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Prom Lansing

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Lansing, Feb. 2. Under the eonvlction taattheyhad done work enougli for a i'cw days past to entitle them to h holid&y, the Legistaturetookan adjouvnmentQn Thuredaj i ; it il Monday evening. The argument that will sustain this reces8, wliile the ay of the memben and attaches goes 11, is, that the large number of bilis] ntroiluced duriiiir the lattcr days of he tlfty ars limit, places so mucli vork in the hands of the oommitlees bat they require time to conskler it. The argument would be good if the ommlttees reniained together and atended to thcir wovk, butthe faci is, .h(!v don't, but light out tor home by lie first train. Butyet these jidjouinïients are not lost time. Even a few iays of' attentioo to tho multifarous, intricate and confusing work oí egislation, especially with men who ::■ not trained to professional labor nings derangements of the stomach ind digestión thatclogtUë mental faculties and nnlit men in great degree fbr looking at measures with that Hess ol peiception that is esséntial In Bnacting laws. A day or two ofl cbanges the cúrrente oí nervoua and mental action, and the work ofthe Oral few tlays following an adjoummeni will be beiterdons, and inore of i t, than though tlic sessioiis were continuous. While on tliis subject, it may be naked liitw it was al Lansing and othèi capitals years ago when there were no raUroadfl) and the atembéis couldn't get away. "Times ain't now asthey uscil to was." We SUSpect thal in those goodly M tlays Hiere were more social entertainments at the capitals tu Interesi the menibers and créale a diversión of though tliiin now. W'e suspect that there was more of social lite and vivacity than now. The eider residents of Detroit can perhaps tell Bomething about this. In these tem peranee times it woulcln't do lo say that tiic flüwing bowl which suiinoiuited the altar of hosjdtality, prieked tli" la;;iii!í heels (or lieads) of the legislative team - but Bomething did su. When there were more tall trees and fewer Bteeples in Lansing than now, there were more saloons also, and whisky and champagne flowed freer. Then the togislatora flnished ap their work and got out ot' the wildeniess in the same number of days that it tookthe children years. But if the tive gessions are longer dow, let us console ourselves with tho belief alao thal legislative moráis are at a higher standard, and that the betiediction of railroads unl tree passes have made it possible to hul ;i renewal of legislative graceal Ine domestic altaar nuher Uian il sou. e grosser Bhrine. The n amber of bilis introduced in the hou.ic is 084, being abont fortyless than tiro years agb. The iltimber in the sen-ale will not miich froin lust Beseion. The inore toportant bilis wen uk tlyall Ui befóte the last days. Bal none of the Important measures have vet boen acled upoii. Thonew compilation, the apportionment, and the tax law revisión have as vet gone no furthnr tlian the eommitt s, Tüellouseconimittee on the University, in 1 heir report, have droppcd the item of $10,000 for agymnasluiu, which will red ice the appropriatlon askedfor that institution for the next two years to abov.l (165,000 only. In tliis eonnection, sorae may bè interested in reading the following memorial addressed to the house by .J;is. i. Mead, of Landing : "The nndersigned, your petitioner, carne to Michigan while yet a territory, namely in tlic spring of 1836; tliat líe has bec:i a taxpayer for many years; that duringlhe past 15 years the Bjiuce, taxatio has been so thoroughly applic.l, dlrectly and indirect ly, Utal pecunian iucrease liaa boen the exception and al) ilute loss the nile, wliiie thousands of our bost and bravest workers li ive lx n wiped out. In the interest, therefoi'1, of tho wealth producers, J aak tha! your honorable body willestablish a c -)i iir of iron workers, a chair of luass vi rkers, a chair of chaira oí' wooü worker . a chair of chaira of leather workei tt the college at Ann Arboror at Lan tg, tothe end that our wealth produdi jj and useful classes may share equall; ;i adrantagee to and with the tax-ea;! :r. non-producing claas; and if in yor. : , idgment the increase of burthens i: ossary to establish (hese vvoiüd be too i : eroua, I ask that y u suspend the liiv ind medical chaira for live years a I sttbstitiite those I kave men tionci' . .ereby giving the real wealth produi i . a chance to gvt througli Ufe without liaving to Biipport more thon one La i" or doctor per capita.1' A i ■■ on to riiit the petition in the journa! s many other pëtitiona are so printi vas lost. 28 to 35. The ■ posed eonstitutional iroliilition :■ i'uiuMit waa taken up in the heuse Xhursday, oocupying nearly the ei ■ o day. The opposition "fllibustei' . to sume effect, the journal show; ; Len rol] calis and as taany differenl v positlons, inostly 011 dilatory motii) . The record of the day showed 98 me; era present, being more than the aviT ;e, and it was perhaps tliought that ir i i reet vote eould be staved off atihn. . ::ie Hie house wouldaot be again : - 'uil at least until it would be too lat-. ■ subujit the qiicstion at the April v'i h ion. The opponent óf the measuiv liy continuing thcir táctica mlght have (Jöfeated a Qua] vote, hut the vol ras taken on the mam question ai iil Í o'clock in the íiítenioon and rei i . ed 03 to 33. The propoaitlon failed, M it requlres i;7 votes. One, and pei linpa two, who favored it votei the otii' . way for the purpose of moving a i( 'ïisideration, and it was reconsidered and tabled, and it can be called up at Böisie other time. A nüniber of ïiii!;1. understöod to have liet i ncpared in the Office of the I' super int uiden t of public instrnction, iave been introduced amending the school la ws, which suggesta au overMtnling f those laws, but whetherany . swcipniL cüaiii'fs are pruptwei] is uut tnown.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat