahrive roward for anv case of Liver Coiuplaint, Dyspepala, S-k Headacín-, Ín digestión, OonsUpatton orCostlveneisve caimot cure wiih West'a Vegetable Llver l'íll, when the (iirections are striotly compliel with. Thoy are purely Vegetable andnever f ail to give sat - isfactlon, BugarCoated. LaigO "boxea. contato" Ing 80 Pilla, 25 cents. For sale liy all Druggisitti. Beware of counterfetta anrliniitutioim. The gen uine manufncfuri'il nnly bv John O. Westát Co. , "The Pili Makers." 11 k 188 W. Madinoa St. Oú cago. Free trlal package ssnt by uiail prepaid II raceipt uL a .J cuii 1 stamp Swathel, Kyer & Peterson, FLOÜR AND FEED STOEE. We huw constantty on hand ALT. KINDS OF GRAIN, FLOl'R AND FEED, which will be promptly delivercil to any part ot the city. Office por. Fourtli nod Aun Btreets, Aun Arbor - - Micb. Picked TJ-D. QOLD RING, which the own&r can have by provine property and paying for this uottee ladreas, Dsko kat Aun Arbor, Mich. DOQ ON TUE OL.D HAT." A. A. TESEY, HATS ANN ARBOB, MICH. RINSEY & SËABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington t., Havn on hand a complete stock of everylliiu tu tho Grocery Line. They buy their Ton, GoíI3Oííí, muí Siiíii'k ín large amountsT and at OetsIhL Prices Andcansell at Low Figures. Tlie laie iiivoice of Teas they Buy aïid SeU, is a good proof thixt iu Quaüty and Price they Give Bargains. Thej ECoasfe thir own Ooffees evorj' wtck, and none IjuL prime articles aro um-d. Their ííakoryturns out excellent Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali ítnd see tbeni. r If you are & maD9Vlt' ou h H r of aV man of HfelH W ened by the struin of wv t ■ ■ y.-.ur duties ftTOid B night Mt.i-k. to ■ I trtituulant and u a W tüie hrain iu-i veaüd H Hop Bitters. ■■,HopB. 1 f jou are youno; end I sufferlnj; íVóm any inil i r ■ i iliy n or u i -■ ij ia. H tiou ; ii' v.mi uro marrietl or sinRle, oíd or ■ youug, suïïerinK from í.,.)rlii'iUiU i" lunui-UM niv: od a bed ot uickuoss, roly un H o p ■ Bitters. Whoevcr youarc. A ThouiUimis (lie anwhenever you fü-i IB j nuully from büuiw tliat your -yvt-m iKU foim uí Kidney luc-ds rU-a:ialn. LS=r .üHua-e that mitrlit r stimulating, }■! .% liave Iwen provi-nttil without ing, t4b-v 'moï-v Utí'! of tai: e Hop Bsv HopBlttera Bitters. JRJ B. m prjKia.'t.Kinty ■ , ' rj Q. . CTon vi 11 ne niTTrnn tobáceo, or curciiifyouuse I I I L III' mu-cotita. Hop Bitters ; K f HA , "" ' ■"" SoldbynrngeM-;? ' never ffiSuír11ï'.llylZ'r TA I I ToT1 1 fe. It has f A I L "F0 l0saved hunRki, . T. dreds. i -- &Toronto,Ont. MBS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. DUCOVEKBB OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VESETABLB COMPOUND. The 1'ositiYo Cure For all Female Complaints. Thia prepnration. as its name siírniflrs, consistn ot Vegetable Properties thtit are hannles t . . the most lel cate Invalid. Upon ono trial tlie me rits of tlils Cora pound will be reeognized, as relief iö linmedlate ; and whca its use is contlnued, la ninety-nine caaes in a hun. dred, apri-iiiHiieiitiMireiseirefted.riwthoufwnds will tatify. On account of its proven merits, it la to-day rtlommended and pixxeribed Uy the beat phyaicians la the country. lt will cure entiroly the worst form of faillng of tlio utcruB, Leucorrhcea, irregular imd painful Menstrufttion, all Ovarían Trouhlf h, Intlttiiimat ioit and Ulcoration, Floodings, aU DlHplacements and the consequent spinal weakneas, and in fKpccially adapted to the Change of Ufe. Jt will dinsolve and cxpel tumors from the uteriisin au t'tiriy Htage of developmont. The tendency to caneerous huuiors thtiu is ciiccked very Bpet'dUy by lts use. In i r.ct i t has proved to 1 ■■ the est and best remody that has ever hoen discoTered. It permeatoe e very portion of the nystt'in, and glvea nowlifeand vigor. It removes (ttroys allcraving for stiinulHtit", and ivtievca wcalcness ; of the stonuu'h It cures Bloatingr, Hcadaches, Jíerrous Prostratton, General Deblllty, SloepleHKUfM, Depresión mi Indigestión. That feeling of hearing down, cauainy ïjftln, weight and backache, ïh alwoys pennanently curad by Ua u--. It wit lat all times, andunderall oirvuniatanecs, act In harmony with the la%v that goverua the f e male sy st em. For Kidney Complaints of eithcr sei thla uoiupound la ujiaurpamjed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Isjtrepared atSüand SS.1 Western Avpnue, Lyun. Mms. l'rico $l.i. Six bottlcs for S5.U0. Bent y mail ia the foroi of pilla, abio in the form of Lozengea, on recelpt of price, $1.00. per box, for either. Mra. PINKHAM frvely answersall letters of innuiry. tiend for puin phk't, Addresd as alove Ment ion thts pajer. No fartdly ohuuld be without LYDIA E. PISKHAM' L1VERP1LLS. Tbey cure Contifation, BUíoumkis ud Torpid.ty of the Uvur. ■". ceuu por box. ■ oldbj C. E. Holmes1 Cook hot0lock.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat